How much do sinus issues complicate your lung issues?

Posted by lenorj @lenorj, Nov 25, 2024

I have constant sinus drainage issues that seem to be making my airway clearance more difficult and less effective. Short of being on antibiotics I have not been able to resolve this issue. Anyone have similar experience?

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I would concentrate of finding the cause. I could be allergies, sinus issues and inflammation, infections, etc.

Have you tried doing saline rinses? I use a saline rinse that you squeeze the bottle in one nostril and comes out the other. Then you reverse. Really cleans out my sinuses and they feel clean and improve my breathing.

I used to get sinus infections all the time. 15 years ago I had 2 sinus surgeries which stopped the sinus infections but by expanding the sinus openings have tremedous sinus drainage down throat and out nose. I am a constant nose blower now. However better than sinus infections.

I have tried to find and reconize triggers. I know there are enviormental ones as well food. So I try to limit exposure to them. That is what I meant about causes of the drainage can really help you avoid them.
Good luck!


I would concentrate of finding the cause. I could be allergies, sinus issues and inflammation, infections, etc.

Have you tried doing saline rinses? I use a saline rinse that you squeeze the bottle in one nostril and comes out the other. Then you reverse. Really cleans out my sinuses and they feel clean and improve my breathing.

I used to get sinus infections all the time. 15 years ago I had 2 sinus surgeries which stopped the sinus infections but by expanding the sinus openings have tremedous sinus drainage down throat and out nose. I am a constant nose blower now. However better than sinus infections.

I have tried to find and reconize triggers. I know there are enviormental ones as well food. So I try to limit exposure to them. That is what I meant about causes of the drainage can really help you avoid them.
Good luck!

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I am still searching for my sinus triggers but have not been able to pin them down. I have used a netti pot but have not found much success with that. My sinuses are still constantly dripping in my throat. What brand of saline rinse are you using?


I had/have chronic sinus issues and had excessive drainage. My CT’s looked like MAC (cultures neg) and I developed mild bronchiectasis. My Penn doc thinks the 2 possible causes for the bronchiectasis are the sinus drainage or that I had MAC and cleared it without treatment.
Currently I’m using a Mayo mixed triple spray with mometazone, Ipratropium and diphenhydramine. Similar meds are available, but this tastes better and is just one bottle.
I also use the NeilMed bottle with saline and mometazone 1-2x/day. This regime has really helped me. I periodically try to stop the Mometazone in the nasal rinse (with doc ok), but if I’m outside much, the symptoms really increase and I need it.
Note: say Kaaaa when using sinus bottle. It keeps it from ears, a problem for me until they taught me that.


I had/have chronic sinus issues and had excessive drainage. My CT’s looked like MAC (cultures neg) and I developed mild bronchiectasis. My Penn doc thinks the 2 possible causes for the bronchiectasis are the sinus drainage or that I had MAC and cleared it without treatment.
Currently I’m using a Mayo mixed triple spray with mometazone, Ipratropium and diphenhydramine. Similar meds are available, but this tastes better and is just one bottle.
I also use the NeilMed bottle with saline and mometazone 1-2x/day. This regime has really helped me. I periodically try to stop the Mometazone in the nasal rinse (with doc ok), but if I’m outside much, the symptoms really increase and I need it.
Note: say Kaaaa when using sinus bottle. It keeps it from ears, a problem for me until they taught me that.

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@pacathy I'm intrigued by the mixed triple spray you use - mometazone, Ipratropium and diphenhydramine. Does it help with sinus pressure, or only PND? The next question is where do you get the spray. Is it compounded?


FYI I've had what I thought was post nasal drip at night when trying to go to sleep. It turns out that reflux can mimic the symptoms of post nasal drip. I experienced this when I was weaning off of protonix (PPI). Once I was weaned the PND feeling went away. Just a thought.


