After having 6 Covid Vaccines to date: How are you doing?

Posted by drsletmedown @drsletmedown, May 10 8:20am

I'm 71 male & still work & do what I have to & need to. Do my yard work etc. Decided when Covid was bad & people close to me were dying to take the so called jab. Tried to NOT get caught up in either side for or against & Pray for the best. I've had 6 so far & was told in 4 months I need another of this latest one. A booster I guess. I've had ALL the Old Folks recommended vaccines trying to be proactive & NOT let ANY of the stuff you see non stop ads for like Shingles get me. SO it's DONE I can't UNDO them but I'm curious to how others that took them are doing ? Life is a daily battle. I hurt all over. Drs say osteoarthritis. Legs hurt. Feels like my bones hurt. A 40 lb bag of potting soil feels like 100lbs. Ocular Migraines. GI issues. Brain Fog etc. Just curious I don't see much about AFTER vaccines & I'm NOT interested in any far fetched Snake Oil videos & folks trying to cask in to make a $. I chose to side with the so called Science just NOT sure if it was the right choice ? I'm up & alive & Thankful for every new day just wondering how others are doing AFTER the FACT ?

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Yes I had a nerve reaction after 1 and they pulled the rest. It effects your nervous system. I have no one that I have found to help me but I do have nueropathy from it. Yes your symptoms


I'm in your boat with just having got my 6th vax. Had a slight reaction of tiredness and soreness. But that comes and goes at will. I am grateful to be alive and relatively well!
Thanks for sharing.


I’m curious, did you feel this bad before starting down the vaccine road? Did you have Covid?
I chose the opposite way, and was not vaccinated feeling that the “jab” had been rushed out. I am not anti-vaccine, and like you, stayed out of the political aspects.
I did ok until 2022 and then finally caught the virus. I seemed fully recovered after three weeks, but have had gradual strange effects crop up over the past two years.
Now, two years later I am quite debilitated. My hearing, eyesight, balance and digestion all gone haywire.
It seems we were damned if we did, and damned if we didn’t take the vaccine.
Good luck to you.


I’m curious, did you feel this bad before starting down the vaccine road? Did you have Covid?
I chose the opposite way, and was not vaccinated feeling that the “jab” had been rushed out. I am not anti-vaccine, and like you, stayed out of the political aspects.
I did ok until 2022 and then finally caught the virus. I seemed fully recovered after three weeks, but have had gradual strange effects crop up over the past two years.
Now, two years later I am quite debilitated. My hearing, eyesight, balance and digestion all gone haywire.
It seems we were damned if we did, and damned if we didn’t take the vaccine.
Good luck to you.

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Problem for me is what is NORMAL for ANY age ? I'm active & I still work. I do 2 big yards & mow & weed eat etc. But it HURTS I just MAKE myself do it. I had Covid August 2022 AFTER having 5 Pfizer vaccines. I got the 6th. booster a couple months ago & was told get one more in 4 months. I'm learning MORE & MORE about Prilosec / Omeprazole it's the same thing I've been on 30 years for heartburn / reflux. Wondering now if some of my problems are from that & hoping to get off of it. Who Knows ? I'm not for nor against vaccines just stirring it all up & see what comes out. That's how we all learn.


Problem for me is what is NORMAL for ANY age ? I'm active & I still work. I do 2 big yards & mow & weed eat etc. But it HURTS I just MAKE myself do it. I had Covid August 2022 AFTER having 5 Pfizer vaccines. I got the 6th. booster a couple months ago & was told get one more in 4 months. I'm learning MORE & MORE about Prilosec / Omeprazole it's the same thing I've been on 30 years for heartburn / reflux. Wondering now if some of my problems are from that & hoping to get off of it. Who Knows ? I'm not for nor against vaccines just stirring it all up & see what comes out. That's how we all learn.

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It seems to me you do feel worse after the vaccines, and having Covid.
I know what you mean in saying we are getting older, and what might be normal? I would say for me, NONE of this is normal. I had some mild “aging” issues before Covid. After Covid all my mild issues went into overdrive and now I’m to the point I can’t function.
I watched my parents age, and now friends about my age who are not experiencing what I am going through. Natural aging seems to be gradual. This is like I was hit with a sledgehammer!


It seems to me you do feel worse after the vaccines, and having Covid.
I know what you mean in saying we are getting older, and what might be normal? I would say for me, NONE of this is normal. I had some mild “aging” issues before Covid. After Covid all my mild issues went into overdrive and now I’m to the point I can’t function.
I watched my parents age, and now friends about my age who are not experiencing what I am going through. Natural aging seems to be gradual. This is like I was hit with a sledgehammer!

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AGREED but you WON'T find anyone in the medical field that will listen. At least I haven't. The shrug it off. Cut the conversation short. Well can't go back & un do it etc. Agent Orange wasn't an issue either until proven otherwise. But it was China & a food market & bats ? So we were fed.


