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DiscussionAutoimmune Diseases and Fatigue
Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Feb 26 8:03am | Replies (546)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "John, I'm so glad you started this discussion specific to fatigue. As you know my mom..."
Hi hemmed when we wereyounger,married ,kids and work we all had the energy to get it all done. Funny what retirement does to a person I'm 75 also been sleeping most of today,exhausted
Lioness. I am 76 and I try to walk everyday. But, now summer is on us in Texas. I just cannot do it. My dog has to go for walks and as a responsible owner I do it. But not for far in the heat. In the winter, Spring and Fall, I walk at least 3/4 mile or better everyday. I found that the pills I was on were making me tire. It meant pain to me, but I had to quit. The pills that we are allowed to take, just make us tired. If I could have some of the better drugs, I actually obtain energy from them. I am sure some of you have that. I don't know what I am going to do. I have a nurse that comes to see me twice a week. ( I had crushed by 11th Vertibrae and could not walk. She wants me to try to get some better drugs. She has RA and her pain Dr is doing right by her. I see my pain dr in two weeks. I can already hear him say..We can give you shots in your back. NO NONO. BEEN there done that and it does not work.
My teeth cannot take this pain either. They are falling out. Please everyone be careful. My Sodium got down to 2% and I nearly went into a coma. I called 911 because I had been sick all night and had a migraine. I was furious at the hospital as they thought I was having a drug problem. They put me down the hall away from the nurses station and by other people who were evidently really coming off something. By the time I figure out what they were thinking, the doctor came and said we must admit you immediately. Here the nurse thought she was so smart and got my urine and blood work and was ready to send me home. Probably thought good Lord. 76 years old and a junkie.Jerk!!!!!!! Not only that but my teeth are falling out and that is a sign of using METH. NOT ME. I am scheduling a meeting with the Director of the Hospital This will never happen to me again or to any of you. Remember, they do not understand what we are experiencing. I am writing a letter to my Congressman and explaining to him what happened to me. I could still be in that Coma. Good Lord.
Good luck Oregongirl what do you think your teeth are calling out?is it due to your calls or medicine? It is so disgusting how we who have worked and built this co u try are being treated I wish you luck
Have you ever tried accupuncture? It's been recommended to me from friends who,ve had it for there back they swear by it .This is the first time Im having bad results from injections
@oregongirl When you have problem in the ER or with an ER doc or nurse, Immediately tell a friend or spouse . write it down a soon as possible in detail using names, the date and time, everything. Do it calmly and carefully.. If you are admitted, tell the admitting doctor and nurse. Tell everyone you come in contact with what happened. Documenting is very important. Write a business style letter to the head of the hospital and all of the commissioners.Send aa copiy to the personnel department also and the head of the emergency department.Be sure that the letter shows that you cc’d it to the others. Remember: Note exactly who did what, don't blame anyone else.If someone elsewasnice to you and helpfulnote that ss well, such as lab tech, etc. Be calm, be honest, and ask them what they plan to do about the way you were treated. This way, you should hear from them.As soon as you see your regular doc tell him/her.what happened and how you handled it. Expect some of these people to cover for each other, but most are truly honest. Stand your ground with the exact truth.
@ just wait. At 80 I have no teeth left. Dentures keep my smile intact. So what. I have a new boyfriend. and we truly care for each other. He is 85 and still going strong. We are enjoying the rest of what will be. So..... whatever will be with all the fatigue, please hold on and wait for the energy to come back. Depression brings the worst feelings so fight it. Kick it out, I know it hurts but some how continue to live, live live. Peach
@ dear gemmax I also have sjogrens, RA and psoriatic arthritis so I do share your pain. I have other medical problems. It is hard for you. Yes, there are people like me and others who do understand how hard it is to continue without suffering. But like I told my son who was born with a double cleft lip and palate: look at the people who have no legs, who are slowly dying of cancer and all of the others. Help yourself and help the others. He is doing well after 19 operations and as you know i suffered with him. Through all the fatigue we must help ourselves and others. Love to everyine Peach414144
@ Dear sweet oregonlady. I have experienced the same treatment at the er. I am 80 and have no teeth (they are dentures). There are others who have been mistreated as you have been. We understand and care for you. Some people should not be working in the health field. You are strong and that is good. Keep on being strong we are with you. Peach414144
@mickie75 You are the first other Sjogren’s person that I’ve met on here.I am fairly new here, so I am sure that there are others. one of the major symptoms of sjogren’s for me is the fatigue. It is life changing. I could once hke 2 steep miles every morning, work a full day, take care of my family and household, cooking, etc, without any help at all. My kids had some chores but their time was limited because of never-ending homework..hours and hours every day. And then activities. We made it through all of that and my husband was able tostop traveleing formwork about 12 years ago. Then he had time to help. When we often look so normal, it is difficult for people to understand our fatigue and pain and other symptoms. I was diagnosed (finally) 23 years ago. When I firt became ill,noone knew what sjogre;s wasnot ten most doctors. I rest every day unless I have appointments that prevent it. I have reduced the number of appointments that I am willing to go to. I have also re4duced the number ofmeds that I am willing to take. Some times when docs don;tknow, they start experiementing. My reg doc does not do that snd respects my choices. I army own advocate. I have the final say unlestheeis some emergency. It sounds as if you have many problems. With sjogrens I am sure you know that dental problems are such sn important issue, because they can make you sick in other ways.i sam so glad that you re writing.zi look forward tohearingmore about your sjogre;s in particular. Be blessed!