Insomnia, depression, anxiety

Posted by azkidney57 @azkidney57, Jan 11, 2020

So here I am it’s 4 am I have been awake since 3 am I often wake up. I can’t go back to sleep. I can’t text my friends I could be they would ask why I was texting so early. I tried my usual sleepy time tea, Clonazepam, deep breathing etc etc and I still wake up! I remember when I was I in the hospital I would call the nurse and I would have morphine injected into my IV port and that would help me sleep. I can’t have morphine. OxyContin also made me sleepy. Can’t have that anymore I ran out. It would be so nice if I could get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Maybe someday.

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I was diagnosed with chronic insomnia in my early 40’s (I’m 57 now) and have been prescribed and tried just about every medication.
For years I’ve been taking 200 MG of Trazodone, and 0.5 MG of Alprazolam each night for sleep. Within the past three years, I have had two spinal fusion surgeries and the chronic pain and nerve damage greatly affect my sleep. About six months ago I tried “gummies” and my sleep has drastically improved.
I’ve added “Above” by Sunmed delta-8 thc: max strength to my nighttime medication and I cannot believe the difference it has made. I fall asleep quickly, rarely wake up to go to the bathroom, and I am not groggy at all in the morning.
I would check with your doctor to see if gummies would help. Good luck and I hope you get some rest soon!

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Do you take trazodone at the same time of gummies ? I have been taking Trazodone and Restoril for a long time and I am no longer sleeping well at all . I was suggested Indica Gummies THC , but I never tried anything like that before . Do you take them all at once ? I was told I can only take Trazodone and gummie and no Tempezpam . I am so desperate for sleep . I take klonopin 0.5 during the day for anxiety but it does not make me sleepy at all ..


Do you take trazodone at the same time of gummies ? I have been taking Trazodone and Restoril for a long time and I am no longer sleeping well at all . I was suggested Indica Gummies THC , but I never tried anything like that before . Do you take them all at once ? I was told I can only take Trazodone and gummie and no Tempezpam . I am so desperate for sleep . I take klonopin 0.5 during the day for anxiety but it does not make me sleepy at all ..

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I take trazodone and gummy‘s together. I take the trazodone first and the gummy‘s a half hour later because it takes a little while for the trazodone to get into my system, but the gummy’s are a lot quicker.
This combination and schedule has been working well for me. I hope you get some relief quickly!


I take trazodone and gummy‘s together. I take the trazodone first and the gummy‘s a half hour later because it takes a little while for the trazodone to get into my system, but the gummy’s are a lot quicker.
This combination and schedule has been working well for me. I hope you get some relief quickly!

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Trazodone usually takes two hours for me to feel itI don’t want it to interfere with gummy. Was trying to figure out timing . How much trazodone do you take ? I take 150 mg , just really nervous to try the gummy but want to do it.


Trazodone usually takes two hours for me to feel itI don’t want it to interfere with gummy. Was trying to figure out timing . How much trazodone do you take ? I take 150 mg , just really nervous to try the gummy but want to do it.

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I take 2 x 100 mg tablets of trazodone each night. Where I live (SC) THC is illegal, so the gummy‘s I take are CBD.
The CBD gummy‘s work quickly for me, which is why I take them a half an hour before bed. If trazodone takes that long to have an effect, maybe trying the gummy at the same time would work for you.


I take trazodone and gummy‘s together. I take the trazodone first and the gummy‘s a half hour later because it takes a little while for the trazodone to get into my system, but the gummy’s are a lot quicker.
This combination and schedule has been working well for me. I hope you get some relief quickly!

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Thank you for your response . Did you ever take sleeping pills before you tried the gummies?


Thank you for your response . Did you ever take sleeping pills before you tried the gummies?

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You’re very welcome, and yes, I was prescribed Ambien years ago when first diagnosed with chronic insomnia. I had a terrible experience with it, all the side affects you read about, so I was prescribed Lunesta.
That worked really well for the first few years, but I was at the maximum dose, so my PCP switched me to Trazodone.
I’ve been on Trazodone for some time now, but my PCP now wants me to alternate it with Lunesta so I don’t develop a tolerance to it.
I’m debating whether or not to do that because my sleep is finally under control and I don’t want to jeopardize that.


