Tired of the gaslighting

Posted by cwitton1 @cwitton1, Jan 5, 2024

I am done.
No more doctors. They’ve gaslit me, passed me off, placated me with unnecessary tests, tried detrimental drug therapies. No more “specialists” who pass you along to the next because it’s “not my job”. They straight up don’t believe anything I say. I am done. This journey that started in 1989 with a case of mononucleosis has ruined my life. I am done chasing answers and being mentally traumatized by doctors’ lack of empathy or concern. I am tired of reading my after visit notes and finding errors- things we never discussed or blatant lies about being examined. I am sick to death of being told it’s just anxiety manifesting or my brain tricking my body to make it *think*there’s pain when “there isn’t”. There is pain. A lot of pain, and I do not wonder at all why people with autoimmune disorders or chronic conditions- chronic pain patients, take unthinkable measures. News flash:NSAIDS don’t do squat for pain. They only wreck your kidneys and liver. What I have learned in the last 35 years is you can trust no one but yourself. Doctors are not there to help you. Doctors are there to make money and feel important about themselves. Doctors refuse to tell us, “I don’t know.” I’m tired, and it’s become more of a self preservation technique to just walk away. No more visits. No more medications. Whatever will be, will be. Call me a quitter. I don’t care. We were brought up to think if you’re sick, go to a doctor and they will help you get better. If your pain is new or gets worse, go to your doctor. They will figure out the cause. This is bs. No one’s going to help you. No one’s going to believe you. You will begin to question your sanity and eventually come to the conclusion that you’re on your own. The power dynamic in medicine is huge. They may have paid for an education, but I am not stupid and I know my body. This is me, finally defeated, jaded and hopeless. This is me accepting that this is how the rest of my life will be, forever. It’s not an exciting, rosy prospect. This is me, and I am done.

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So true. There are Dr’s that are aware of this and treating Covid protein spikes along with treatment for the conditions arising from the reactivated illnesses from this. In my case Epstein Barr, Lyme and Immune deficiency. Extreme fatigue and muscle pain being the most debilitating symptom s.


I think nobody is telling anybody very much because the answers are not pretty. Vaccines have altered humane DNA and set autoimmune system by the tune of over 23 million on overdrive and no one has a way to really shut them off unless they shut down on their own. Everyone who has Auto immune disease has 1 or more major health issues from neuropathy, to cancers, Lupus, MS, Parkinson’s, to name a few. Covid vaccines turned on switches that never should have been turned on causing a lot of early deaths. Only a handful of lead Researchers could prove all this to be true and through fear from other or fear of their share in the cause from society as with many facts today they are being suppressed. Can’t really prove any of this personally, just a hypothesis but you read a lot and look at the facts and this conclusion is totally reasonable for that which they cannot explain.

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So as I feared your intent wasn’t humor, it was vaccine conspiracy.


Hey John. Thanks for the welcome. I’ve been to Mayo three separate times and each time they’ve let me down. You get to a point when you have to walk away to save your mental health. I have a myriad of painful conditions- from lupus to migraines to arthritis to Sjogrens. I don’t like to include fibromyalgia in there because there are still people who believe fibromyalgia is not real and when you mention it you can see the eye rolls and disassociation. I have spinal stenosis, multiple bulging discs, scoliosis, trochanteric bursitis, sciatica. I could go on but you get the gist. I am a member of the chronic pain and autoimmune discussions. I just thought this vent would be more appropriate here since it encompasses a lot of symptoms.

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Hi. I just wanted to say I am in the same position, but in the UK. I was diagnosed in 1982 and hospitalised for 10 weeks with Nephritis/Nephrotic Syndrome together with every other delight SLE can offer. I also have Sjogren’s, Osteoarthritis, Fibro etc etc.
I also struggle with the attitude of medics.
It was far better when they happily admitted they didn’t know it all.
Keep smiling. X


I think nobody is telling anybody very much because the answers are not pretty. Vaccines have altered humane DNA and set autoimmune system by the tune of over 23 million on overdrive and no one has a way to really shut them off unless they shut down on their own. Everyone who has Auto immune disease has 1 or more major health issues from neuropathy, to cancers, Lupus, MS, Parkinson’s, to name a few. Covid vaccines turned on switches that never should have been turned on causing a lot of early deaths. Only a handful of lead Researchers could prove all this to be true and through fear from other or fear of their share in the cause from society as with many facts today they are being suppressed. Can’t really prove any of this personally, just a hypothesis but you read a lot and look at the facts and this conclusion is totally reasonable for that which they cannot explain.