AGREED but you WON'T find anyone in the medical field that will listen. At least I haven't. The shrug it off. Cut the conversation short. Well can't go back & un do it etc. Agent Orange wasn't an issue either until proven otherwise. But it was China & a food market & bats ? So we were fed.

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I agree with everything you said.
I have found an integrated medical group that listens. So far, they have not figured out an effective treatment for me, but they listen, and believe that I am suffering from Covid consequences.
That alone has been helpful.


It seems to me you do feel worse after the vaccines, and having Covid.
I know what you mean in saying we are getting older, and what might be normal? I would say for me, NONE of this is normal. I had some mild “aging” issues before Covid. After Covid all my mild issues went into overdrive and now I’m to the point I can’t function.
I watched my parents age, and now friends about my age who are not experiencing what I am going through. Natural aging seems to be gradual. This is like I was hit with a sledgehammer!

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Ditto. I think I may have had COVID very early on - no proof bec no tests but I traveled 3/9-12/2020 and spoke at and attended a conference. Planes, long layovers at airports, and the conference. Always tired after travel. Multi-vaccinated when I got COVID WITH symptoms end of March 2023. And yes, at now 77, I look at what is normal aging and what is post-COVID.

What is tough and this is to a few comments is that it took a year for the depressive aspect of this to hit. I simply cannot do even what I could up to end of March 2023. Aches and pains have been added to and it is NOT normal for those of us who were reasonably ok.

Grateful to a number of folks among this group sharing. It is a very tough fight to get docs to even pay attention . They are not doing even the min. research of google alerts.


Ditto. I think I may have had COVID very early on - no proof bec no tests but I traveled 3/9-12/2020 and spoke at and attended a conference. Planes, long layovers at airports, and the conference. Always tired after travel. Multi-vaccinated when I got COVID WITH symptoms end of March 2023. And yes, at now 77, I look at what is normal aging and what is post-COVID.

What is tough and this is to a few comments is that it took a year for the depressive aspect of this to hit. I simply cannot do even what I could up to end of March 2023. Aches and pains have been added to and it is NOT normal for those of us who were reasonably ok.

Grateful to a number of folks among this group sharing. It is a very tough fight to get docs to even pay attention . They are not doing even the min. research of google alerts.

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Yes, before Covid I felt a very “young” 72. Able to do whatever I wanted. For the first six months I continued on fairly normally, but over time the symptoms started to take me down.

I have mostly sensory and digestive issues. Hearing, vision, balance, and bowel issues. I have had so many treatments and doctors, I can’t even remember it all anymore.

Now, I am barely able to bathe and take care of my personal needs. I am fortunate to have a husband who has stuck with me, and taken up the tasks I can no longer accomplish.
I have very little pain for which I am thankful.
Still, I am incapacitated by dizziness, and malfunctioning eyes and ears. I also suffer from tinnitus and hyperacusis which makes it doubly hard to be around people in normal settings. It’s as if my body is broken, and no longer knows how to function.

Life is passing me by, because I can no longer participate. And, as you say, after two years a heavy depression has settled on me.


Yes, before Covid I felt a very “young” 72. Able to do whatever I wanted. For the first six months I continued on fairly normally, but over time the symptoms started to take me down.

I have mostly sensory and digestive issues. Hearing, vision, balance, and bowel issues. I have had so many treatments and doctors, I can’t even remember it all anymore.

Now, I am barely able to bathe and take care of my personal needs. I am fortunate to have a husband who has stuck with me, and taken up the tasks I can no longer accomplish.
I have very little pain for which I am thankful.
Still, I am incapacitated by dizziness, and malfunctioning eyes and ears. I also suffer from tinnitus and hyperacusis which makes it doubly hard to be around people in normal settings. It’s as if my body is broken, and no longer knows how to function.

Life is passing me by, because I can no longer participate. And, as you say, after two years a heavy depression has settled on me.

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A hug is not enough. And I so identify with what you wrote. I had my first televisit w/ a Long COVID clinic today and recounted all my symptoms that I did not have pre-March 2023 COVID and the ones that occurred after I may have had a mild case in March 2020.

Like you, they've now recommended even MORE doctors for me to see. That alone seems to not be understood by the medical community - that a) when we are exhausted and for me, pain added, going out is more than we can physically and sometimes mentally do; b) not all of us have ease of transportation; c) some of us still work and/or if we have spouses or partners they do and taking off to take us is if not impossible, very difficult.

That I had returned from a long biz trip March 12, 2020 and it was my last - first bec of lockdown and then being cautious and now bec the idea of travel is far beyond my capability.

I wanted to be encouraged today. Alas, I am incredibly discouraged and would almost prefer living w/ the pain (treated) and nothing else since it there are too few answers and too little investigation and we are the experiments.

Sending you strength and thanks to your husband and mine for helping us.

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