Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What concerns would you like to talk about?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


I find the posts very helpful although we all seem to have different symptoms it's nice to know that we are speaking to others who Uderstand our problems I read most of the posts even from those who have different types of nueropathy mine is pn burning it's not too bad at home one can cope much easier it's when we go out well your out so to speak james IRELAND

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It's so true, @thetillmanthetillman: We all have different symptoms, yet something of value to share.

My PN is all about balance (poor balance, that is). I've no pain. Reading others' posts taught me a much-needed lesson: "Consider yourself fortunate, Ray, that your PN doesn't give you pain. Others here are in excruciating pain."

It took me a while to realize how fortunate I am. I may not have pain today, but tomorrow? That's anyone's guess. These days, I always try to remind myself: There, but for the grace of a glacially slow progression of my PN, go I.

My best to you, @thetillmanthetillman!
Ray (@ray666)


About 15 years ago, I got off a plane in Singapore and experienced extreme foot pain..hopped around
Asia for a couple of months ,,meeting tsunami survivors, and old volunteer friends...after returning home
a local MD said I had gout....months later a new family doctor recommended me to a neurologist,,he told me
I had neuropathy ,,,,and I asked what that was..his answer was short...nerve pain and it will get worse.. I
Didn`t like that answer, so as many folks do, I went on a voyage...tens, blue lazer, acupuncture ,,acupressure,
and any other option a basket full of drugs. In the early years the pain, cold, hot, needles and
twisting of the feet were almost unbearable ,After a few years the following was recommended to me ,,,which allowed me to function...almost
normally...rating pain from 0 to ten,,,I was an 8...and this medicine gave me about a 2 rating...
Pregabalin 2hundred mg at noon and 8pm
6mg hydromorph Contin ( slow release) at 7am and 7pm
I know the I have probably became addicted to the hydromorph after all these years, but it has allowed
me to continue with life in a relatively normal fashion.....


My neuropathy is robbing me of my balance and strength in my legs. I have been using a sit down elliptical machine hoping it would help. Your thoughts?


I suffer from foot neuropathy
Is there help for me short of drugs ?


I suffer from foot neuropathy
Is there help for me short of drugs ?

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Welcome @2441tennesse, That is a question many of us have asked. There really is no cure but there are many different treatments members have used to help relieve the pain symptoms from neuropathy. Here's a search link for Connect using the phrase "neuropathy what helps". It lists many discussions and member comments if you want to scan through them -

You might also find the list of complementary and alternative treatments listed on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy site helpful as a starting point for learning more -

Have you been diagnosed with a specific type of neuropathy?


My neuropathy is robbing me of my balance and strength in my legs. I have been using a sit down elliptical machine hoping it would help. Your thoughts?

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I also use a sit down elliptical machine to keep my leg strength up. Anything you can do to keep moving is a good thing. You might find this reference helpful:

-- Webinar: Physical Exercise and Peripheral Neuropathy


I’ve used CBD cream and that helps some.

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Hi All I'm recently diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy and struggling. I have spinal stenosis and or disc degeneration. A lot of my discomfort comes on throughout and as the day progresses. Different movements as well as sitting can bring on much worse symptoms. Am I a candidate for laminectomy?


Hi All I'm recently diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy and struggling. I have spinal stenosis and or disc degeneration. A lot of my discomfort comes on throughout and as the day progresses. Different movements as well as sitting can bring on much worse symptoms. Am I a candidate for laminectomy?

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Welcome @darrenp, Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with idiopathic PN along with spinal stenosis. I have idiopathic small fiber PN and also have degenerative disc disease but so far I can manage my situation. I'm not sure any of us here on Connect can answer your question of being a candidate for a laminectomy. That's a conversation to have with a specialist along with a doctor that knows all of your medical history and background.

There is another discussion started by @jenniferhunter that members with similar symptoms have found helpful.
-- Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain:
You might find it helpful to read through the other discussions and comments on a laminectomy. Here's a link to the discussions and comments -


Welcome @darrenp, Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with idiopathic PN along with spinal stenosis. I have idiopathic small fiber PN and also have degenerative disc disease but so far I can manage my situation. I'm not sure any of us here on Connect can answer your question of being a candidate for a laminectomy. That's a conversation to have with a specialist along with a doctor that knows all of your medical history and background.

There is another discussion started by @jenniferhunter that members with similar symptoms have found helpful.
-- Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain:
You might find it helpful to read through the other discussions and comments on a laminectomy. Here's a link to the discussions and comments -

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You've replied to my first comment on at a support group and I want you to know how grateful I am that you're doing this work? Thank you, Thank you! I'll check those links. best

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