Psychiatric Medications are Killing Me.

Posted by dfb @dfb, Jun 6, 2024

I have been on high doses of psychiatric medications for quite some time. It turns out that I should not have ever been put on them. The antidepressants do nothing to relieve depression, because the problem is not depression. Depression is only a symptom of the problem. The problem is terrible childhood trauma. All the meds have done is numb my feelings.

The medications destroyed my ability to sleep making everything much worse. I was then put on Seroquel for sleep. Seroquel knocks me out but according to the sleep doctor I’m not really getting sleep,

I wake up everyday so suicidal that I would kill myself if I had the means, I fight my way through the day and try to be productive. By the end of the day I usually have hope again. Then I go to bed and the cycle starts all over again,

My providers agree that I need to reduce and get off the medication. We tried before and I ended up in the hospital. This time is going better and I am making progress dealing with the trauma. However, everyday is a roll of the dice.

Every change to the medication tosses me straight back into hell. I am not experiencing a reoccurrence of depressive symptoms. I don’t think that is even valid. No medication or treatment has ever addressed my desire to die. The only thing that had helped is addressing the trauma.

I am losing my ability to fight through the discontinuation effects from the medications. At times like this I am certain I am going to kill myself. I still take 122.5 of Venlafaxine, 300 mg of bupropion and 75mg of Seroquel. I also have .5 lorazepam as needed. The lorazepam doesn’t touch the discontinuation effects.

I just want my life to end. I have been fighting for fifty four years. I can’t do this anymore. I write down everything I am going through so that if I do kill myself my experience may help others.

I guess part of me still wants to live or I wouldn’t be writing this. No one should have to go through this.

I don’t want to be just another person the pharmaceutical industry has killed.

I wish everyone peace and good health.

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We live in a self-organizing system optimized to generate profit.

The system does not judge its purpose like we do. Humans are just another part of the system to be optimized,

Traumatize us, drug us, retard our cognition and we get sicker and sicker generating more and more of what the system needs to thrive: profits.

I escaped hell while Hades’ back was turned. I see the system for what it is; I do not judge it.

In fact I love it for its exquisite design. I feel no malice towards any part of it. Nonetheless, it must be stopped and that’s why I was spared.

Human connection and the essential love we all feel for each other is how humans heal.

I am fearlessly and ferociously loving all parts of the system and will do so until things change or I am dust.

I love all of you. Even if we’ve never met, I see you! You have carried me through the dark days of the last two years, I would not be hear if not for your love.

It’s my turn now!

I will see you soon.

One day soon we will all live in peace and good health.

Thank you for all you have done for me; I’m ready for this fight because of you.



Yes, I was for years then I was put on medication and therapy was stopped. I could no longer think or feel.

It is only recently, after titrating most of my meds that I have been able to start healing.

It is beyond wonderful to have my mind and heart back. I probably have at least another six months to get rid of all of the poisons I have been taking, it’s been a year already.

Current psychiatric medication retard healing. Numbing the patient, rendering them incapable of making any progress.

My depression and constant suicidal ideation was directly connected to the extreme trauma I experienced as a child.

I lost fifteen years of my life to the soul numbing effects of psychiatric medications. I’m finally, at sixty, waking up to who I am. I like the person I am getting to know.

May we all live in peace and good health.

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So well put! And something I can totally relate to. I too lost a couple of decades to being numbed up on psych meds. And ended up with Tardive Dyskinesia to boot! I'm turning 65 here in a couple days and plan to celebrate this journey towards healing! It's painful sometimes but the peaceful and joyful times are getting longer and longer.

I'm just now starting to research alternatives to conventional medicine myself. It might be too late for us to fix the entire medical and mental health care systems for us now. But we can certainly work with what's available to us to make things better NOW.

There's hope for us all yet, eh?

Thanks for sharing.
I wish you the best.


There should be more help for people with this problem. Dr. Mark Horowitz is doing a lot to educate psych drug users and prescribers. Best of luck to you and courage too,


Believe it or not, I'm almost done with all of them, couple more months.

The result is I feel the best I have in decades.

Thank you for your support,

May you live in peace and good health!


Believe it or not, I'm almost done with all of them, couple more months.

The result is I feel the best I have in decades.

Thank you for your support,

May you live in peace and good health!

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I too am done with most of them. I still take a very low dose of anti-depressant only because I'm chicken of having another depressive episode. It's fantastic to have my mind back again!

Take care.


I had a horrific experience with venlafaxine. It made me suicidal, subject to uncontrollable rages, paranoid, I had violent fantasies, sleep and eating disorders, engaged in self-destructive behavior, and the list goes on. There are studies in both PubMed and the British Journal of Medicine that document rare but confirmed cases of this occurring with antidepressants, and in the PubMed one I found, venlafaxine was singled out as particularly problematic. I checked off all the boxes in the BMJ article I found. I took myself off of venlafaxine in a suicidal fit and within days the extreme problems I had been experiencing began to recede, and this despite the brutal withdrawal symptoms.

