Insomnia, depression, anxiety

Posted by azkidney57 @azkidney57, Jan 11, 2020

So here I am it’s 4 am I have been awake since 3 am I often wake up. I can’t go back to sleep. I can’t text my friends I could be they would ask why I was texting so early. I tried my usual sleepy time tea, Clonazepam, deep breathing etc etc and I still wake up! I remember when I was I in the hospital I would call the nurse and I would have morphine injected into my IV port and that would help me sleep. I can’t have morphine. OxyContin also made me sleepy. Can’t have that anymore I ran out. It would be so nice if I could get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Maybe someday.

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Another way to induce sleep comes from Dr. Andrew Weil, who I believe calls this the 4-7-8 method. Place the tip of your tongue on the back of your lower front teeth. Inhale for four seconds. Hold that breath for seven seconds, then exhale for eight seconds. Took me a bit to believe it could work, but I have found success. No idea as to the physiology of this method, and it could just redirect mental activity. Just tossing it out. Give it some time if you wish to try it.

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I am going to try also!


Hello AZK,

Sorry to hear your sleep is also poor. I have tried a few things with modest success. Including melatonin, some cbd oils and gummies. While there has been improvement, it required taking more than the recommended dosage, which I have done on occasion. I generally take Trazadone a couple times per week. It seems to be most effective, but I don't want to take it every night.

I am in MN, where the cbd strength is restricted. I hope to get some stronger gummies elsewhere, when I am out of state. As you may be aware there are many cbd options, all of which promise great sleep but at least for me, most have not delivered.

If I find cbd success, I will certainly post related info.


From what I’ve learned from many drs over the last 22 yrs is that my Central Nervous System is too fired up when I go to bed. So I take 1/2 of a caplet of Ashwagandha at 9:45 pm. I have advanced Fibromyalgia pain which keeps my Central Nervous System all charged up at bedtime plus some nerve damage in bk of my head causes a constant bad headache. I was like you - not able to get deeply sleepy enough to get 6-7 hrs of deep sleep. But a yr ago, I started using Trulieve’s TruClear Indica serum 1.5 hrs before getting in bed. It is very calming. A small grain of rice anmount is anll it takes And to fall asleep I take 3 mgs Zolpedim. I don’t wake up in the night. If u do all this plus wear Blue Light Blocking glasses from 6pm on (bc tv and iPhone screens put out Blue Light that tells our nervous system to be alert/awake, you will sleep. Don’t eat any stimulating foods after 4 pm such as chocolate, spicy foods or desserts. Sugar fires up the nervous system. Be sure you take a capsule of Magnesium Glycinate with your dinner each night. It’s relaxing. Good luck and follow this advice.


I also use melatonin but it is not enough to put me to sleep, so I am trying Tylenol PM on some nights & Vick's ZzzQuil night pain on others, usually with Melatonin in gummy form.
Even these don't always work but I will try anything that might help & I don't seem to
have any side effects, but I have signed up for a sleep study at out local hospital.
You might look into doing that with your doctor's referral. Good luck.


I am trying everything. I will make my bed room darker and I have a fan for white noise it helps some people. My psychiatrist has a sleep regimen that I am working on. I haven’t started on sleep meds like Seroquel etc because I would like to sleep on my own. I also have a mind I can’t shut off! I am not “at ease” any more. It stems from my cancer diagnosis, my nephrectomy, the scans, scanxiety, the doctor appointments, the “surveillance”, it’s a cycle that will repeat. I realize it happens to others. I didn’t realize so many others have issues with insomnia my psychiatrist told me it’s a big issue! I average 5-6 hours of straight sleep sometimes less,never more. My PCP told me a drugged sleep isn’t a restful one. I told him he probably doesn’t have full time insomnia! My psychiatrist wants me try more natural ways before we go on to drugs. Well at least I am in good company. Thank you Ginger for your input.😊

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I was diagnosed with chronic insomnia in my early 40’s (I’m 57 now) and have been prescribed and tried just about every medication.
For years I’ve been taking 200 MG of Trazodone, and 0.5 MG of Alprazolam each night for sleep. Within the past three years, I have had two spinal fusion surgeries and the chronic pain and nerve damage greatly affect my sleep. About six months ago I tried “gummies” and my sleep has drastically improved.
I’ve added “Above” by Sunmed delta-8 thc: max strength to my nighttime medication and I cannot believe the difference it has made. I fall asleep quickly, rarely wake up to go to the bathroom, and I am not groggy at all in the morning.
I would check with your doctor to see if gummies would help. Good luck and I hope you get some rest soon!


I have had sleep problems for many many years. I'm 49 now and I recently got serotonin inhibitors prescribed by my doctor. It is a low dose and I am having no problems with sleep at the moment. I will be keeping regular check ups with my doctor and I will keep my fingers crossed that I can one day gradually get away from the meds.


I have had sleep problems for many many years. I'm 49 now and I recently got serotonin inhibitors prescribed by my doctor. It is a low dose and I am having no problems with sleep at the moment. I will be keeping regular check ups with my doctor and I will keep my fingers crossed that I can one day gradually get away from the meds.

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Welcome to Mayo Connect. SSRI can affect people different ways. Glad it is not affecting your sleep because sleep is so important to our mental health.

Would you like to share what SSRI your on and what time of day you take?


Welcome to Mayo Connect. SSRI can affect people different ways. Glad it is not affecting your sleep because sleep is so important to our mental health.

Would you like to share what SSRI your on and what time of day you take?

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The main reason I was put on SSRI was because I couldn't sleep. I am taking Mirtazapin 15mg. I take one at night when I get into bed. It gives me about 30 minutes so I can read a little. In the morning I sometimes feel a little groggy but once I eat and drink I feel a lot better.


I was diagnosed with chronic insomnia in my early 40’s (I’m 57 now) and have been prescribed and tried just about every medication.
For years I’ve been taking 200 MG of Trazodone, and 0.5 MG of Alprazolam each night for sleep. Within the past three years, I have had two spinal fusion surgeries and the chronic pain and nerve damage greatly affect my sleep. About six months ago I tried “gummies” and my sleep has drastically improved.
I’ve added “Above” by Sunmed delta-8 thc: max strength to my nighttime medication and I cannot believe the difference it has made. I fall asleep quickly, rarely wake up to go to the bathroom, and I am not groggy at all in the morning.
I would check with your doctor to see if gummies would help. Good luck and I hope you get some rest soon!

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What kind of gummies are you taking??


What kind of gummies are you taking??

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“Above” by Sunmed delta-8 thc: max strength gummies.
Definitely worth trying!

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