Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Surgery Options

Posted by wpasternak @wpasternak, Aug 4, 2020

I had a Urolift procedure last February for my BPH symptoms and it was a total failure. The implants are still in position though. I am looking for a different procedure to alleviate my BPH problem and Rezum seems to be a good alternative. Can it be done considering my prior Urolift procedure. If not, what would be your recommendation.

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February 26th:
Starting to see tiny scabs. No pink colored urine, so far.

February 27th:
More pink than usual at the end of a stream
Perineum feels swollen. Uncomfortable sitting in a car seat. Couch is ok.

February 28th:
One scab, no pink. Perineum doesn't feel swollen.
Continued urethral spasms for about 20min following an empty bladder.

February 29th: 3 weeks Post-Op
No pink as long as I don't push hard while having a bowl movement
No scabs
Continued urethral spasms - not lasting as long or as intense

March 1st - 5th:
No Pink
Continued urethral spasms - not lasting as long or as intense
Nocturia - Continuing to get up 4- 5 times per night to urinate

March 6th 11:30 a.m:
Delayed urination until Bladder was full. I do not get the pp dance, urgency to go feeling anymore . Just the pressure.
The stream is strong on the first void. Void stops, then requires pushing on the subsequent voids in order to empty the bladder fully.

March 7th 9:00 p.m.
1st experience with retrograde ejaculation.
Forceful ejaculation; burning, throbbing, and cramping from my scrotum back to my rectum.
I could feel the semen shooting back into my bladder.
No blood following the experience.

March 10th 2:00 p.m.
2nd Experience with retrograde ejaculation.
Confirmed retrograde (dry), although it didn't feel like it. No pain, no blood
Orgasm Intensity is about 70-75% of pre-op

Occasional urethra spasms
Occasional Perineum Cramps on left or right side, not at the same time. Occurs mainly on the right side.

Starting a Urine stream is quick and easy. Additional rounds of pushing required in order to empty completely.

March 15th
3rd sexual experience ejaculated about a teaspoon of Semen

Noticing slightly red urine drops only following a bowl movement.
Only notice the red when urine drops landed on the toilet seat.

Urine continues to spray to the right side (makes a mess), similar to poor flowing sprayer nosal,
instead of flowing like an open ended hose.

Occasionally, empty the bladder on the 1st void.
Most of the time, additional rounds of pushing is required to completely empty.

March 20
Urine flow spray is starting to reduce
Urethra spasm have reduced in frequency and intensity
- Spasms are felt anywhere from the base of the scrotum to the tip of the penis

March 21 -- 6 Weeks Post - Op
- Dry ejaculation continues
- Post-op Nocturia... 3 - 6 times per night with 5 being the average - Fluids stopped at 5 pm.
- Pre-op Nocturia..... 3 - 30 times per night. 15 - 120 minutes to void to the point I could resume sleep. 8-10 being the average - Fluids stopped at 3 pm.
- Urethral spasms continue with occasional perineum cramps (assuming overactive bladder)
- resumed very light gym exercise routine.
- 1st void doesn't empty the bladder completely, but I get most of it out.

The surgery exposed how extreme my urine retention had become over the past 3.5 years.
A prime example would be Feb 9th. A full bladder was normal to me.
I didn't recognize that I had an emergency room issue (950 ml).
I felt pain in my back (kidney), but thought it was gas from the anesthesia.
I have recently tried to let my bladder fill to my Pre-Op levels in an attempt to reduce my over active bladder (nocturia) issues, but I can't get there. It becomes way to uncomfortable for me to hold it that long.
I can easily push on my bladder and not feel like I need to go. Completely, opposite of my pre-op days.

Hopefully, at 12 weeks most of my residual issues will resolve themselves. I intend to update at that time.

March 22
Stopped fluids around 5:00 p.m. Snack, around 7:30pm, of 10 chips containing 70 grams of Sodium.
Up three times instead of my usual 5, to go to the bathroom. Full each time.
A short delay requiring a small push to start the stream.
The stream sprays, not solid flowing.
In order to completely empty following the 1st void,
I am required to push on subsequent voids.