I quit it in February, and other than a brief bout of suicidal ideation that I saw coming and fought off a couple of weeks later, everything has returned to normal. Everything. My psychiatrist expressed skepticism when I first told her I'd quit the drug and had begun feeling better, but a month later she couldn't deny the changes she was seeing right before her eyes. On my last visit, the discussion wasn't what I needed, it was what she could learn from me so that if she sees it again, she'll recognize the warning signs. And she's pretty much cut me loose. I'm going to continue with visits every three months because it's all too recent and raw and I want to keep a lifeline there. I have also continued with counseling, although this has shifted from discussing why I felt so suicidal to how I'm going to come to terms with what that drug did to me.

I did start taking lamotrigine, an anticonvulsant that has shown success with bipolar 2 patients, a condition I do believe I've been properly diagnosed with, and I do feel it has aided my recovery. But the turnaround was happening before I began it, and you have to slowly introduce it, so it can't fully explain why all the symptoms I was riddled with vanished so suddenly.

I do NOT recommend stopping venlafaxine on your own like I did. It was miserable even as the depression, rage, paranoia, and all the rest lifted. But I would consider looking to see if the venlafaxine is driving you downward. It does happen. It happened to me. I will not return to antidepressants ever again after what I endured. It went on for three years. I never want to return to that place.


I too am done with most of them. I still take a very low dose of anti-depressant only because I'm chicken of having another depressive episode. It's fantastic to have my mind back again!

Take care.

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I’m off the Venlafaxine and so far I’m feeling better and better, I am monitored closely by four doctors and a parole officer and a friend who loves me ferociously and they are all astounded.

We’ve been drugged so the system could sell more and more drugs to try to fix what the medication was causing; great business model!

Time to get this garbage taken off the market before it kills everyone.

I’m going to try.


I had a horrific experience with venlafaxine. It made me suicidal, subject to uncontrollable rages, paranoid, I had violent fantasies, sleep and eating disorders, engaged in self-destructive behavior, and the list goes on. There are studies in both PubMed and the British Journal of Medicine that document rare but confirmed cases of this occurring with antidepressants, and in the PubMed one I found, venlafaxine was singled out as particularly problematic. I checked off all the boxes in the BMJ article I found. I took myself off of venlafaxine in a suicidal fit and within days the extreme problems I had been experiencing began to recede, and this despite the brutal withdrawal symptoms.

I quit it in February, and other than a brief bout of suicidal ideation that I saw coming and fought off a couple of weeks later, everything has returned to normal. Everything. My psychiatrist expressed skepticism when I first told her I'd quit the drug and had begun feeling better, but a month later she couldn't deny the changes she was seeing right before her eyes. On my last visit, the discussion wasn't what I needed, it was what she could learn from me so that if she sees it again, she'll recognize the warning signs. And she's pretty much cut me loose. I'm going to continue with visits every three months because it's all too recent and raw and I want to keep a lifeline there. I have also continued with counseling, although this has shifted from discussing why I felt so suicidal to how I'm going to come to terms with what that drug did to me.

I did start taking lamotrigine, an anticonvulsant that has shown success with bipolar 2 patients, a condition I do believe I've been properly diagnosed with, and I do feel it has aided my recovery. But the turnaround was happening before I began it, and you have to slowly introduce it, so it can't fully explain why all the symptoms I was riddled with vanished so suddenly.

I do NOT recommend stopping venlafaxine on your own like I did. It was miserable even as the depression, rage, paranoia, and all the rest lifted. But I would consider looking to see if the venlafaxine is driving you downward. It does happen. It happened to me. I will not return to antidepressants ever again after what I endured. It went on for three years. I never want to return to that place.

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I quit taking Zyprexa, against the advice if my shrink because it was screwing with my weight and blood sugar control. It also induced paranoia and made me so uncoordinated that I had to severely limit my driving of a manual transmission car: kept forgetting the sequence for shifting gears and just about burned up the car with over-revs a few times!

Quit Lamotrigine this past Spring and now feel great, mentally. The effects on the brain from a lot of these chemicals are not well understood and there's a lot of them are carelessly prescribed.

I'm glad you seem to be experiencing a positive outcome. You really need to be your own best advocate when it comes to playing the mental health game.


I’m off the Venlafaxine and so far I’m feeling better and better, I am monitored closely by four doctors and a parole officer and a friend who loves me ferociously and they are all astounded.

We’ve been drugged so the system could sell more and more drugs to try to fix what the medication was causing; great business model!

Time to get this garbage taken off the market before it kills everyone.

I’m going to try.

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Good for you!

Yes, IMHO, the prescribing of mental health drugs is a racket: witness the sales of the drugs that are prescribed to attenuate the Tardive dyskinesia resulting from overuse of antipsychotics. It's a scam that ruins people's lives and is very lucrative for the pharmaceutical industry.

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