Does the echo cardiogram show an ascending aortic aneurysm size

Posted by britt013 @britt013, Dec 9, 2024

I was diagnosed with an ascending aortic aneurysm of 3.8 cm in CT in June 2022. In April 2023 it was 3.9 cm in April 2024 it was 4.1 cm . I had an echo cardiogram a month after and they said the ascending aortic aneurysm was now 3.2 cm.
I know that the ascending aortic aneurysm doesn't get smaller.

They said it was a matter of apples and oranges.

What test can be done safely to reveal the true current size of ascending aortic aneurysm.

I now have mild LVH .
I am also concerned about my AICD replacement coming up , does an asending aortic aneurysm present a problem with that replacement of AICD in my chest?

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I don't think that either of us worry about it. You will gradually get rid of the time bomb feeling. I have a blood dyscrasia (monoclonal gammopathy), which was discovered at Mayo in 2002 when I was 59 years old. I suspect that I had it stemming from a ruptured appendix with sepsis in 2000. For years I worried about it and my heart stopped every time I had blood drawn. My hematologist ordered my blood drawn every three months. It was justified because my dad had a cancer that had probably evolved from a similar blood dyscrasia and I had a cousin with a very aggressive AML. Now I don't worry about it. I have a different hematologist, who is not worried either and that makes a big difference; the previous one retired.
You may never have a problem if you behave yourself and keep your blood pressure low and don't lift weights or lift other things that could cause stress.
My husband is reasonably "good" and both we and his current thoracic surgeon (as well as his cardiologist) are of the opinion that he will die of something else. Time will tell.
My husband's first cousin had an ascending aortic aneurysm (MIDLEVEL also) and his dissected about the same time as my husband's was detected on the echo. He died a couple of times before he was "put back together." He also has a descending aortic aneurysm and an abdominal aneurysm, He is almost exactly the same age as my husband (one month difference). So this is probably hereditary. This cousin was a weight lifter but also had a healthy very athletically active life style. If one of his aneurysms ruptures, he just wants to die. My husband would not want to die -- and that is a very good thing.

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Thank you for your response. I'm still dealing with the idea of death. Any encouragement I thrive to receive.


Thank you for your response. I'm still dealing with the idea of death. Any encouragement I thrive to receive.

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You have a medical problem. It need not lead to death, remembering that none of us get out of life, alive.
I totally understand your feelings about death because I share them. I want to live as long as possible and I am willing to do whatever is necessary to stay alive and reasonably healthy.
Even during the two times when I was in excruciating pain, I had no desire to croak!
So behave yourself; be conscientious about getting medical care from the best doctors, surgeons, and medical centers possible. Your health needs to be a too priority! Best wishes!

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