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Autoimmune Diseases and Fatigue

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Oct 4, 2023 | Replies (544)

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John, I'm so glad you started this discussion specific to fatigue. As you know my mom suffers from fatigue and we're still trying to get to the bottom of the cause. I'm tagging other members on this discussion in the hopes that they'll share their experiences with autoimmune disease and fatigue.

@robbinr @jharsh @dawn_giacabazi @flowerbeauty @jillnc @kyjeanne @blindeyepug: John asks, Do you experience fatigue? How has it impacted your life and how do you deal with it? Have you found anything that you are sure mitigates it?

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Replies to "John, I'm so glad you started this discussion specific to fatigue. As you know my mom..."

God bless you Peach you are a very strong,positive women if we could all look at others who have it worse of then me/us You are not bedridden ,you keep going for you and your son.

Thank you ,as, s retired nurse I've seen so many people who couldn't get out of bed ,so sick ,there is lot of suffering in the world ,we really don't know how fortunately we are

@oregongirl Wow, your hospital experience sounds aweful! I am sorry you had to go through that.

Oregongirl my back pain is still there after 1week I'll give it till Thursday if not better calling Dr.Since he gave me shots I,he been exhausted slept most of yesterday and all night Don't know if it's the Cortisone he gave me or something else

@ dear lioness yes, there are times that I am bedridden. I force myself onto the broken wheelchair and make it to the refrigerator
Then later in the day to the car and am on my way to the doctor or to the grocery store. Then out away the food and collapse into the bed. To tired to eat. But there is tomorrow.

Bless you Peach your not letting it win that's what is important

Peach is right I've wondered myself how they be so cruel and call themselves nurses or whatever in the medical field

@ Dear Lionness Thank you, Peach

Your welcome

@lioness You are right about that. People often ask me how I stand to live with my lung disease (particularly when I have infection flare-ups). To me, I always feel grateful that I don't have worse things going on!