Rowing machine

Posted by suffolkmags @suffolkmags, May 28 11:16am

Hi all,
I was diagnosed with an AAA 3 weeks ago, as I’m sure many of you can relate to, it’s taken me back a bit.
I’m a 64 year old male with a 3cm aneurysm. I cannot be more specific as I am not due to see a cardiologist until the 17th. I was so surprised at the appointment ( it was a screener for AAA organised for all males around 65 through the NHS), that I didn’t go very specific into the do’s and don’ts of managing the condition other than being told to eat healthy, cut down on alcohol and continue exercising.
No mention was made as to restricting weight lifting but I understand to be careful. On this line, my main form of exercise other than dog walking is indoor rowing. Should I be doing this?
Should I wait until after my meeting with the cardiologist?
Advice welcomed gratefully.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aortic Aneurysms Support Group.

I would wait until you see the cardiologist. I have a 4.6 dialated aortic opening and was told not to lift anything over 40 pounds. After reading the many messages from other folks, some say nothing over 10 or 15 pounds, I wonder about the over 40 pounds I'm restricted to. I know we are all different, but there seems to be little to none with regard to continuity of how and when to take care of one's self. I've pretty much blocked the entire heart problem from my life and going about living as I was before my diagnosis. I'm 78 and was in excellent health before the diagnosis...I do tire easily but I'm attributing that to my age as well. Stay positive.


Thanks for this, I'm going to move to my bike in the meantime. Y our response is appreciated.


There is a YouTube video made by some heart surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic in which they advise individuals with thoracic aneurysms to avoid exercise that includes force and upper body movement like swinging a baseball bat and rowing. Sorry I don’t have the link to it. My aneurysm is 4.7, much larger than yours so I am quite careful. It’s worth talking with your cardiologist about rowing with one your size.


There is a YouTube video made by some heart surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic in which they advise individuals with thoracic aneurysms to avoid exercise that includes force and upper body movement like swinging a baseball bat and rowing. Sorry I don’t have the link to it. My aneurysm is 4.7, much larger than yours so I am quite careful. It’s worth talking with your cardiologist about rowing with one your size.

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Thanks JT

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