I just don't know what to do anymore.
I'm 26, female. grew up with strict, abusive parents and still live with them due to circumstances and compulsion. my mum still hits me, along with verbal abuse. sometimes it feels like this is my life, i have to live through the pain. i cry a lot. I used to go to a psychiatrist but they won't allow me to go now. they control my finances and everything. maybe i should just end it for once and all. i feel incredibly done with life.
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I don't live in USA. Maybe it's not the place to rant...I don't know...
My heart aches for you. Your situation is so tough...the people who should care for you the most betraying your trust and hurting you when they should, instead, be loving you. I've been through it, and I survived it. It wasn't easy, it still isn't, but it is worth it, I can promise you that. You're an exceptional person, you're a survivor, and through your pain and trauma you can be an inspiration to others who feel the same as you do now. I know it's feels so dark and lonely, but you're not alone There are millions of us, survivors, in this world. You deserve healing, love, connection and community, and it's out there for you.
If they won't let you get a job, how and where are your finances coming from that they are controlling. Have they been appointed as legal guardian and/or custodians? It sound as though there is more to your situation and in order to help more information would be beneficial. Hope we can help you out of your situation or at least afford guidance for you to do it.
I gathered from you use of "mum" that you weren't in the States. Are you in the UK or Ireland? I'm wondering since that's the common name for mothers over there.
Please don't feel like you shouldn't be reaching out here. Pain knows no borders. We're here to help. We need to get you into a safe place. That's important. You're being abused.
Here's a resource for England:
Here's one for Scotland:
Here's one for Ireland:
I found this as well:
where are you? Most countries have abuse hotlines. You deserve a much better life. You do not need to suffer in silence.
Hurray for "val?".
I did not know there were so many abuse hot lines available.
I used one in the US & am now free of an abuser.
Go for it, girl!!
Why suffer when there is help out there????
Great resources you have provided
I can certainly hear your victim part-the traumatized child part loud and clear. Yet as a 26 year old can you get in touch with your adult/authentic part. What does that part want for your life?
@freds99 It sounds like she is still being abused by her parents and is trapped in that abusive home.
She cannot possibly know what she wants past the idea of getting free of her abuse & entrapment in her parents' home.
She may be 26, but emotionally, she is not. I wish she would respond either publicly or privately, so some here can provide resources.
Thanks for your response. Her situation certainly pulls the heart strings. We then naturally feel we need to rescue her. Her reaching out is a good thing. However her allusion to possible suicidal thinking is not. A mandated reporter here in Florida would be thinking Baker act. We also have crisis home visiting. I wonder what family supports she may have to help her.