@pacathy I'm intrigued by the mixed triple spray you use - mometazone, Ipratropium and diphenhydramine. Does it help with sinus pressure, or only PND? The next question is where do you get the spray. Is it compounded?

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It’s compounded at Mayo and they ship it to me. They’ve told me most insurance companies don’t pay, but so far mine has. They told me they take orders from out of state, nonMayo docs.

I’ve don’t usually have a lot or sinus pressure (even when frontal sinus was opaque), but can get lots of PND and the spray really helps. Keep in mind I’ve had sinus issues for many years and don’t have a normal frame of reference.

Note-I have a separate Ipratropium to use as needed mid day since its duration of action is 6 hours and I had felt the triple spray started wearing off. I usually only need it if I’m outside part of day.


I am still searching for my sinus triggers but have not been able to pin them down. I have used a netti pot but have not found much success with that. My sinuses are still constantly dripping in my throat. What brand of saline rinse are you using?

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First I emphasize with you. I have had extreme sinus drainage since I had sinus surgery over a decade ago. It is constant and really never stops. What I found that can help is blowing your nose quite often to lesson the amount coming down your throat.

I am not a doctor so just passing on what my ENT is saying about my case and causes. Allergies are the most common cause of sinus drainage. But you could have polyps, infection, etc. adding to mucus coming down throat.

If going down your throat and not out your nose you could have some nasal and sinus issues where mucus is not moving out of nasal passages out your nose. This can be seen on a special scope a ENT uses. They put a solution in your nose and then put a scope up and can look at all sinuses and passages. At my ENT Mayo they then show me my sinuses as they record it and show me on a t.v.

What my ENT recommened to me and what I use is a product called NeilMed. It comes in a package with the squeeze bottle and saline rinse packets. What it is a squeeze bottle that you mixed the included saline packets in. Then place in your one nostril and squeeze as water comes out of other nostril. Then your reverse it. It really helps clean out my sinuses and helps cut down on inflamation and clear out allergens.

NOTE: ENT said is just a personal choice but I warm up the solution as it just feels better being warm.

I can't remember but read somewhere there is about a quart of mucus that gets made and expelled through the sinuses. I may be off on quantity but I was shocked it was that much.

My ENT found I had polyps but were not clogging my sinuses but she wanted to make sure they did not get worse. I take a medication called Xhance. It is a steroid spray (special cannsiter) that has worked very well.

As I have typed this I probably have blown my nose 3-4 times. So you can see how much my sinuses drain and my attempt to blow out nose before can run down my throat.


Can you sterilize equipment after use?


I’ve have some sinus issues but haven’t had a bad flare up for a long time. I use nasal irrigation every day, morning and evening, and more if I feel a bit stuffed up and if I’ve been out among groups of people for a longer period of time.

The nasal irrigation of saline solution was a game changer. I also buy the prepared options. A natural source sea water rich in minerals, isotonic, sterile and hypoallergenic. It contains diluted seawater at 1.102% w/v sodium chloride. No preservatives. It is more expensive but if you want to clear out your nasal passages fast, consider the Full stream option. It works. There are different product names available for this type of hydrating nasal spray.
Hope it helps.


It’s compounded at Mayo and they ship it to me. They’ve told me most insurance companies don’t pay, but so far mine has. They told me they take orders from out of state, nonMayo docs.

I’ve don’t usually have a lot or sinus pressure (even when frontal sinus was opaque), but can get lots of PND and the spray really helps. Keep in mind I’ve had sinus issues for many years and don’t have a normal frame of reference.

Note-I have a separate Ipratropium to use as needed mid day since its duration of action is 6 hours and I had felt the triple spray started wearing off. I usually only need it if I’m outside part of day.

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You state that it is compounded at Mayo. Is that the Mayo in Rochester, MN, Jacksonville, FL; or Arizona.? I get treated at Mayo Jax, and would like to inquire about the triple spray at my January appointment. I have BE & Pulmonary Fibrosis. Thank-you.

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