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Viruses can alter DNA, which is why they are being researched and used to treat some diseases, to fix flawed genes: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/gene-therapy-virus-crispr-editing-disease . My celiac was triggered by catching H1N1 14 years ago; the virus didn't alter my DNA, it just activated my existing HLA-DQ8 haplotype. Vaccines, including mRNA, are designed to alert our immune systems that an alien bacteria/virus is invading our systems. They don't alter DNA because they contain chemical pieces rather than DNA. ResearchGate is a good source for medical and other scientific research. Most of the "science" that is posted online is not peer-reviewed research, it is unsupported opinion. I post this as a scientist. Genetic and mRNA research is new (at least to me, being 70), so there is a lot to learn, and lots of unknowns. https://hcrl.wustl.edu/claims-that-mrna-vaccines-change-human-dna-are-back/ . https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true/is-it-true-can-covid-19-vaccines-alter-my-dna


I'm so sorry you've gotten to this point. It took me 20 years of being blown off by Neurologists to finally get diagnosed with a rare, slow-growing lymphoma that was destroying my nervous system. I'm glad I kept fighting because I found a group of specialists at Duke University who took me seriously and started the process that would lead to my diagnosis and treatment. I'm getting chemo treatments now. There are a lot of good doctors out there, I promise. You may have to travel to find them, but they do exist. Don't give up on yourself.


Viruses can alter DNA, which is why they are being researched and used to treat some diseases, to fix flawed genes: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/gene-therapy-virus-crispr-editing-disease . My celiac was triggered by catching H1N1 14 years ago; the virus didn't alter my DNA, it just activated my existing HLA-DQ8 haplotype. Vaccines, including mRNA, are designed to alert our immune systems that an alien bacteria/virus is invading our systems. They don't alter DNA because they contain chemical pieces rather than DNA. ResearchGate is a good source for medical and other scientific research. Most of the "science" that is posted online is not peer-reviewed research, it is unsupported opinion. I post this as a scientist. Genetic and mRNA research is new (at least to me, being 70), so there is a lot to learn, and lots of unknowns. https://hcrl.wustl.edu/claims-that-mrna-vaccines-change-human-dna-are-back/ . https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true/is-it-true-can-covid-19-vaccines-alter-my-dna

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At least I know I am not alone in being frustrated with lazy and untrained doctors. I have several serious diseases and disorders. I went to a regional hospital. There I met with several MDs and other specialists. The whole bunch claimed ignorance of my whole list. I believe them. One of them gave me an injection knowing it could kill me, but "O, you are old and going to die soon anyway, no matter what I do. " All I have are about a hundred types and locations of cancers, amyloidosis, cardiac, brain and nerve, cancers and metabolic diseases. Then the doc said I owed he $7,000. I told him where he could put it. oldkarl


Hi. I just wanted to say I am in the same position, but in the UK. I was diagnosed in 1982 and hospitalised for 10 weeks with Nephritis/Nephrotic Syndrome together with every other delight SLE can offer. I also have Sjogren’s, Osteoarthritis, Fibro etc etc.
I also struggle with the attitude of medics.
It was far better when they happily admitted they didn’t know it all.
Keep smiling. X

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@lori67 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I see that you first came to Connect in March but didn’t comment until now. We’re glad you joined! And I like your positive attitude! Is there anything that I can help you with?


I had an honest doctor who told me that he was no different than a mechanic, both hold your life in their hands. He just chose a different education. Many graduate at the bottom of their class and make life and death decisions. We just have to trust they know what they are doing.


I tried it but don’t want to vape. The cost of dispensaries is outrageous. I am so glad mj is legal in Mn now.

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Dear Ms. Witton, I've read your tragic health history journey. In all these years of battle, I wonder if you ever looked into grounding? Please, don't dismiss too quickly as BS. Consider, if you have not already, watching "The Earthing Movie" on YouTube. I live in a cold winter climate so cannot ground naturally. But the sheet I bought and use daily on my bed has kept inflammation from by DLE to a minimum since starting it two years ago. Just sayin. It's harmless but very helpful. All best wishes.


Same here, but we just can't quit and we cant go on as is. We need more caring Doctors. I'm finding more and more untruths in my chart portal pertaining to my visits, exams and meds that are just lies. I know their very busy understaffed and perhaps not paid well enough, but these people have our lives in their hands. My Dr said at my last visit that they weren't sure what was wrong with me just that they have to keep me going, my insurance is very good by the way.

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