Ascending Aortic Aneurism

Posted by jrandyw1 @jrandyw1, Jan 29 9:23am

Hello all
I went in this week for annual CT scan and the aneurism is 5.2cm. the Dr told me due to having shortness of breath and chest pains as well as a leaking Aortic valve that I don't have to wait for 5.5 cm to get it repaired. He's ordered a ultrasound to see if the leaking valve has gotten worse since a year ago and told us to come back in a month and then we can discuss going forward. The leaking valve a year ago was described as Mild to Moderate so he wants to see if it is still Mild to moderate. But he said even if it is that it's my choice to go ahead with surgery. I'm pretty much ready to go ahead and have the surgery in the next few months. I figure I'm 65 and if I can get it taken care of I may as well.

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Where did you have the surgery Mine was 4.3 in 2022 and now is 4.9

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I had my surgery done at St. Anthony's Hospital in Denver. My surgeon was Dr. Patrick Rudersdorf and I would highly recommend him for this kind of aortic surgery as he has done lot's of them. Best of luck!

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