March 23
Partial - more than 50% antegrade, did a hard kegel during orgasm. Close to pre-op intensity.
A couple of globs with some trace blood came out when urinating.

Repeated March 22 experiment with more salt
Stopped fluids around 5:00 p.m. Snack, around 7:30pm, of 10 chips containing 70 grams of Sodium. plus salted hard boiled egg
Up 2 times instead of my usual 5, to go to the bathroom. Full each time.
A short delay requiring a small push to start the stream.
The stream sprays, not solid flowing.
In order to completely empty following the 1st void,
I am required to push on subsequent voids.

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March 27
Rough night, stopped fluids and food at 3:30pm. NO snack or salt before bed
Urinating like a horse every 30 min.or sooner. This went on for 2-3 hours.
After falling asleep, I was up an additional 3 times.
For me, salt definitely reduces my night time bathroom trips.

March 28 & 29
In my failed search for a low dosage salt table, around 100mg, I ran across Cell Salt tablets.
They are small and melt under your tongue.
The tablet contains 12 different Cell Salts in 1 tablet.

Stopped fluids and food around 4pm.
10pm, I placed 2 cell salts under my tongue and went to bed
Up 2 times each night instead of my usual 5.
The cell salts appear to contain enough salt reduce my night time bathroom trips.


March 27
Rough night, stopped fluids and food at 3:30pm. NO snack or salt before bed
Urinating like a horse every 30 min.or sooner. This went on for 2-3 hours.
After falling asleep, I was up an additional 3 times.
For me, salt definitely reduces my night time bathroom trips.

March 28 & 29
In my failed search for a low dosage salt table, around 100mg, I ran across Cell Salt tablets.
They are small and melt under your tongue.
The tablet contains 12 different Cell Salts in 1 tablet.

Stopped fluids and food around 4pm.
10pm, I placed 2 cell salts under my tongue and went to bed
Up 2 times each night instead of my usual 5.
The cell salts appear to contain enough salt reduce my night time bathroom trips.

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April 4 - 8 weeks post-op
No visible signs of blood since March 31

Urine flow sprays if my bladder is not full and streams when very full.

Stopped, Cell Salts, April 1st. They increased the time to start a stream to around 30 seconds on my night time bathroom trips.
The cell salts contained antihistamines and pain relievers.
I believe the pain reliever helped reduce the trips to the bathroom and the antihistamine caused the delay in starting a stream.
Taking ibuprofen before bed is a common practice to reduce your bathroom trips, but it’s hard on your liver.


April 4 - 8 weeks post-op
No visible signs of blood since March 31

Urine flow sprays if my bladder is not full and streams when very full.

Stopped, Cell Salts, April 1st. They increased the time to start a stream to around 30 seconds on my night time bathroom trips.
The cell salts contained antihistamines and pain relievers.
I believe the pain reliever helped reduce the trips to the bathroom and the antihistamine caused the delay in starting a stream.
Taking ibuprofen before bed is a common practice to reduce your bathroom trips, but it’s hard on your liver.

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April 4 - 8 weeks post-op

Incorporating more red meat, instead of chicken, for the taurine and B vitamins.
- 4 hamburgers in one day, up 2 times that night
- 1 hamburger the next day, up 3 times on that night.

Short bouts of depression, around the 7 week post-op time frame, thru April 3.
I can definitely tell that my body is going thru some chemistry changes.
The depression may be my body reverting from a sympathetic (3 yrs of fight or flight) mode to a parasympathetic (rest and digest) mode.


I have successfully confused myself. After a cystoscopy, my doctor indicated the the median lobe was causing the BPH issues. He said I had three options: a) green laser, b) HoLop, or c) bipolar. He wants to cut out just a part of the median lobe. He said the HoLep would be overkill because it would enucleate the prostate, and that is too much given I have prostate cancer and will need treatment down the line. He recommended bipolar.

