Residue after bowel movement

Posted by nazleer @nazleer, Apr 3 10:52am

Does anyone have residue left after a bowel movement of soft stool? I use up almost a quarter roll of toilet paper to clean. I also wear a thin sanitary napkin.

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@rashida What you describe is how the can says you should use it. Among people, like me, who suffer from Low Anterior Resection Syndrome, it is well known and commonly practiced that psyllium husk is used as described if you need a laxative or want looser stool. If you need to bulk up your stool, if you need your stool to be less soft, you use less water so the psyllium husk absorbs the water/liquids in your guts and bulks up the stool. It helps many people avoid the clustering and hard to clean residue. One aims at T4 stools (on the Bristol scale).

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@verol65 that makes sense! In my case, however, I have to take it as directed on the package because I tend to be constipated.

Never heard of the Bristol scale … what is that?


Bidets are truly helpful. $20-30 at Walmart. Equally effective as the expensive ones. Easy, easy to install & long lasting too. I am using one for more than 4 years. Life changing is just an understatement. I regret all those years I lived without it.


I will add that although the $70 model will get the basic job done, it doesn’t heat the water and doesn’t have a blow dryer.

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The $20 model does absolutely fine for me. 4 years.


@celia16 anything “sugar free” most often has artificial sweetener in it - and it is those artificial sweeteners that make people gassy. Also, artificial sweeteners make things taste sweeter than regular sugared.

Hope your colonoscopy goes well. I got one on Tuesday - had three polyps removed. Doctor informed me: “at your age, you will not need any more colonoscopies”! I am 77 and will be 78 this year. Wondered if he thought I already had one foot in the grave! lol. Apparently in Canada seniors past 70 are not eligible for repeat colonoscopies on the government health plan, I have been told by a couple of friends when I told them about the doctor’s comment. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I didn’t care for the additives in Metamucil and that’s one reason I stopped it. I also didn’t orange flavor, due to acidity. Difficult to find. I bought some plain psyllium husk, but it doesn’t seem to work the same. Anyway, I’m managing ok with just Miralax.

My screening colonoscopy was fully covered, but a diagnostic isn’t and have to pay 30%. I am having it due to chronic constipation.


The $20 model does absolutely fine for me. 4 years.

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Damn. That’s great.


Bidets are truly helpful. $20-30 at Walmart. Equally effective as the expensive ones. Easy, easy to install & long lasting too. I am using one for more than 4 years. Life changing is just an understatement. I regret all those years I lived without it.

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Thank you for your reply.


@verol65 that makes sense! In my case, however, I have to take it as directed on the package because I tend to be constipated.

Never heard of the Bristol scale … what is that?

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The Bristol stool scale, developed at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, is a diagnostic medical tool designed to classify the form of human faeces into seven categories. It is used as a clinical assessment tool and as a research tool to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for various bowel diseases of the bowel. It is also a clinical communication aid between patients and their doctors.


@celia16 anything “sugar free” most often has artificial sweetener in it - and it is those artificial sweeteners that make people gassy. Also, artificial sweeteners make things taste sweeter than regular sugared.

Hope your colonoscopy goes well. I got one on Tuesday - had three polyps removed. Doctor informed me: “at your age, you will not need any more colonoscopies”! I am 77 and will be 78 this year. Wondered if he thought I already had one foot in the grave! lol. Apparently in Canada seniors past 70 are not eligible for repeat colonoscopies on the government health plan, I have been told by a couple of friends when I told them about the doctor’s comment. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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In Belgium, where my parents live, they also stop colonoscopies around age 70, unless you've had colon or rectal cancer.


I didn’t care for the additives in Metamucil and that’s one reason I stopped it. I also didn’t orange flavor, due to acidity. Difficult to find. I bought some plain psyllium husk, but it doesn’t seem to work the same. Anyway, I’m managing ok with just Miralax.

My screening colonoscopy was fully covered, but a diagnostic isn’t and have to pay 30%. I am having it due to chronic constipation.

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Costco and Amazon sell cans of general psyllium husk. There are also capsules, which some people prefer because they can't stand the taste and/or texture of the psyllium husk.


The Bristol stool scale, developed at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, is a diagnostic medical tool designed to classify the form of human faeces into seven categories. It is used as a clinical assessment tool and as a research tool to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for various bowel diseases of the bowel. It is also a clinical communication aid between patients and their doctors.

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@verol65 ah … good to know! I was still passing what is #7 on this Bristol scale when I went in for the colonoscopy procedure despite following all prep directions, so I am surprised the doctor was able to see three polyps!

A few days ago a friend and I were having a discussion about bowel movements and she said her granny (she was raised by her) used to say the ideal stool form should be “shaped like a smile” so I guess #4 on this Bristol scale is just that! 😀

My friend is exactly my age so her granny must have been wise beyond her years!

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