CAC Score - Should I be concerned?

Posted by goldenbailey @goldenbailey, Sep 25, 2024

About 10 days ago I had a CAC scan completed. I received the results the same day through "My Chart." The CAC Score is 1598 and also shows Triple Vessel Disease. I was expecting a call from my doctor (EP) with further information. I contacted the EP's office but still have had no reply. Should I be concerned with these results? Thanks.

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The report just confirms a high calcium burden in arteries. It is possible to have high calcium score without major blockages (greater than 70%). I would imagine that the next step will be for your doctor to order s stress test. After that, he may suggest an angiogram to visualize any problematic blockages and determine if stent placement may be necessary.

There is no reason to panic, just take it one step at a time,


There is a risk to high CAC with a strong association of ischemia and atherosclerosis. There is also a surprisingly large variance between patients, so each patient MUST HAVE two or three diagnostics to determine if an intervention of any kind is advised. Those diagnostics include, but are not limited to, Doppler ultrasound, imaging with X-ray, MRI, CT scan, and angiography, MIBI stress test, and others. As suggested by the previous respondent, each person must be evaluated to see if there really is anything about which to be concerned. There may be essentially no deposition of atherosclerotic plaque, or they could find that this person should probably have bypass/stent done soon because of obstruction greater than a defined limit for that particular blood vessel.

The verdict for you is 'triple vessel disease.' Everyone, but EVERYONE, has cardiovascular disease. Some more'n others. Some very little. Some 'Holy-cow, how is this person still walking?!?' Neither you nor your EP will know until the EP or cardiologist asks you to submit to a number of diagnostics and can interpret the results. For now, if you feel well.........there's life and routine. Enjoy!


Your doc will likely want a stress test or stress test with echo (I would push for this).

You don't note your blood lipids? You should probably consider an advanced lipids panel, sometimes called CardioIQ by one major testing lab,


I just went through this over the past two months. The CAC score is a screening tool. We both just learned we have "severe" CAD. That is a concern. Now what? More diagnostic tests to get a complete picture, self-education, start thinking about potential lifestyle changes, and having hope, are all helpful at this stage. Ask about a CT Angiogram, among other things. Blockage is a key metric. A book that really helped me wrap my head around the process you are now starting is Beat the Heart Attack Gene by Bale and Doneen. I can't recommend it enough. Focus on symptoms and hypothetical treatments, without having all your own specific data first, would be a bad idea. The good news is that we have choices, and the ones we make next will determine what happens from here.


My CAC score was 308, the doctor immediately ordered a stress test, and then a Doppler stress test, both of which I could not get my heart rate up to the required amount. So I just finished doing a CT angiogram not invasive and have calcium in three of my heart arteries, the highest one 50%. Waiting for my doctor to call me and explain the diagnosis and further directions initially they thought I had non-obstructive non-stem i non-ischemic disease but now It looks like it might be obstructive and ischemic.


My CAC score was 308, the doctor immediately ordered a stress test, and then a Doppler stress test, both of which I could not get my heart rate up to the required amount. So I just finished doing a CT angiogram not invasive and have calcium in three of my heart arteries, the highest one 50%. Waiting for my doctor to call me and explain the diagnosis and further directions initially they thought I had non-obstructive non-stem i non-ischemic disease but now It looks like it might be obstructive and ischemic.

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308 is not that high (I'm at 1300). As long as there isn't an artery blocked at least 70% your situation will probably be managed with medication and life style modification. No reason to panic. At least you are aware of the condition while it is still early!


Thank you so much for your reply. It is so comforting and helpful. I really appreciate it. I hope you are doing well. What medication’s and any procedures have the doctors done for you?


My husbands CAC score was 849 We were shocked at this .
Cardiologist put him on zetia and increased his Lipitor .
He passed stress test .
He changed his diet to a Mediterranean diet ,
Increased exercise, and trying to get more cardio .
Went down to 55 .
Dr said you can’t reverse CAC but can stop the progression


Thank you so much for your reply. It is so comforting and helpful. I really appreciate it. I hope you are doing well. What medication’s and any procedures have the doctors done for you?

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I've been on statins (now on Crestor) since they came out over 30 years ago, and also take Zetia and baby aspirin. I have no symptoms and have had no procedures other than stress tests and echocardiograms (with negative results). My LDL is down in the 50's despite not adhering to any of the cardio diets that are promoted.

Focus on your overall health rather than worrying about the CAC score and take care of yourself mentally and physically. I know that when I had my CAC tested my doctor called me within hours and made me feel like I was going to drop dead at any time! I had to take antidepressants and antianxiety drugs (as well as cognitive therapy) until I was able to process the information (and change cardiologists!).

I would caution you to be aware that the same mechanism that causes the CAC in your coronary arteries can similarly effect your carotids (mine are 50% blocked) and small vessels in your brain (chronic microvascular ischemia or white matter disease). To be forewarned is to be forearmed!

So, don't panic and be proactive and you'll be fine,



My CAC score was 308, the doctor immediately ordered a stress test, and then a Doppler stress test, both of which I could not get my heart rate up to the required amount. So I just finished doing a CT angiogram not invasive and have calcium in three of my heart arteries, the highest one 50%. Waiting for my doctor to call me and explain the diagnosis and further directions initially they thought I had non-obstructive non-stem i non-ischemic disease but now It looks like it might be obstructive and ischemic.

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You might check my name and posts on my CAC testing and actions taken.

What are your lipid numbers, weight, age, blood pressure, physical condition, lifestyle, etc? Why could you not complete stress test - was it to be a stress test with echo?

1 Statins calcify cholesterol - this is normal and good.
2 Above a certain amount of calcification CT will be somewhat blinded due to calcium reflection - this is problematic.
3 Stress test with echo is appropriate.
4 Understanding your body's lipid profile is important ... an advanced lipids test is appropriate.
5 Statins may be appropriate
6 Exercise is very important
7 A nuclear stress test may be appropriate
8 Some note calcium can be in the walls of you arteries
9 Remodeling sometimes occurs where arteries change shape and size
10 If you have ANY discomfort you should been seen

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