But I'm confused, can't the HoLep also just cut out the median lobe parts that are interfering?


May 2, 2024 I had the HoLEP laser prostate enucleation.
HoLEP under general anesthesia using propofol and rocuronium (off-shoot of succinocholine paralytic agent), and gas- unknown.
61 year-old male. I was able to sleep only four hours the night before, but the tiredness worked in my favor. I am in Barcelona Spain, living alone after divorce, death of my mother in the USA. Fight or flight mode with feelings of loss, despair, hopelessness, wearing a catheter since 2022.
High cortisol levels causing anxiety, fatigue, malaise. Catheter provoking neurosis about health, chronic UTI-related thought changes adding up to an unhealthy bio-feedback chain, combined with the bi-monthly trauma and stigma of catheterization and limited movement from catheter sensitivity.

Day of surgery post op- confined to bed in the hospital. Given Augmentin 1,000 mg parenteral antibiotic I.V. Tid.
I asked for the HoLEP, well, demanded it, since they were steering me toward TURP, in which case might end up returning after regrowth (my prostate had tripled in size over a year) and the prospect of blood transfusion which I didn't want, and the mRNA artificially produced immune response to what I will be censored for mentioning. I auto-donated after debate, they finally capitulated. No transfusion needed during the operation.

HoLEP procedure for a 105 cc prostate size I was told was 1 hour and the outcome, satisfactory. Followup review with the surgeon and discussion about any pathologies found, if any, from the prostate cytology June 3, 2024. Post-op: I was given no specific instructions in writing or verbally regarding activity, but I have read about lifting anything over 20 lbs. I was prescribed oral Augmentin 500 / 125 p.o. Tid 7 days + Ibuprofen 600mg p.o. Tid 3 days only.

May 3
Continued bed rest with three-way Foley f33 with continuous bladder irrigation running almost clear, like rosé wine. By mid-morning, normal light yellow. No particular pain, except for the familiar occasional spasm from the catheter. Flank pain and headache I both attributed to the Augmentin and the surgery. A slight ache in the perineum, but not enough to ask for medication, only for the headache. I had not had a bowel movement before the surgery (nerves) and with the general anesthesia, constipated with little disturbance if any, from the Augmentin antibiotic. I drank water to try to re-hydrate myself and asked for light food, yogurt, soups, etc. even though this was not suggested, when I had a menu in hand, I opted toward less solids and NO COFFEE especially with the antibiotic, I didn't want any anxiety.
10 a.m.
Adjunct doctor came in to inform me that the catheter will be removed (based on the color returning to normal) and to test if I could urinate on my own after drinking water.
They removed the catheter, which I was unknowingly bypassing overnight while attempting many times to fart.
I commenced drinking more water I poured from a 1 liter measuring cup to track intake vs output (IO's).
I began with dribbles with darker blood, some patches of loosely coagulated blood solids. Three tries to make 100cc. With each try, I produced more volume of urine with a stronger flow. 50cc, 100cc, 150cc, some lighter colored stream some with more red. Out of 800cc I produced 600cc in five tries, total accumulated.
I was very impressed with the stream strength, incremental increase of volume. The notable sting was tolerable, enough to make a grimace, but I bared down like I was trying to defecate and pushed my stomach out to start the stream. I also discovered that I was able to stop the stream. I also achieved three full erections, unintended!

4:25 p.m.
Discharged. I was still a little hazy from the anesthetic, but I walked comfortably and with only boxer briefs and a #1 Men's brand liner shield I was alert enough to take the subway home.
Went to sleep after taking Aumentin 500/125 mg + Ibuprofen. Two hours before the antibiotic I took refrigerated probiotics and ate two flavored yogurts and a croissant to stave off any upset. I woke up to urinate three times.

