Internal Body Tremors and Tinnitus
I am a 47 year old female who has been in very good health most of my life. I work out daily. In January I had sudden elevated blood pressure and feelings of heart racing/palpitations. I was put on 25 mg of Losartan. An Echo and 7 day heart monitor were normal. 3 weeks into taking the medication, I developed ear ringing and feeling shaky. I was switched to Coreg (beta blocker) to see if symptoms improve.
Symptoms progressed to feelings of internal head vibrations/quivering and sometimes into chest and abdomen as well as a feeling of shakiness in my limbs off and on. I had a CT Scan and MRI as well as lots of blood tests including checking thyroid and hormonal/adrenal gland issues. All tests normal. Saw an ENT for the tinnitus and also tell me everything looks normal. Only reference in MRI was that the bilateral anterior inferior cerebellar arteries are coursing in close proximity to their respective 7th and 8th cranial nerves. Neurologist didn't think symptoms were typical of neurological diseases so these are ruled out for now. He isn't sure but only speculation that it's possible arteries have irritated cranial nerves but had no treatment to recommend. I have days when the head and body vibrations are unbearable and days when they are more manageable.
Sleeping is challenging and I started on Gabapentin (Neurontin) at bedtime which has helped my sleep. I am also now off all blood pressure medications and my blood pressure is normal again. I have perplexed my doctors. Seeking any insight here. I am beyond frustrated. Not even sure if the Blood Pressure issues and meds caused this or just coincidence in timing. Seems I have some sort of internal tremors but no tests show why yet.
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What do you take and how long did it take them to go away
Any advice on what to do? I’m having a hell of a time trying to figure out what’s wrong with me!!
I am trying my hardest to get a hold of you and see what you did about these symptons???? I am struggling and very frustrated and wanting some answers to what I can do.
I have had internal tremors for 3 years and they just get worse. I think it is anxiety related.
A lot of people have this sysmptoms about tremors or vibrating feeling after a a few years after the COVID vaccine. I also had this symptom of feeling like my left side of my shoulder was vibrating when I lay down, When I move or stand up it stops. After negative brain scan, neck and spine MRI, EENT check--- now I realized I had pulsatile tinnitus. I now try to hydrate myself better and exercise take multivitamin supplements and doubled up on my K2+Vitamin D.
I still have them once in a while when I am stressed but only when lying down. It has diminished a little bit but if you have symptoms getting worse, I think you need to have some imaging or further evaluation. My doctors never diagnosed me for pulsatile tinnitus but I did extensive research on how I got this symptom until I finally learned what I have. You need to explain clearly to you doctor what symptom you have and research on other possible causes.
I have been suffering from tinitus and internal tremors for some time. Had blood work ups and MRI with nothing found. I suspect anxiety is a trigger but there seems to be some other trigger happening I'm not fully aware of yet. Some times just physically moving can set it off. Of late the tremors in the arms have also caused mild shaking of the hands, occasionally. My tremors are more severe from the waist down. I had one occasion when I stepped out into cold air for a few minutes which triggered the tremors for 4 hours despite being warm. On a really bad day the whole body has strong tremors and all I can do is wait it out. It feels to me like the muscles can't make up their mind what they are going to do and shake with indicision. I do have ANS so it wouldn't surprise me if this could be my trigger.
I am addressing this for all of those experiencing this problem so you know you are not alone, and I empathize with your frustration. It can be scary because of the loss of control of your body.
I have essential tremors. In my case, mine are hereditary. My mother and her sisters had them, as well as a couple of cousins. Mine are sporadic and consist of hand shaking, head shaking, and internal shaking. It would be hard to say whether any anxiety stems from the tremor, or the tremor stems from anxiety. I was diagnosed by a neurologist and have had noticable symptoms for at least two decades. I do know for a fact that mine is task related. For example when I am trying to focus on applying eye makeup or thread a needle, etc. my hands shake so hard that I cannot function. I am retired now, but when I worked, it was very noticeable by my coworkers when I was speaking on the phone. My head would start bobbing. Sometimes I notice internal tremors in my chest right before I fall asleep. It does not cause sleeplessness for me because I have learned to do some deep breathing and exhaling that helps me relax. Strangely it does not work when I am awake; it only makes me sleepy. Lol
One physician suggested a small glass of red wine in the evening which I did for a while until I decided I did not want to become an alcoholic. It actually did seem to work though.
I have also tried Propanolol which also seemed to work, but it can cause blood clots, so I stopped because I was not comfortable with that possible side effect. The last thing I tried was Xanax. I took a half of a pill and was zoned out for the whole day plus I could not drive so I did want to do that. I am not a proponent of meds in general, so I just try to stick with the natural route. You can Google about suggested foods and drink to avoid. It does get worse with age, so just be prepared for that. I believe the main stigma with essential tremor is that people want answers for what causes it, and there simply are not really any answers at this time. There is a lot of speculation about cause and treatment. There is no one size fits all. Different people experience different symptoms. I have just incorporated mine into my life. For example I allow more time to put on makeup because I know it is a trigger. I have other unrelated health issues that are much more important to deal with. The answer to most of them are to eat healthy, exercise, and avoid stress and drama as much as possible.
Just one final note. Make sure you visit a physician or neurologist for the diagnosis to rule out other causes, and if you have severe anxiety or depression, by all means, consult with a psychiatrist.
I just thought of one more thing to address to the person who has tinnitus. I have that also, but it is not related to the essential tremor. It could be from a med or an ear issue, and if you ever figure out a cure, please let all of us know.🙂
It's now the end of 2024 but just found what I've been looking for,
I'm going through exactly the same thing, I've been to family GP and have an appointment for a hearing test on the 27th December and bloodwork. These internal vibrations and hammering, pounding noise has been non stop, my whole body vibrating, can't sleep and worse when I lie down. I've had three friends come over but they hear nothing, it was when I went to doctor's office, i then realised it was me, as the office was also vibrating and loud noise.
I am a senior lady. I have been healthy all my life with minor issues. My tinnitus started in my 40s and I believe it started from using a 'sharp' tone phone at work. I am now 82 and it seems to have taken over both sides of my head. I have had the misfortune of experiencing second hand fumes of manufactured illicit drugs in 8 of my apartments. Yes, no one will help or deal with this issue so as a result, I have moved and moved and moved to escape. But it is so prevalent in our society that I have not been successful in locating a drug free apartment. Yes the damage to my body is now obvious. I have internal tremors, inflamed mouth and nostrils and suffer cluster headaches. I have reactions in my head when I lay down to sleep. There is no help from doctors or RCMP when in this mess. So I blame my internal tremors on big time stress and if I ever find a drug free apartment I would make a guess that my tremors would diminish. I am not taking any prescriptions for the tremors at the present time.
You have bartonella, get to an LLMD (lyme literate medical doctor ) who understands Bartonella. Good luck.