Low-grade fevers weeks after COVID: Is this common with long COVID?
I was hospitalized for COVID and home since 2/3. On 2/24 started to have low grade fevers in the evening. Tylenol takes care of the fever. I am on home oxygen still but improving. Mobility and strength is better. Important to note immunosuppression due to cancer therapy a year ago. Lymphocytes are still depleted. Is this common with long COVID?
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I've had low grade fevers for about 3 years off and on. It comes on in the late afternoon and goes up to about 100 with chills and aches. It is typically gone once I go to bed. The many drs I see do not know the cause and don't seem concerned so I'm just used to it. It seems to be the least of my symptoms post covid.
I know this is an old thread but it came up when I was searching for this type of information. I came down with covid on July 10th 2024 and it's now July 30th 2024. The virus ran it's course and I was down for nearly 2 1/2 weeks. Most all of my symptoms are gone now except for a daily low grade fever. I hate that it's happening, but I did find a little solace in the fact that others are having the same issues. I will wake up feeling pretty much 'ok' but not long after waking, I will get chills and take my temp and it will be 99.1F. It's never been more than 99.5F but this happens every day and is making me still feel yucky. I have had 2 Rocephin injections (antibiotics) over the last 3 weeks and have completed a 5 day course of Doxycycline to clear any possible early pneumonia that might have been trying to start. I feel clear in my chest, so I don't think that's it, but wondering if anyone else has found a cause for this and if yours went away, how long did it take?
I know this is an old post but did you have any symptoms of pneumonia at all other than low grade fever?
Reassuring to hear of all the ‘fever related’ incidents. I experience a fever in the high 99s most days. Timing is varied but when it hits it’s like a blast and I can do nothing but rest. Other days it’s simply lower grade temp. Shall we ever recover from all these symptoms?
Has your fever gone away yet? I agree that it’s somewhat reassuring to read of others with this persistent low grade fever. It’s also concerning that it can last so long for some.
I tested positive on 9-24-24 with high fevers, headache, and nasal congestion. I took Paxlovid, improved then had rebound symptoms and tested positive again on Oct. 5 with bad cough, temps (101’s) and fatigue. I tested positive until day 21 and now just have low grade/above normal temps and low energy. I have mild bronchiectasis and lungs were noisier than usual and I’ve increased airway clearance the past few days.
After reading all these, it sounds like I just need to be more patient.
I’d love to know if the fevers have cleared for some of you, how long it took and if anything other than Vit C helped.
9/5 I had COVID. It's 11/8 and I'm still having them on a daily basis myself. But I still have brain fog and more...
I was diagnosed with Covid on Dec 5th. Took Paxlovid for 5 days. After 5days I had few days thzt I was feeling better and just like that I started to feel sick again with runny nose, cough and low grade fever. Today 12/17 I realized I have lost the sense of taste and smell. I remembered that my PCP told me that there are many patients who experience Covid rebound but the doctors can’t understand why especially when a person has been treated for Covid. I am taking Robitussin DM for my cough which has subsided a little. I feel weak so I can say that Covid doesn’t want to leave my body. I tested Positive for Covid again. Does anyone lose the sense of taste and smell? If yes, how long it lasts? Thank you.