MRSA was found in my sputum
Hello, I had recently had gotten my mucus tested because I would get a whole bunch of green mucus in the back of my throat that would be very thick. The test results came back with MRSA my doctor is putting me on antibiotics but wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this or know what is happening in my body.
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Thank you and no I am not
I am just put on Levofloxacin 750 mg for 10 days. I have read about awful side effects. How was it for you?
sylvermoon8...… Hi -- I'm Jan and I just wanted to say MRSA was the first bacteria I was treated for. Levofloxacin did a good job. The 750 is the largest dosage I'm aware of, and I had a little trouble with side effects from that but when they moved it to 500 I breezed through it. So..... I've taken it more than once through the years (500) and it hasn't been a problem. "If" you are unhappy with the 750, you might consider asking for the 500. Made a big difference for me. Don't worry -- MRSA was easily eradicated. It sounded scary to me but I learned it's not.
I I have taken levofloxacin three times in the lSt three years never a problem. But I do no some people have problems
Hi I haven’t been on awhile but I was diagnosed with MRSA a year and a half ago. I am on bactrum/sulfameth for 14 days on and 14 days off
It’s not working for me.
We tried levaquin as well nothing is working. Thoracic surgeon reviewed CT and is not sure I’m a good candidate for surgery due to long term steroid use. Pulmonary hasn’t had a case like mine.
Has anyone had this issue?
Eventually the meds aren’t going to work for me
While I’m on them and a week or two after its manageable, but when I’m in need of meds it’s very difficult breathing and sputum is terrible.
I cough constantly and neb 4 times a day
My husband 72 yrs was on antibiotics for 18 mths with Mac. He has bronchiectasis with pockets in lung so harder to completely clear it up.
He was taking Rifadin, Myambutol, Erthromycin 18 MTH course.
Good for a while the cough came Back. He is now on Doxycycline. Good for 6 weeks then got cough back. He went to ok hosp with possible siesures. Hot flushes and terrible feeling in head. No pain no headache no fever blood pressure good.
Brain scan showed a lrg cyst on front temporal lobe. He had an infection as white cells and CRP levels up..He was put on Augmentin. He improved within a day and white cells and CRP levels back to normal. He is having a MRI in a week's time so that may help explain what's going on.
It sounds like your husband has two different things going on.
Since he finished 3 antibiotic treatment has he had a repeat sputum culture? Short courses of single antibiotics may relieve immediate symptoms, but will not treat the mycobacteria.
An Infectious Disease doctor? Systematic MRSA is very difficult to treat- my cousin required "big guns" -,sustained IV antibiotics.
I have already consulted with infectious disease which is who prescribed the bactrum.
I will inquire about IV antibiotics ,
You have so many family health stories that probably have added to your broad medical knowledge and the wonderful information that you kindly pass on to others.
Hope they are all doing well, as I hope you are also.