May 4
7 a.m. Alarm for Augmentin + Ibuprofen taken after yogurt and mini croissant. Returned to sleep.
12 noon

Awakened, took psyllium powder and probiotics.
Urge to pee is frequent as I must keep up the fluids with this damned antibiotic and ibuprofen (both toxic to kidneys) especially after the damage from hydronephrosis putting me at stage 2 CKD with an eGFR at 71 currently, it has remained between in the 70's for more than 3 months with normal creatinine. Pre-op eGFR was at 71 creatinine 100, or 1.0.

I will continue with observations eg. IO's of fluid, urine color, REST, some walking at dusk and eating legumes, garbanzo bean salads with white chicken, arugula, oilve oil, water & herbal teas, probiotics and anecdotal nuances.

I am relieved and pleased, so far, and have more optimism than expected, but I have to keep it real within reason. Slow & easy wins the race and self compassion and care are tantamount.


May 4, 2024 Supplemental:

I have no pain. No stinging sensation present and no trouble to start a stream. I only push out my stomach to increase the force, I believe it's my way of compensating, it may not me necessary. Color is normal light yellow.
I have the ability to hold it in and the sensation of being "full" is slowly returning, but I anticipate it will take longer for the nerves to register after two years with a catheter and the residual general anesthetic + paralytic. Half-lives vary, and at my metabolic rate of rest, this is expected until I move around more around the next week.


April 4 - 8 weeks post-op

Incorporating more red meat, instead of chicken, for the taurine and B vitamins.
- 4 hamburgers in one day, up 2 times that night
- 1 hamburger the next day, up 3 times on that night.

Short bouts of depression, around the 7 week post-op time frame, thru April 3.
I can definitely tell that my body is going thru some chemistry changes.
The depression may be my body reverting from a sympathetic (3 yrs of fight or flight) mode to a parasympathetic (rest and digest) mode.

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May 2nd - 12 weeks post op.
From what I have read, most of my healing should be completed by now.

Where am I in the process?

Sex and Retrograde:
Ejaculation intensity is about 98% of pre-op. I'm only leaving off 2% because I still feel like there's something missing.
I'm making a big assumption that there is some nerve endings towards the end of your penis which gives you that completion or satisfaction feeling after ejaculation.
Since I do not feel the semen coming out, I miss that feeling.
It's not a visual thing it's purely sensual.
At times I could swear it's coming out the correct way, but it's not. I've actually had my wife check herself a couple times, nothing there.
My semen appears to be contained within the urethra or prostate. I’m assuming this due the globs of semen I urinate out after sex.
I've never had cloudy urine.

If I'm full, within 5 seconds, I relax and it just comes out in a full stream.
If I'm not full, 15-20 seconds, I relax, feeling the urine coming down, slowly, but when it comes out it sprays until a full stream is achieved.
Pushing to start a stream is very common for me unless I'm very full.
Spaying is new to me; I did not spray prior to my surgery. It seems to have gotten a little bit better since I 1st mentioned spraying,

I have found that certain foods (salty) or supplements will cause a delay in starting a flow (15-20 sec), regardless of how full I am.

I still feel, couple times a day, some burning at the end of my penis.
Nothing intense, but notable.

Some odds and ends:
Recently, in the perineum area, I feel like I pulled a muscle. Not sure how, not exactly sure when.
That lasted for a couple of days. And it literally felt like a pulled muscle on the right side of my perineum south of my rectum.

Stun gun shocks:
I used to get these on the right side of my perineum all the time. 3 weeks ago they shifted to my left side. However I have not felt any for the last week or so.
It literally feels like somebody briefly turned on a stun gun. The shock radiates from my rectum to the end of my penis. Very much a surprise when it happens.

This one will not leave me alone. I get up on average between 2 and 4 times a night.
I still have bouts of anxiety when I'm trying to sleep, so on occasion I'll take Xanax, if my supplement stack doesn't work.
The Xanax allows me to sleep through the night without bathroom breaks.
The stack lets me sleep between two and four hours on average between bathroom breaks.
If I don't take the stack or xanax, sometimes, I can get two to three times between bathroom breaks.
Everything is dependent up on my anxiety level at bedtime.


