Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

Posted by elvisnash @elvisnash, Dec 26, 2023

I have a 5 centimeter Thoractic Aortic Aneurysm
Why does everyone to seem to go for open heart surgery to fix it and not less invasive Tevar ?

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Primarily because the TEVAR type of "band aid" has not been well tested or successfully tested in ascending thoracic aneurysms. There is more pressure above the heart than below the heart (descending aortic aneurysm), which makes this type of TEVAR surgery more risky for the longer term --- AT THIS TIME. I suspect that this will change over time.

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I just found an article that details progress in using the endovascular TEVAR type of approach for ascending aortic aneurysms. The article is free; authors are Atkins AD, Reardon MJ, Atkins, MD Endovascular Management of the Ascending Aorta: State of the Art Methodist DeBakey Cardiovasc j 2023; 19(2): 29-37. DOI 10.14797/MDCVJ.1173


That surgeon DeBakey operated on my sister 50 years
I'll check it out , if anything else a 2nd take on it besides the Va
Thanks H !!!


I'm working on not worrying about it
it will happen eventually on surgery
This guy breaks it down on how it works
He's had about 4 sugerys , worrying about it is a complete waste of time


Kinda silly do I really think eating fried foods and smoking for 55 years is going change things now on Salmon 3 times a week ? it is what it is , little better diet and cut way down on smoking . I'm sure after surgery I'll be mister health nut


Oh watchin Youtube vids on heart surgery
Oh my first week after surgery , don't forget to subsribe , I guess they're stars now


I am recently diagnosed with thoratic aortic aneruysm from ctscan measuring 4.9 mm. I am waiting on appointment with cardiovascular dr to discuss managment/maintinence. I have many questions,such as,how much weight is too much to lift. Can I still load my trolling motor in and out oof my truck? is cranking the wynch to load my boat to much? I live in North Centeral Washington and wait times for appointments/procedures is long. The hospital Dr's here have a good reputation but can't help but wonder if I should go to Spokane or Seattle for opinon or surgery. How dangerous is the thoratic aneruysm surery? I am 68 retired, OK blood pressure


I am recently diagnosed with thoratic aortic aneruysm from ctscan measuring 4.9 mm. I am waiting on appointment with cardiovascular dr to discuss managment/maintinence. I have many questions,such as,how much weight is too much to lift. Can I still load my trolling motor in and out oof my truck? is cranking the wynch to load my boat to much? I live in North Centeral Washington and wait times for appointments/procedures is long. The hospital Dr's here have a good reputation but can't help but wonder if I should go to Spokane or Seattle for opinon or surgery. How dangerous is the thoratic aneruysm surery? I am 68 retired, OK blood pressure

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I read in a Mayo Clinic article that no more than 50# should be lifted if you have a TAAA. Try this link:


I think that there is not a Standard TEVAR component to use for an ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm . (I’m assuming yours is ascending) there are important arteries that branch off of the aorta near the aortic arch. . I think they’re working on creating a Standard component at Cleveland clinic and possibly Mayo. One reason they wait until the aneurysm is somewhat large is because it’s such a dangerous operation and As far as I know, it has to be open heart. They also put you on a bypass and I think they stop your heart for a bit with ice water, you might want to read The process of the surgery Surgery for an ascending aortic aneurysm and find out everything you can.

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