After having 6 Covid Vaccines to date: How are you doing?

Posted by drsletmedown @drsletmedown, May 10 8:20am

I'm 71 male & still work & do what I have to & need to. Do my yard work etc. Decided when Covid was bad & people close to me were dying to take the so called jab. Tried to NOT get caught up in either side for or against & Pray for the best. I've had 6 so far & was told in 4 months I need another of this latest one. A booster I guess. I've had ALL the Old Folks recommended vaccines trying to be proactive & NOT let ANY of the stuff you see non stop ads for like Shingles get me. SO it's DONE I can't UNDO them but I'm curious to how others that took them are doing ? Life is a daily battle. I hurt all over. Drs say osteoarthritis. Legs hurt. Feels like my bones hurt. A 40 lb bag of potting soil feels like 100lbs. Ocular Migraines. GI issues. Brain Fog etc. Just curious I don't see much about AFTER vaccines & I'm NOT interested in any far fetched Snake Oil videos & folks trying to cask in to make a $. I chose to side with the so called Science just NOT sure if it was the right choice ? I'm up & alive & Thankful for every new day just wondering how others are doing AFTER the FACT ?

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A hug is not enough. And I so identify with what you wrote. I had my first televisit w/ a Long COVID clinic today and recounted all my symptoms that I did not have pre-March 2023 COVID and the ones that occurred after I may have had a mild case in March 2020.

Like you, they've now recommended even MORE doctors for me to see. That alone seems to not be understood by the medical community - that a) when we are exhausted and for me, pain added, going out is more than we can physically and sometimes mentally do; b) not all of us have ease of transportation; c) some of us still work and/or if we have spouses or partners they do and taking off to take us is if not impossible, very difficult.

That I had returned from a long biz trip March 12, 2020 and it was my last - first bec of lockdown and then being cautious and now bec the idea of travel is far beyond my capability.

I wanted to be encouraged today. Alas, I am incredibly discouraged and would almost prefer living w/ the pain (treated) and nothing else since it there are too few answers and too little investigation and we are the experiments.

Sending you strength and thanks to your husband and mine for helping us.

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I know. All the appointments come to nothing, and are so hard to get to.
I’m sorry I have no advise. I still go to some appointments. Not as many as in the past. I have honestly seen dozens of doctors and gone to hundreds of appointments over the last couple years.
It’s difficult to give up, but I often think if my body doesn’t figure this out, there simply
are no answers.
Good luck to you.

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