Residue after bowel movement

Posted by nazleer @nazleer, Apr 3 10:52am

Does anyone have residue left after a bowel movement of soft stool? I use up almost a quarter roll of toilet paper to clean. I also wear a thin sanitary napkin.

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In Belgium, where my parents live, they also stop colonoscopies around age 70, unless you've had colon or rectal cancer.

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I had three precancerous polyps removed during this colonoscopy so I would have thought that would have been reason enough to have a repeat colonoscopy in another five years …? I had had one precancerous polyp removed during the previous colonoscopy just over six years ago so this definitely is a concerning increase …!


Costco and Amazon sell cans of general psyllium husk. There are also capsules, which some people prefer because they can't stand the taste and/or texture of the psyllium husk.

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I have not seen generic psyllium husk in our Canadian Costco stores, but they do have the Metamucil capsules. I would go for the capsules if the dosing schedule were more convenient. Having to swallow a handful of those capsules two or three times a day is not only inconvenient but a major expense because even buying them at Costco would amount to a big expense. I prefer the “one and done” dose of the generic husk I get from the health foods store (two tablespoonsful in a glass of water, followed by another glass of plain water. Done!)!

I hope Costco in Canada will bring in the plain generic psyllium husk at some point.


I had three precancerous polyps removed during this colonoscopy so I would have thought that would have been reason enough to have a repeat colonoscopy in another five years …? I had had one precancerous polyp removed during the previous colonoscopy just over six years ago so this definitely is a concerning increase …!

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I agree, @rashida , that in your case, they would want a follow-up colonoscopy in 3 to 5 years.


I agree, @rashida , that in your case, they would want a follow-up colonoscopy in 3 to 5 years.

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We have “free” healthcare in Canada (not! Paid through our taxes each year!) but the government decides what medications, treatments or procedures we can or cannot have. Doctors are so frustrated because their hands are tied and have to face customers’ complaints about situations beyond their control. 😐


We have “free” healthcare in Canada (not! Paid through our taxes each year!) but the government decides what medications, treatments or procedures we can or cannot have. Doctors are so frustrated because their hands are tied and have to face customers’ complaints about situations beyond their control. 😐

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It's similar in Belgium for my parents.
I live in Mexico. I don't depend on social security for my health, because often you could die before you get the appointments, studies or meds you need. So a lot of my preventive healthcare, I manage out of pocket, and accidents and serious illnesses, I manage with insurance, which is a hassle for many reasons, like they decide what of your hospital bill they will cover, what falls under co-pay an what not, often meds that you need after hospital stay aren't covered, you have to wait for their approval for labs and other studies with providers of their choice most of the time....
No system is perfect, I'm afraid.


It's similar in Belgium for my parents.
I live in Mexico. I don't depend on social security for my health, because often you could die before you get the appointments, studies or meds you need. So a lot of my preventive healthcare, I manage out of pocket, and accidents and serious illnesses, I manage with insurance, which is a hassle for many reasons, like they decide what of your hospital bill they will cover, what falls under co-pay an what not, often meds that you need after hospital stay aren't covered, you have to wait for their approval for labs and other studies with providers of their choice most of the time....
No system is perfect, I'm afraid.

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@verol65 this is why I don’t buy insurance policies - you pay into them more than you get out of them, and even then, not without a fight!

The only insurance policies we have are on our home and car, only because they are compulsory in order to own car and home. For everything else I put aside the money I would be paying in insurance premiums and just let the money build till needed.


@verol65 this is why I don’t buy insurance policies - you pay into them more than you get out of them, and even then, not without a fight!

The only insurance policies we have are on our home and car, only because they are compulsory in order to own car and home. For everything else I put aside the money I would be paying in insurance premiums and just let the money build till needed.

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I couldn't have saved enough to pay for my radiotherapy nor my recent surgeries. Health insurance is a necessary evil here.


I couldn't have saved enough to pay for my radiotherapy nor my recent surgeries. Health insurance is a necessary evil here.

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@verol65 I meant life insurance policies, extended warranties, etc. Yes, unfortunately health insurance is a necessary evil anywhere. And in a way compulsory because no doctor will look at you if you are not insured. We pay into health insurance here in Canada too, although through our taxes, government controlled.


This may be oversimplified but sounds to me like you need A LOT more fiber. Just basing that on my experience after having 6 inches removed from my colon. Very best wishes to you.


@verol65 I meant life insurance policies, extended warranties, etc. Yes, unfortunately health insurance is a necessary evil anywhere. And in a way compulsory because no doctor will look at you if you are not insured. We pay into health insurance here in Canada too, although through our taxes, government controlled.

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Functional drs will take you as they normally don’t take insurance period (well, maybe medicare). It is only out of pocket.

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