You’re very welcome, and yes, I was prescribed Ambien years ago when first diagnosed with chronic insomnia. I had a terrible experience with it, all the side affects you read about, so I was prescribed Lunesta.
That worked really well for the first few years, but I was at the maximum dose, so my PCP switched me to Trazodone.
I’ve been on Trazodone for some time now, but my PCP now wants me to alternate it with Lunesta so I don’t develop a tolerance to it.
I’m debating whether or not to do that because my sleep is finally under control and I don’t want to jeopardize that.

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Restoril always worked for me at 30 mg Before that trazodone worked for me . Now I have been take both . I switched to 22.5 of Restoril . I am so scared being on it . Nothing else worked on me . I have tremendous stress in my life right now . Did you try the gummy for the first time , by just not taking a sleeping pill for a night ?


Restoril always worked for me at 30 mg Before that trazodone worked for me . Now I have been take both . I switched to 22.5 of Restoril . I am so scared being on it . Nothing else worked on me . I have tremendous stress in my life right now . Did you try the gummy for the first time , by just not taking a sleeping pill for a night ?

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I don't know that much about Restoril. I completely understand how stress can affect a person. Two years ago I had a fall at work which resulted in a full tear of my left rotator cuff, a bulging disc in my neck, as well as bulging disc in my lower lumbar. So far I've only had a spinal fusion surgery and still have back pain.
My other doctors will not address my shoulder and cervical conditions until my lower lumbar is resolved. I am allergic to pain meds and oral prednisone, so I was only able to take anti inflammatory meds and muscle relaxers. They didn't even touch the pain I had, so my spinal surgeon referred me to Pain Management. I am scheduled for a lumbar ablation on July 1st, and am hoping for some relief.
Because the fall was at work, it's a Worker's Comp situation and they have been a disaster. They have denied almost every treatment prescribed, and the ones they approved took them a ridiculous amount of time to schedule. I have developed excruciating thoracic pain on my left side that has been going on for over a year and I'm still waiting for WC to approve treatment.
I did try the gummies on their own at first, but then took a lower dose along with the Trazodone. Sleep is extremely difficult for me because of the chronic pain. I don't want to jeopardize that by experimenting with other meds and dosages.


I am so sorry for your pain and what you have been through . Sleep is so important! I am happy this method works for you . I was up every two hours last night . I am dragging today . I have so much anxiety and with my mom elderly mom
Sick , my best friend is very ill with cancer and my husband having cancer , I am desperate for sleep . I have definitely built up a tolerance to my sleeping meds and there not working . My therapist today told me to try the 5mg gummy tonight and take the the trazodone prior to taking the gummy . I have never tried it before . The sleeping benzo is not good for me and it’s not working for me . I am going to take the 200mg of trazodone and then wait at least an hour to take gummy and pray 🙏 it works. I like to hear from
you because you actually take it . Did you have side effects the first time ? I definitely need the trazodone to relax me first.


I don't know that much about Restoril. I completely understand how stress can affect a person. Two years ago I had a fall at work which resulted in a full tear of my left rotator cuff, a bulging disc in my neck, as well as bulging disc in my lower lumbar. So far I've only had a spinal fusion surgery and still have back pain.
My other doctors will not address my shoulder and cervical conditions until my lower lumbar is resolved. I am allergic to pain meds and oral prednisone, so I was only able to take anti inflammatory meds and muscle relaxers. They didn't even touch the pain I had, so my spinal surgeon referred me to Pain Management. I am scheduled for a lumbar ablation on July 1st, and am hoping for some relief.
Because the fall was at work, it's a Worker's Comp situation and they have been a disaster. They have denied almost every treatment prescribed, and the ones they approved took them a ridiculous amount of time to schedule. I have developed excruciating thoracic pain on my left side that has been going on for over a year and I'm still waiting for WC to approve treatment.
I did try the gummies on their own at first, but then took a lower dose along with the Trazodone. Sleep is extremely difficult for me because of the chronic pain. I don't want to jeopardize that by experimenting with other meds and dosages.

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I took 5mg of Indica gummy and trazodone 200mg and I was up all night . How much gummy worked for you ? Feel better , sorry for what you’re going through . I am so desperate for sleep .

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