May 2nd - 12 weeks post op.
From what I have read, most of my healing should be completed by now.

Where am I in the process?

Sex and Retrograde:
Ejaculation intensity is about 98% of pre-op. I'm only leaving off 2% because I still feel like there's something missing.
I'm making a big assumption that there is some nerve endings towards the end of your penis which gives you that completion or satisfaction feeling after ejaculation.
Since I do not feel the semen coming out, I miss that feeling.
It's not a visual thing it's purely sensual.
At times I could swear it's coming out the correct way, but it's not. I've actually had my wife check herself a couple times, nothing there.
My semen appears to be contained within the urethra or prostate. I’m assuming this due the globs of semen I urinate out after sex.
I've never had cloudy urine.

If I'm full, within 5 seconds, I relax and it just comes out in a full stream.
If I'm not full, 15-20 seconds, I relax, feeling the urine coming down, slowly, but when it comes out it sprays until a full stream is achieved.
Pushing to start a stream is very common for me unless I'm very full.
Spaying is new to me; I did not spray prior to my surgery. It seems to have gotten a little bit better since I 1st mentioned spraying,

I have found that certain foods (salty) or supplements will cause a delay in starting a flow (15-20 sec), regardless of how full I am.

I still feel, couple times a day, some burning at the end of my penis.
Nothing intense, but notable.

Some odds and ends:
Recently, in the perineum area, I feel like I pulled a muscle. Not sure how, not exactly sure when.
That lasted for a couple of days. And it literally felt like a pulled muscle on the right side of my perineum south of my rectum.

Stun gun shocks:
I used to get these on the right side of my perineum all the time. 3 weeks ago they shifted to my left side. However I have not felt any for the last week or so.
It literally feels like somebody briefly turned on a stun gun. The shock radiates from my rectum to the end of my penis. Very much a surprise when it happens.

This one will not leave me alone. I get up on average between 2 and 4 times a night.
I still have bouts of anxiety when I'm trying to sleep, so on occasion I'll take Xanax, if my supplement stack doesn't work.
The Xanax allows me to sleep through the night without bathroom breaks.
The stack lets me sleep between two and four hours on average between bathroom breaks.
If I don't take the stack or xanax, sometimes, I can get two to three times between bathroom breaks.
Everything is dependent up on my anxiety level at bedtime.

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May 2nd - 12 weeks post op

Going to the bathroom, pre-op, multiple times before I leave the house is still a standard procedure for me, when it shouldn't be.

I have no regrets

The frog in boiling water metaphor is the best way I can describe my pre-op condition.
My condition declined over the years until I was about to reach the boiling point, but didn't recognize it. I automatically adapted to my new normal.

A few weeks post-op, I started looking back and recognized the extreme severity of my condition, mentally and physically.
Physically, it was bad, no substantial complaints on my current status.
Mentally, it was worse. This is something which will take me awhile to overcome. Occasional depression, anxiety is the main issue.

Depression is simply chemical, changes in body chemistry, since I no longer am on edge all the time, my body chemistry goes in the opposite direction some times.
Anxiety, I'm down to 3 times a week, mainly when I'm trying to sleep.

Pre-op days I would basically play beat the clock.
Could I get to sleep before I had to go to the bathroom? This was critical at the time because it took me anywhere from 20min - 2hrs to empty my bladder.
By that time I was wide awake again.
This is the source of anxiety which is lingering today.


I had holep in november 2023. Passed very little blood in the first 2 months and then saw spiradic tiny clots every few weeks. Its now been 6 months and still see occasional clots. Is this normal . Could it be late scabbing?


I had BPHlaser vaporization surgery 5 months ago,developed urethral stricture within a month, hat optilume procedure for stricture, done 3 months ago.
Every so often I pass brown small ?scab and other times red about 2 inch long thread like few drops of fresh blood oozing out.
Still has frequency. No UTI cancer stones.
I am not happy with all these post surgery issues.
Any wisdom?

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