Tymlos pro/cons

Posted by ldj1002 @ldj1002, Dec 22, 2023

I’m 57 with newly diagnosed borderline severe osteoporosis.
Dr is strongly recommending Tymlos.
I’ve Read up on some of side effects.
Is it best to take at night incase of headaches/ dizziness?

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To help with the understanding of the DEXA . It picks up all bones scanned. The DEXA can only be used to capture the lumbar vertebrae in the spine area because that’s the only place where other bones wouldn’t be picked up as part of the scan. If they scanned higher the measurement would begin picking up the ribs, and if moving higher yet other bones like the clavicles (shoulder blades) would be picked up. , Hope that helps to make this clear!!!

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It does,
Thanks so much.


There can be side effects to Tymlos but you can manage them and minimize them easily. This is not the case with Forteo or other osteoporosis meds I have attempted to use. First, Tymlos doses can be adjusted and ramped up slowly to minimize the side effects and let you body adjust to them till they disappear. This is the best part of using Tymlos. As far as I know it is the only med that lets you adjust slowly. I am up to 7 out of 8 clicks, so nearly a full dose. And other users confirm that even a smaller dose is therapeutic so I am happy where I am but will try ramping up to 8 clicks once the holiday hectics are over.

Secondly, nausea is easily managed with anti nausea meds, drinking lots of water and taking the injection after a meal. Some people also cut out dairy for a while.

Thirdly, Dizziness, just be sure you take any blood pressure meds at a different time of day than the injection. The only time I had problems was when I did the injection and the evening dose of my blood pressure meds in the morning at the same time. The dizziness went away after about 5 hours but I'll never do that again.

Fourthly, Headaches. I do get occasional mild headaches particularly when I ramp up a dose to one additional click on the pen. But they subside in a few days and respond to over the counter headache remedies.


I just found out that I have severe osteoporosis in my spine. Doctor wants me to start Tymlos. I am really scared reading about side effects . Looking for advice.


I just found out that I have severe osteoporosis in my spine. Doctor wants me to start Tymlos. I am really scared reading about side effects . Looking for advice.

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I love Tymlos. It saved me. I am very sensitive to meds so after trying a full dose and not tolerating it, I started at 1/8 dose and moved up so my body got used to it. My doc is doing this with other patients now. You may not need to. Many people do just fine. And side effects, for me, eased up over time. I did two years.

I had amazing gains and rarely did a full dose. I went from severe osteoporosis in my spine to borderline )-3.6 to -2.5). It's really good for the spine.

Tymlos comes in a pen with "clicks' for each 10 mcg dose. The full dose is 80mcg or 8 clicks.

The half life is only ONE hour. That means Tymlos leaves your body quickly so in my experience any side effects lasted about two hours. Some take it at night. I like taking it in the morning. Hydrate. Many do fine. Maybe don't read about side effects until you have them- if you do 🙂


I love Tymlos. It saved me. I am very sensitive to meds so after trying a full dose and not tolerating it, I started at 1/8 dose and moved up so my body got used to it. My doc is doing this with other patients now. You may not need to. Many people do just fine. And side effects, for me, eased up over time. I did two years.

I had amazing gains and rarely did a full dose. I went from severe osteoporosis in my spine to borderline )-3.6 to -2.5). It's really good for the spine.

Tymlos comes in a pen with "clicks' for each 10 mcg dose. The full dose is 80mcg or 8 clicks.

The half life is only ONE hour. That means Tymlos leaves your body quickly so in my experience any side effects lasted about two hours. Some take it at night. I like taking it in the morning. Hydrate. Many do fine. Maybe don't read about side effects until you have them- if you do 🙂

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I am so new to this site. I am scared and confused. I just flout that I have osteoporosis. Pretty bad case. My endocrinologist told me that I should consider Tymlos. I have a 4 healed fractures in my spine. He gave me a sample of Tymlos. I didn’t started yet because I am having severe back pain ( it started after exercising). Going to pain clinic first. To deal with this problem first.


I am so new to this site. I am scared and confused. I just flout that I have osteoporosis. Pretty bad case. My endocrinologist told me that I should consider Tymlos. I have a 4 healed fractures in my spine. He gave me a sample of Tymlos. I didn’t started yet because I am having severe back pain ( it started after exercising). Going to pain clinic first. To deal with this problem first.

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You could start Tymlos regardless of back pain, but up to you. It can help with healing fractures, I was told, for one thing.


I just found out that I have severe osteoporosis in my spine. Doctor wants me to start Tymlos. I am really scared reading about side effects . Looking for advice.

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Hello @sunny65, I combined your discussion with an existing discussion titled, " Tymlos pro/cons" - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/tymlos-procons/ started by @ldj1002 who also was weighing their providers recent prescribing of Tymlos.

@sunny65, if you are comfortable sharing, how soon will you be starting on Tymlos and were other options discussed with you?


Because I had xrays taken for something else I noticed the radiologist noted several old fractures of my lumbar L vertebrates. Nobody noticed the comments until I asked about them. One thing leading to another I ended up with a Dexa score for osteoprena and osteoporosis... went through 3 Endo doctors before I found one who actually seemed to know what he was talking about and could make a case for starting Tymlos vs all the other treatments, pros and cons etc. Then just a month ago i fractured my T12 doing a simple lift of something heavy but only a few inches standing in front of a table.. moving a box to a scale to weigh it. SNAP!!! At first I thought the every now and then pulled muscle problem in my lower back. Finally got an MRI and it was the T12. So.. I don't see what choice I have. My Dexa scans like all dexa scans are subject to interpretation and if you are borderline for bone loss you can make a case for bone building exercises and getting your vitamin and calcium levels in the right places. But since the T12 went, seems to me.... there's no denying there is a bone loss issue that needs to be faced head on. and if nothing else, to never again suffer the amazing pain which is daily after a spine fracture. Lots of great information on here. The best I've seen anywhere. I've asked my Endo about starting Tymlos progressively... from low to a goal of full dose. We'll see what he says. Next two weeks or so I plan to begin the program. Do the jabs hurt when you self inject??? Thanks to all the contributors here.


Hello @sunny65, I combined your discussion with an existing discussion titled, " Tymlos pro/cons" - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/tymlos-procons/ started by @ldj1002 who also was weighing their providers recent prescribing of Tymlos.

@sunny65, if you are comfortable sharing, how soon will you be starting on Tymlos and were other options discussed with you?

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My endocrinologist didn’t give me potions. He said that Tymlos is only option that could help. My spine has 4 fractures and t- score is pretty bad. I didn’t start yet since dealing with horrible back pain from pinching nerve. Planing to start soon. Hope I can manage side effects. This site is very helpful and encouraging.


I’ve been on Tymlos since June of 22 and about to finish the 2 year protocol. What I can tell u is that for me, side effects were minimal but I chose to inject in the evening before bed and that helped considerably. My bone density in my spine, as of November, has improved by 11%. I’m so pleased. Never have had any fractures so that has been a good thing considering my numbers were in the -4.7 in my spine and I’m very active.
The jabs do not hurt, maybe a slight pinch but needles are extremely small and I inject into my lower abdomen.
Wish I could continue after 2 years but doc says that’s not an option. Considering my next move but osteo meds may not be my choice. Possible bioidentical hormones to maintain my gains and help with my very limited hormone counts. I pray your journey will be a positive one. Rose 🌹

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