Residue after bowel movement

Posted by nazleer @nazleer, Apr 3 10:52am

Does anyone have residue left after a bowel movement of soft stool? I use up almost a quarter roll of toilet paper to clean. I also wear a thin sanitary napkin.

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I eat yogurt and take a probiotic. Not sure that helps.


I have the same problem. I use witch hazel. It really helps with cleanliness and pain

I was told it's from constipation.


I have the same problem. I use witch hazel. It really helps with cleanliness and pain

I was told it's from constipation.

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I would have chronic constipation if I didn’t take daily Miralax. My BM are very soft, that’s what I thought caused it.


I guess the constipation is my cause. I'm sure soft stools is yours. You can also try Preparationh too. Make sure it's the pain relief one. I think it's the silver one (box).
See how that works, I wish you well. It's nice to know it's not just me.


I have the same problem. I use witch hazel. It really helps with cleanliness and pain

I was told it's from constipation.

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What is witch hazel?


I guess the constipation is my cause. I'm sure soft stools is yours. You can also try Preparationh too. Make sure it's the pain relief one. I think it's the silver one (box).
See how that works, I wish you well. It's nice to know it's not just me.

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Fortunately I don't experience any pain. Thank you for your suggestions.


It's an astringent. You'll find it with wound care/first aid stuff or the alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. Most pharmacies carry it. I would say get the alcohol free kind.


They are called digestive enzymes.
I have from a couple of different companies. One is a pancreatic digestive enzyme and the others are just digestive enzymes.
Do a search online or better yet in a trusted supplement brand website.
Organixx is one of my trusted companies.


Lactaid, is a digestive enzyme for dairy.

Bean-o is one for proteins that are hard to digest. (Ex. Beans, meat.

Both of which you can get in generic, at health food stores


Lpase, Protease and Amylase are the digestive enzymes produced by your pancreas to digest your food. When you aren't manufacturing enough of these enzymes you can have soft, oily, cow pattie shaped stools. You can find supplements at Whole Foods. Google these and inform yourself about their purpose, then discuss with your gastroenterologist. I would suggest you visit your gastro to find out what is causing this before you start taking any medication or supplement. Voice of experience posting here.

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