Helpful tips on medication for fibromyalgia.
Hi 👋 all . I'm new here. I am just gettin worse daily it seems at the moment. Diagnosed 2023.i am on duloxetine 120mg and doc wants me to start gabapentin also . I'm so tired of the shock pains in head but now in spine and arm.
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I wasn't on it for very long but I didn't find any relief so I discontinued taking it. I had to have it made at a compounding pharmacy and it was expensive so when it didn't help my symptoms I decided to just stop taking it. I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms and I was on such a low dose that I didn't have to wean myself off of it.
Wow, your pharmacy charged so much less than mine did. I think I paid $125.00 for a one month supply of 2.5mg. I only tried it twice and that was ten years apart and quit taking it soon after starting.
Question. Two different pharmacists said yes you can have a glass of wine with this and then another said no alcohol. Thoughts ?
I am on 800mg. I am not sure if my Chronic Fatigue is from the meds or the Fibro.
What does RLS feel like? I have a weird feeling in the bottom of my feet kind of between a tickle and something else and goes up my legs. It makes me feel like I have to pee. then I absentmindedly shake my legs to get the feeling out. I also feel like things are crawling all over me.
Are you talking about low-dose naltrexone? My pharmacist said alcohol was okay in moderation. I have no problem when I have a glass of wine or beer.
Hello everyone. I’m from the U.K. new here - and lived with pain since the age of 12 plus, have had multiple surgeries over the years due to OA. I was diagnosed with ‘late onset asthma’ at the tender age of 73 following a CT scan - and received amazing help from an NHS respiratory clinic. Because of my constant, 24/7 pain - my GP referred me to a pain clinic at the local hospital where, after much poking, prodding, checking of x-rays, scans and MRIs, they said they couldn’t understand how I had such a happy, fun filled disposition!! I said having lived with pain since the age of 12 - there was no way it was going to turn me into a miserable old woman - especially as I had the most amazing and supportive husband and a family who I love with all of my heart - and whose immense love I have in return. Finally, it was decided that as well as degenerative spinal disease, damaged lower back facet joints, arthritis, two replacement hips (left and right) I definitely have all the symptoms of fibromyalgia. I was prescribed 60mg Duloxatine twice a day plus, a weekly Buprenorphine patch - that releases 10micrograms every hour into my bloodstream. It hasn’t stopped the pain but, certainly has made it more tolerable and at a level I can handle. I have also been diagnosed with left ventricle hypertrophy and, in the last month or so, macrocytosis. However, at nearly 79, I’m still here, still laughing and smiling, enjoying my wonderful husband and family and, intend doing so until my last breath….. 😉
Yes and thank you
I've had fibro since I was 40 so for 40 years. Tried so many meds none worked well or side effects were bad, so about 10 years ago I got off all the docs meds and started using cannabis. I sleep better now than in my youth and my pain is so much less, I feel better mentally and physically. I live in California so it is legal here.
Unfortunately, cannabis is not legal in the U.K. Please, may I ask if you smoke it, or eat it via cake/sweets?? 😉