Post Covid Head Pressure/ Dizziness

Posted by rmc1021 @rmc1021, Aug 2, 2023

I am new here, I had covid last year, I have not been the same since, I feel like I am dizzy often, I have head tightness and pressure, some times stabbing pain in my temples. Feels like vertigo at night when I am just sitting there. its horrible, I had had 2 cat scans of my head, nothing came up. I really believe this is from Covid.

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It is SO hard to keep trying different protocols and feel no better. I’ve been on this “what it’s not” road for such a long time. Yes, advocate for yourself is imperative (trust me, no one else will), but at some point your health is not good enough to keep going.
Each time I start something new, I get a glimmer of hope, but then it doesn’t work, and I am cast down again. After a couple years, it’s very hard to keep hope going.

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I feel your pain. I had Covid in December of 2022 and lost my taste and smell. I’ve had 3 Stellate Ganglion Block injections into my neck and they have only slightly improved my taste and smell. I still can’t taste any flavors of anything, only salty, sweet and sour. I just recently started to smell the coffee grounds in the morning. I’m going to have a 4th injection in June and if that doesn’t work, I’m loosing hope.


@rmc1021 and @mbryant1380 You are not alone with the symptoms you describe. Reads very similar to mine that began shortly after my first (and last Moderna booster!) in November 2021. The sensations I have/had are unique and difficult to describe exactly. Feels like dizzy but not exactly, feels like dropping on a roller coater but not exactly, feels like light headedness but not exactly, when I stand/stood still I sense a rocking sensation. At not time have I fallen and I do have good balance. The only time my Wife and I tested positive for COVID in July 2022. I knew something was wrong and went to my GP in January 2022, he threw every test in the book at me and my journey of "what its not" began here in Charleston SC. Long story short advocated/pushed for myself and ended up at Mayo Rochester August 2023. Executed the Mayo program and now feel better and hoping Long COVID becomes a memory. mbryant1380 You are not alone with the symptoms you describe. Read very similar to mine that began shortly after my first (and last Moderna booster!) in November 2021. The sensations I have/had are unique. Feels like dizzy but not exactly, feels like dropping on a roller coater but not exactly, feels like light headedness but not exactly, when I stand still I sense a rocking sensation. At not time have I fallen and I do have good balance. The only time my Wife and I tested positive for COVID in July 2022. I knew something was wrong and went to my GP in January 2022, he threw every test in the book at me and my journey of "what its not" began here in Charleston SC. Long story short advocated/pushed for myself and ended up at Mayo Rochester August 2023. Executed the Mayo program and now feel better (notice in some of my descriptions I use past/present tense and hoping Long COVID becomes a memory. I wish you well in your recovery. Highly recommend you take "the journey of what its not" with your local providers and then if needed find your way to Mayo Rochester for their program. It has worked for me.

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Hello, I have similar symptoms of vertigo and constant headaches. It's terrible. So far nothing has helped. What is the "Mayo program"? Thanks for the info.


Hello, I have similar symptoms of vertigo and constant headaches. It's terrible. So far nothing has helped. What is the "Mayo program"? Thanks for the info.

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@nomeite I visited Mayo Rochester in September 2023 for their Long COVID programs. Lots of blood tests, tilt table test, and sleep quality test. Followed by education, a personal recovery plan, and then coaching and nurse check ins. Today I feel better, definitely not 'cured' but in a more manageable place.


Hi there...This is an old thread but hope maybe you check in, fellow New Yorker! My primary Covid symptom was dizziness, not respiratory, and it's persisted after bouts #2 and #3. This on top of chronic sinusitus, so it's hard to parse: Is it sinus stuff causing my symptoms, which include dizziness, hearing loss, tinnitus or is it post-Covid? Or can they even tell? I had an intake at NYU and would love to know if the program was helpful for you. My intake doc, Dr. Munger, was smart, kind, and thorough but had no suggestions or follow-up. I realize my symptoms haven't put me on disability, but they do affect QOL...always feeling shaky, like my head doesn't quite belong to me and, as the above poster perfectly described:..."...dizzy but not exactly, feels like dropping on a roller coaster but not exactly, feels like light headedness but not exactly, when I stand still I sense a rocking sensation. " Yup. Me too. Best wishes to you and to everyone on this board!!


Hi there...This is an old thread but hope maybe you check in, fellow New Yorker! My primary Covid symptom was dizziness, not respiratory, and it's persisted after bouts #2 and #3. This on top of chronic sinusitus, so it's hard to parse: Is it sinus stuff causing my symptoms, which include dizziness, hearing loss, tinnitus or is it post-Covid? Or can they even tell? I had an intake at NYU and would love to know if the program was helpful for you. My intake doc, Dr. Munger, was smart, kind, and thorough but had no suggestions or follow-up. I realize my symptoms haven't put me on disability, but they do affect QOL...always feeling shaky, like my head doesn't quite belong to me and, as the above poster perfectly described:..."...dizzy but not exactly, feels like dropping on a roller coaster but not exactly, feels like light headedness but not exactly, when I stand still I sense a rocking sensation. " Yup. Me too. Best wishes to you and to everyone on this board!!

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@shashig Appears you are quoting me. Those were and still are to a degree my symptoms along with PEM and Exercise Intolerance. I consider them managed, but not cured. My hopes are one day they go away, but nobody seems to know for sure.


@shashig Appears you are quoting me. Those were and still are to a degree my symptoms along with PEM and Exercise Intolerance. I consider them managed, but not cured. My hopes are one day they go away, but nobody seems to know for sure.

