Residue after bowel movement

Posted by nazleer @nazleer, Apr 3 10:52am

Does anyone have residue left after a bowel movement of soft stool? I use up almost a quarter roll of toilet paper to clean. I also wear a thin sanitary napkin.

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@pb50 you would need it only if you tend to be gassy, especially after eating beans. Beano is the best anti flatulent you can get - my husband uses it (he still avoids all food with beans). Must be taken with every meal to prevent flatulence. It takes a few days to start taking effect,

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Ahhh. Well I do but it’s a side effect of a couple of my meds - like statins. So I take Gas-X after breakfast and avoid foods that might worsen it - like beans or Taco Bell 🙂


@pb50 you would need it only if you tend to be gassy, especially after eating beans. Beano is the best anti flatulent you can get - my husband uses it (he still avoids all food with beans). Must be taken with every meal to prevent flatulence. It takes a few days to start taking effect,

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I have IBS and have found that Beano works better for me than IB Guard. I don’t understand why but it does help with bloating and gas.


Ahhh. Well I do but it’s a side effect of a couple of my meds - like statins. So I take Gas-X after breakfast and avoid foods that might worsen it - like beans or Taco Bell 🙂

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@pb50 seems you have found something that works for you! I’d stick with that!

Every body responds differently to food and medications, eh! With My husband the cause definitely is dietary as he has dealt with his problem long before he was on his medications. Tried everything, then finally found that Beano worked! Pity he has to avoid anything with beans in it - he loves baked beans, and chili!


I have IBS and have found that Beano works better for me than IB Guard. I don’t understand why but it does help with bloating and gas.

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@susanjane77 our bodies are so unique - each responds differently to food and medication!

I have IBS too and neither IB Guard nor Align works for me. I have even tried Buscopan. Perhaps I should give Beano a try too!

So far, with everything that is “good for you” - whether it be food item, supplement or medication - I have had adverse reactions! lol! Yet there are other things that work like a charm for me, and do nothing for others! Go figure, eh! 🤷🏼‍♀️


@nazleer psyllium husk is the generic form (generally available in health food stores). The generic form does not have flavour, but brand name Metamucil (available in all drug stores) comes in unflavoured as well as two or more flavours, but it is more expensive. I prefer the unflavoured generic.

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Also regular Metamucil has quite a bit of sugar.


@verol65 psyllium husk (brand name: Metamucil) must be taken in a full glass of water, followed by a second glass of water. Taking it with just a little water only can cause compaction of stool.

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@rashida What you describe is how the can says you should use it. Among people, like me, who suffer from Low Anterior Resection Syndrome, it is well known and commonly practiced that psyllium husk is used as described if you need a laxative or want looser stool. If you need to bulk up your stool, if you need your stool to be less soft, you use less water so the psyllium husk absorbs the water/liquids in your guts and bulks up the stool. It helps many people avoid the clustering and hard to clean residue. One aims at T4 stools (on the Bristol scale).


I used to get the sugar free Metamucil. That added even more air in my digestion. I still have BM without it, though if I take the Miralax. But, I won’t go if I just take Metamucil. I’ll be goad when they figure it out. Colonoscopy schedule next month. I have a funny feeling it’ll be normal, just like it was in 2020.


Also regular Metamucil has quite a bit of sugar.

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@verol65 yes it does and other ingredients to make it taste palatable. I prefer the unflavoured, generic psyllium husk - not palatable, but definitely better for the gut.


I used to get the sugar free Metamucil. That added even more air in my digestion. I still have BM without it, though if I take the Miralax. But, I won’t go if I just take Metamucil. I’ll be goad when they figure it out. Colonoscopy schedule next month. I have a funny feeling it’ll be normal, just like it was in 2020.

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@celia16 anything “sugar free” most often has artificial sweetener in it - and it is those artificial sweeteners that make people gassy. Also, artificial sweeteners make things taste sweeter than regular sugared.

Hope your colonoscopy goes well. I got one on Tuesday - had three polyps removed. Doctor informed me: “at your age, you will not need any more colonoscopies”! I am 77 and will be 78 this year. Wondered if he thought I already had one foot in the grave! lol. Apparently in Canada seniors past 70 are not eligible for repeat colonoscopies on the government health plan, I have been told by a couple of friends when I told them about the doctor’s comment. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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