First steps for coping with mild cognitive impairment

Mar 21, 2023 | Dr. Anne Shandera-Ochsner, HABIT Midwest Director | @dranneshanderaochsner | Comments (13)


We invite you to take a moment to check out this great synopsis of some initial steps folks can take after receiving a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment. That can be a time where it's common to feel overwhelmed and unsure what to do next. Unlike conditions with clear-cut medical treatments, many people feel adrift after the flurry of appointments has died down and a diagnosis is confirmed. We think the staff who created the article below did a great job of highlighting the key "action items" to be aware of.

First steps when you have mild cognitive impairment - Mayo Clinic

Interested in more newsfeed posts like this? Go to the Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) blog.


I've been on Mayo Connect for a few years. I just found the MCI group. I was diagnosed in August 2023. Mine is classified as multi-factor. At least I know now why I missed finding you all earlier ;).
Since the dx, I haven't found a medical pro to even provide advice, including my PCP. I sense a curve of some sorts where I'm travelling deeper into it faster than I anticipated. Thanks for this, Mayo Clinic.

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@johnnoregon How frustrating and upsetting to not be able to find a doctor to help you with MCI. Have you tried calling the Medical Society in your city? They should have a list of all the doctors and what their speciality is. And the local hospitals should know of geriatricians, doctors who specialize in older people and their medical problems.
You may have already checked out these sources. If not, please do! What other sources have you looked into?


I've been on Mayo Connect for a few years. I just found the MCI group. I was diagnosed in August 2023. Mine is classified as multi-factor. At least I know now why I missed finding you all earlier ;).
Since the dx, I haven't found a medical pro to even provide advice, including my PCP. I sense a curve of some sorts where I'm travelling deeper into it faster than I anticipated. Thanks for this, Mayo Clinic.

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@johnnoregon do you have a neurologist?
If you feel like you are getting worse, I suggest you see a neurologist and ask them to put you through the tests. MRI, EEG, PET-SCAN, and the dreaded psycho neurological test.
That’s what I did. Now I know I have Alzheimer’s Dementia and am going to be treated with the medication starting next week.


Susan, please keep us updated on how Leqembe works for you. My husband has also been dealing with MCI for about three years. He is not able to take Aricept but does take Memantine twice daily; however, it doesn’t really seem to help. He is 67 and this has been so hard for him, and hard for me. There’s not much encouragement from the medical side, but we keep looking for anything that might be helpful to him.

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@labrown I so sorry to hear about your husband’s MCI.
I also took Memantine for almost 3 years, not only did it not work but when I stopped, my brain fog cleared up!
Sorry to say, aside from the usual advice from everywhere to keep your brain busy, and physical exercise I don’t really think there’s much.
However, there’s lots of resources for caregivers. Go on YouTube where you can find lots of resources that can help both of you.
I’m overwhelmed by all changes in my life right now. I can’t drive anymore so I have to arrange for volunteers to help me. I will try to keep you updated.

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