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To @arichards3 ... We hope and throw in a little prayer, too! Hey, it can't hurt.


Hi there...This is an old thread but hope maybe you check in, fellow New Yorker! My primary Covid symptom was dizziness, not respiratory, and it's persisted after bouts #2 and #3. This on top of chronic sinusitus, so it's hard to parse: Is it sinus stuff causing my symptoms, which include dizziness, hearing loss, tinnitus or is it post-Covid? Or can they even tell? I had an intake at NYU and would love to know if the program was helpful for you. My intake doc, Dr. Munger, was smart, kind, and thorough but had no suggestions or follow-up. I realize my symptoms haven't put me on disability, but they do affect QOL...always feeling shaky, like my head doesn't quite belong to me and, as the above poster perfectly described:..."...dizzy but not exactly, feels like dropping on a roller coaster but not exactly, feels like light headedness but not exactly, when I stand still I sense a rocking sensation. " Yup. Me too. Best wishes to you and to everyone on this board!!

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@mbryant1380 I'd posted this but neglected to include your I.D....I was wondering if the NYU program did anything for you...hope you still check in!!


@mbryant1380 I'd posted this but neglected to include your I.D....I was wondering if the NYU program did anything for you...hope you still check in!!

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Hi, unfortunately no. I did test positive for POTS “like” symptoms, was only given management for it. Up my water and salt intake, wear compression garments, but that’s about it. My doctor, Dr Congden was also very kind, sympathetic, patient and supportive of what I’m going through. So that helps a little, if nothing else emotionally.
I still suffer from sinusitis, tinnitus, balance issues and horrible gastrointestinal symptoms. I was sick I believe with Covid again in February, even though I tested negative, my daughter tested positive. So unfortunately things are worse, now I have severe nerve pain and symptoms I was already suffering from have elevated. I was given Gabapentin but it caused vision problems. So I push through the pain best I can.
At this point I’ve taken a pause going to doctors for help, because so far nothing has.
I pray you are feeling much better.
Best wishes


Hi, unfortunately no. I did test positive for POTS “like” symptoms, was only given management for it. Up my water and salt intake, wear compression garments, but that’s about it. My doctor, Dr Congden was also very kind, sympathetic, patient and supportive of what I’m going through. So that helps a little, if nothing else emotionally.
I still suffer from sinusitis, tinnitus, balance issues and horrible gastrointestinal symptoms. I was sick I believe with Covid again in February, even though I tested negative, my daughter tested positive. So unfortunately things are worse, now I have severe nerve pain and symptoms I was already suffering from have elevated. I was given Gabapentin but it caused vision problems. So I push through the pain best I can.
At this point I’ve taken a pause going to doctors for help, because so far nothing has.
I pray you are feeling much better.
Best wishes

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Hi...I have the same insurance would not pay for the tilt table test and if they would have it would have saved me , the insurance company , and my poor body a lot of expense. I was diagnosed with Orthostatic hypotension..alias pots on march 17, 24 when I fainted in my driveway..had a head injury TBI and concussion, then I fainted again on June 5, 24 when I had extensive injury to my Right leg and left ribs..luckily no broken bones. I had the gastrointestinal problems for two years as it left me with severe ulcerative colitis, nerve pains in my feet and right was like I was touching an electric fence and it hurt to wear shoes or walk. My blood pressure has been so high..its scary..they just doubled my med after another trip to the ER last week. Headaches and dizziness..and vertigo and fatigue. This long haul stuff has taken over my soul and there are physicians and friends who do not believe or understand this syndrome. I also have the hearing and vision loss too. I pray for you and all of our long covid friends . I hope some day someone can help us. Hugs to all of you..Kitty2


Hi...I have the same insurance would not pay for the tilt table test and if they would have it would have saved me , the insurance company , and my poor body a lot of expense. I was diagnosed with Orthostatic hypotension..alias pots on march 17, 24 when I fainted in my driveway..had a head injury TBI and concussion, then I fainted again on June 5, 24 when I had extensive injury to my Right leg and left ribs..luckily no broken bones. I had the gastrointestinal problems for two years as it left me with severe ulcerative colitis, nerve pains in my feet and right was like I was touching an electric fence and it hurt to wear shoes or walk. My blood pressure has been so high..its scary..they just doubled my med after another trip to the ER last week. Headaches and dizziness..and vertigo and fatigue. This long haul stuff has taken over my soul and there are physicians and friends who do not believe or understand this syndrome. I also have the hearing and vision loss too. I pray for you and all of our long covid friends . I hope some day someone can help us. Hugs to all of you..Kitty2

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I can not begin to tell you how sorry I am that you are going through this, all of us actually. Until I found this site and my LC doctor connected me to another LC support group (via zoom) I thought it was an anxiety disorder like sooo many doctors tried to tell me. Honestly I think I would have rather them say “ Mrs. Bryant we just can’t figure out what is wrong” instead of making me feel like it’s all in my head. Two years I spent in and out of hospitals and doctors offices, it wasn’t until a family member said I should look into Long Covid, and she’s heard several stories of people experiencing what I was. For two years not one single doctor suggested that Covid could be the root.
We are all so lost and hanging on by threads most of us, I can’t even remember what it feels like to NOT have symptoms, to feel like my pre Covid self. I don’t cry as much as I use too, I guess it’s just me accepting this is it…for now. But I also had to face I might be like this for a long time. I want so much for that not to be true.
I send out to you and everyone on here healing energy, prayers for better health, and days where all of this will be nothing more than a memory and we make it to the other side of a full recovery. ❤️

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