Pancreatic Cancer Group: Introduce yourself and connect with others
Welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with pancreatic cancer or caring for someone with pancreatic cancer. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.
I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by fellow members and volunteer patient Mentors, when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Volunteer Mentors on Connect.
We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Pull up a chair. Let's start with introductions.
When were you diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? What treatments have you had? How are you doing?
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My scans have been clear. My oncologist is just concerned that my CA19-9 has gone from 35 to 371 in the two months I have been off of chemo. I don’t really want to do more chemo.
@carneydh ,
Note: I have ZERO medical training.
35 is near the ULN (Upper Limit of Normal) for CA19-9; 371 is nearly a 1000% increase and 10x the ULN. I would ask for another scan ASAP and strongly consider resuming chemo ASAP if they can't find another definitive cause for the high reading. If it comes down with chemo, then you've *probably* got cancer somewhere.
(The above assumes you responded well to chemo before; CA19-9 came down with previous treatments and you didn't have any adverse effects. If it didn't come down with the chemo you had (e.g., Folfirinox), then see about switching it now to GAC, or vice-versa.)
Without direct evidence (i.e., scan or biopsy) of cancer it's difficult to justify chemo; you could try alternative tests (ctDNA like Signatera, Guardant, and Galleri), but they are not definitive, and subject to false negatives that would mask disease rather than reveal it.
My personal experience was having CA19-9 go down to 12 one month after a "perfect" Whipple, followed by an intermediate reading of 35 two months after Whipple and 77 two months after that with a 1.3 cm recurrence detected on MRI.
EUS biopsy, Signatera, and Galleri were all negative (didn't get a PET scan or resume chemo then, sadly), so docs recommended new tests and scans 6 weeks later. By then, CA19-9 was 277, Signatera was positive, the mass was 2 cm and suspected metastatic. Three weeks after that, CA19-9 was almost 700 and metastasis was confirmed.
I have a lot of faith in the sensitivity and correlation of CA19-9 to disease/treatment in recurrent patients if you know your baseline, track the numbers diligently, do all tests at the same lab, account for possible noise sources (other inflammatory disease, vitamins & supplements, etc).
Don't delay; PDAC can get out of hand very quickly!
Did you have any symptoms of your recurrence? Most of us get quarterly CT scans rather than MRIs so I wonder if we’re missing something.
Did you have any symptoms with your recurrence or was it just discovered because of the scans or blood tests?
Yes. Slight nausea, slight pain on my left side, and rapid heart rate with an arrhythmia. I have an electrophysiological heart rhythm thing where it acts up when my body is under stress. symptoms were very mild. I have regular CTs. The MRI was to see if it could pick up something that the CT could not.
Zero symptoms. I had gotten back to jogging 3 miles every night 4 months after Whipple. Since Galleri and two Signateras had been negative, rising CA19-9 (12, 35, 77) was the only hint before MRI detected the mass.
@gisele1976, I'd like to add my welcome. Did they discover that the spot on your husband's liver was metastatic spread of the pancreatic cancer? What treatment is being suggested? How are YOU doing?
Hi! I was diagnosed with stage 1 pancreatic cancer about 2 months ago. Have had 2 chemo treatments since, with the last resulting in some of my hair falling out (didn’t expect it to happen so fast!). Went ahead got the rest of it shaved, covers ordered. Oh! I’m also disabled. Spina bifida, a neurological disability since birth, which has left me unable to walk. Level T12. The only other symptom I’ve had was being tired. Does anyone know what else I can expect, especially considering my disability? Thanks!
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but happy to hear that you are diagnosed early. Does your oncologist suggest surgery in the future for you?
Which chemo treatment are you on? For most of them you can expect nausea for which there are good antinausea drugs out there like Zofran. You can also expect a bit of constipation or the runs or a combination of both, but their effects may be mild as in my case.
The spot on his liver was benign. He will have CAT scans and go back to chemo in about a month. I am taking it day by day. Thanks for asking.