We invite you to take a moment to check out this great synopsis of some initial steps folks can take after receiving a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment. That can be a time where it's common to feel overwhelmed and unsure what to do next. Unlike conditions with clear-cut medical treatments, many people feel adrift after the flurry of appointments has died down and a diagnosis is confirmed. We think the staff who created the article below did a great job of highlighting the key "action items" to be aware of.
First steps when you have mild cognitive impairment - Mayo Clinic
A ctive
D esire to live fully
H ealthy attitude
D Doing what I enjoy
If more people were ADHD there would be a heck of a lot less depression in this world!!
Having ADHD -sounds like you make the most of it. Good for you. You are a great role model for any age.