Has anyone seen a reduction in their CAC score from taking vitamin K2?
I was told earlier this week that my CAC score is 2534. I considered myself to be a very healthy 60 year old male. I've never drank or smoked, always maintained my weight right around 155 lbs. (at 5'7"), hiked all my life (and still hike, but not as much or as far). I ate primarily chicken, pork and salmon the last 8-10 years (VERY rarely red meat) and no family history of heart disease except an uncle who had a heart attack (and was a heavy smoker until that wake-up call) and my dad who passed away from a heart attack at 84. So to say I was shocked when my doctor called and told me the score is a big understatement.
I've been doing a LOT of research on CAC scores since I got my results this past Tuesday. It's been a roller coaster of emotion because one article gives you hope, then another takes you back down lol
I've started on K2 (in addition to the D3 I started about 3 weeks ago).
I'd love to hear from anyone who's been on K2 (and especially the MK-7 "variety" of K2) who has seen improvement in their score.
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I really did not stick to one brand or another. I’d pick up a bottle from the pharmacy, the Walmart, and occasionally the Vitamin Shoppe. Usually take 100 mcg dosage, with 5-10k D3, and small dose of A.
I havent heard of a calcium score go down. If you eat well, your soft plaque will calcify - so your score actually goes up. It’s the soft plaque that ruptures and causes heart attacks and strokes. .
Your score was extremely low to start with - and perhaps that drop is margin of error related - can't know without others reporting their CAC scores going down ... and, to my knowledge no one other than you has ever reported a decrease.
Hoping there is something to this, but none of the data or studies seems to show much.
wow, that’s truly amazing. Can you please give me the details so that I can follow your steps?
I started taking K2, with MK7, soon after my first scan. That equates to taking it 3-4 years before my second scan.
Roughly 4-5 years ago, the local medical imaging facility sent out a flyer advertising February’s heart month special for calcium heart scans. About $179.00. So I bought 2, 1 for both my wife and I. When my wife’s score came back terribly high, and revealing a 85% blockage in her LAD, I started researching calcium scores and treating the build up. That’s when I came across a book titled, “Vitamin K2 and the calcium paradox.” Very good book. But, being the skeptic I am, I researched it and found, especially in European medical journals, that K2 has some significant benefits in most people. I also take D3 5000, small doses of A, and some other basic vitamins. I also follow Dr William Li.
Did your wife see a cardiologist? There is no way in the world I'd try to treat an 85% blockage by doing research on vitamins.
Sorry, I should’ve elaborated better. She immediately went to the cardiologist and was admitted to stent the blockage.
wow, that’s a very interesting story. I’m glad your wife is doing OK. I got the book today on audiobook and started listening to it.
Thank you so much !!
Glad to hear it, and I hope she's doing well. She probably feels much better.