Natural remedies for MAC

Posted by med08 @med08, Sep 30, 2022

Some have posted they use Chinese herbs and acupuncture to help with MAC. Which herbs and what part of body do you get acupuncture and for what specifically?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

My acupuncturist focuses on boosting my immune system.


I have found Pterostilbene (blueberry extract) to be helpful in alleviating my symptoms.


@helen1000, thank you for sharing the study on Kampos. According to the study, it does show some promise in its application for various ailments.

It is worth noting that the authors of the study also acknowledge a more through study still needs to be conducted. The author of the study added the disclaimer:

"Our study has some limitations in terms of clarification of the usefulness of Kampo medicines for NTM-PD. The current study is just an introduction to cases of use of Kampo medicine for NTM-PD. We admit that many doctors use Kampo medicines in their daily practice, although there are very few case reports describing this. Even if there are case reports, the data are not standardized, making them difficult to compare and summarize."


Yes, patients who want to try Kampo medicine should be very careful. They have to find a Hebal doctor with good reputation, check the correct dose, and buy good quality products ( not fake ones) If you know Chinese herbal , you will also know that raw Aconite is actually very toxic , so you have to use processed aconite, not raw aconite. But this article is a good reference for those who want to try herbal medicine. I hope Kampo medicine can help us.


Where did you get this herb recipe? Are you feeling better from taking all these? Neem is widely used in India and Southeast Asia. Ashwadandha is a fruit like cherry tomatoes that we used to eat when I was young.

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I got Paracleanse OTC at Walmart which also has wormwood, clove with Neem Extract and the other bottle is Fulvic Acid I mix in my water once daily. Ashwadandha capsules in vitamins at Walmart also. I just read where wormwood was good with MAC bacterial infections. So far I feel okay I will say when I took 2 of the big three I had such a migraine I couldn't get up or function to do anything and was so nauseated. I'm still taking the one antibiotic Azithromycin.Also drinking an Ensure daily. Drinking Ginger tea also and taking ginger root capsule too. Still do my breathing treatments and I'm on oxygen at night.


Good morning, and welcome to Mayo Connect. As you can see. we are a very busy group with a lot of experiences in living with MAC.

You might like to look at some of the resources we have assembled over time to get a good overview. May I suggest:

As far as using natural remedies, there are many that may help your body to fight infection, but there is nothing that will cure MAC. Just remember SUPPLEMENTS are NOT regulated, and you need to be careful about what you buy and where it is sourced, whether it is independently tested for purity and strength. Also, with compromised lungs, and your celiac disease, you need to be cautious about things that could make you worse.

One technique, however, that is very effective in driving down the amount of bacteria in the airways to give your body a chance to fight is to nebulize 7% saline then do airway clearance. Here is some information about it:

Are you being treated by a pulmonologist or ID doc familiar with MAC?

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being treated by pulmomologist he said he might send me to see a ID if my last bronch test shows I still have the bacteria, which it probably will since I only took all 3 of the
bIG antibiotics for only like 2 wks. Just couldn't tolerate 2 of them plus the itch and rash migraines and nausea just couldn't do them. Still on azithomycin tho and still use neb. and oxygen at night. Just don't have as much phelgm or cough as much as I did.


I got Paracleanse OTC at Walmart which also has wormwood, clove with Neem Extract and the other bottle is Fulvic Acid I mix in my water once daily. Ashwadandha capsules in vitamins at Walmart also. I just read where wormwood was good with MAC bacterial infections. So far I feel okay I will say when I took 2 of the big three I had such a migraine I couldn't get up or function to do anything and was so nauseated. I'm still taking the one antibiotic Azithromycin.Also drinking an Ensure daily. Drinking Ginger tea also and taking ginger root capsule too. Still do my breathing treatments and I'm on oxygen at night.

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I understand unpleasant reactions to the Big 3 antibiotics - I had all of them, but with help from my doc & his nurse, I persevered, and was able to take them long enough to knock down (but probably not knock out) the MAC infection over 4 years ago.

I am curious as to whether you shared the list of all the supplements you are taking with your doctors and pharmacist before you started the antibiotics? Each of these, whether "natural" or not, is another drug/chemical which may interact with you antibiotics or any other meds you use.

None of the listed supplements licensed or regulated, nor subject to USDA or FDA inspection and testing to be sure it is pure, and contains exactly what the label says.

Ashwaganda, which is widely accepted as safe, has the potential for nausea as a side effect. But we do not know how it interacts with antibiotics.

Can you tell us what led you to take ParaCleanse, which is intended to remove parasites from your digestive system?

And why did you add fulvic acid, which I know is popular right now, but lacks basic scientific research into its long term safety and effectiveness?

I did a lot of reading today, and I haven't seen good evidence that the supplements you list are going to help your body fight MAC. And I am concerned that you may be having reactions or interactions from the supplements as well as the medications - it will be a puzzle to sort it all out.


Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to your question. There have been a number of small studies of herbal combinations to fight TB or MAC, but not insufficient detail to suggest any particular one ought to be used. There are also some ongoing studies, mostly in mice & rats, of herbs, microphages and other emerging therapies.

So, are there any herbs you could use? Maybe...if I were in your situation, I would consult with formally educated practitioner of Oriental Medicine. Although their diagnostic process is very different to what you are used to, some are willing to work with Western medicine in a complementary role.

I have seen both traditonalists and those who are more open to dual treatments, and find myself more comfortable with the dual approach. I share my current diagnosis, all health conditions, and a list of all medications (Rx and OTC) and supplements I take. Then they do their examination and treatment, and we work together to be sure any herbs are safe with my other meds.

All that said, acupuncture/Oriental medicine has helped me deal with many conditions over the years, but I have had to use Western medicine for joint replacement and to treat my MAC infection.

Have you tried acupuncture and herbal medicine for any condition before?

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Use NAC, found at vitamin stores. Great stuff!
Also, only boiling water a minimum of 10 min. Kills mycobacterium A C.!
Sleep with elevated upper body.


How do you who have MAC lung disease deal with the FATIGUE?
My Dr. says, "Use your lungs or lose your lungs!"
I am a former runner
& athlete. The MAC fatigue makes cardio exercise such a challenge.

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