What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

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Hello there,
My age is 67. My dexa scores are -1.9
L1-4 then -2.2….femur neck -2.3 and hip -2.6 and -2.8.

While I was looking at the trends for the last 10 years, they have not varied that much. I have not had any fractures except a Jones fracture on my foot when I fell off a curb, and I don’t think that was due to osteoporosis at least according to the foot doctor, I remain hopeful with using the bioidentical, hormones and I’m just taking a chance that I don’t have any major fractures. Like I have said before conventional medicine isn’t keen on hormones. Everyone has to make a choice that’s right for them. Thanks for your input.


My L1-L4 T-scores are an avg of -3.3. I am thinking about taking Tymlos (or Forteo) but am trying to go the natural way first. I do NOT want to take Prolia or Fosamax due to the risks. Does anyone know about the benefits of PEMF therapy or Osteostrong - measured and balanced static constrained exercises? I also wonder if a pharmacogenomics DNA test can identify which osteoporosis drug would be best for each persons genetic makeup? It might determine which would be the safest or most effective one to take. I do yoga, walking many times a week and weights once a week and will try out the OsteoStrong exercises this Saturday. I would also recommend a full chiropractic analysis of your spine. I plan to work with my chiropractor to establish the right exercises to counteract the muscular skeletal changes and use the PEMF machine. It did give me instant relief in my spine the day I went. A book called Life Force recommended it 3x week for 20 min. to eliminate pain. Please let me know if you have any feedback or have tried these options.


I wanted to add that each person is an individual that needs a different dose of hormone. I believe there are 10 different strengths of the testosterone estradiol pellets, so it is totally geared to your blood levels. I know people that have estrogen driven breast cancer should not take these hormones.

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I’m on bioidentical transdermal creams, very low dose. But, I had to stop testosterone due to Achilles tendonitis, which testosterone can cause. Has anyone else had fluid retention using transdermal hormones?


Well.....not exactly to heal osteoporosis, but to improve.....yes. I eat yogurt every day, with fruit, low carbs, good protein, take daily Centrum Silver for Women, Super B Complex, D3, Zinc, Citrical or a calcium supplement. AND, I use water therapy 2-3X daily in a pool for conditioning, exercise. That is probably the best suggestion you can try, if your doctor approves. My doc said I have to do that for the rest of my life...I consider that a direct order from someone who knows me and my body and wants my best. So, I do it. I love it. I'm stronger, have less pain, move better. I walk in the water-sideways/backwards/front, do marching, use water barbells. Simple, easy and lots of hard work to feel and be better. It works wonders for me. Wishing you well!

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I’ve been doing that for five months-water therapy, so helpful! Has your osteoporosis improved?


This is probably a late reply, but I have done a lot of research and have chosen to use Fortibone collagen and ecentric and concentric exercises. I am giving it a year and if my T score stays the same or improves I will continue. I was diagnosed in 2019, used fosamax for 2 years and then started the above routine. My dexa scans have improved slightly. However, I'm seeing a bone specialist now who says my dexa scans are probably not accurate if not on the same machine and done the exact same way. So I'm getting a new reading on a more sophisticated machine. The exercises are from a place called The Exercise Coach if you're interested in reading about the theory behind them. They are a nation wide franchise. Best of luck to you!

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I would be interested in learning more about this.


I would be interested in learning more about this.

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Do you mean The Exercise Coach program? Just Google it and they probably have a franchise in your area. Mine allows 4 free sessions a month with my Medicare insurance.


Yes. I’m referring to the exercise coach. I don’t have Medicare I have United health care.


My L1-L4 T-scores are an avg of -3.3. I am thinking about taking Tymlos (or Forteo) but am trying to go the natural way first. I do NOT want to take Prolia or Fosamax due to the risks. Does anyone know about the benefits of PEMF therapy or Osteostrong - measured and balanced static constrained exercises? I also wonder if a pharmacogenomics DNA test can identify which osteoporosis drug would be best for each persons genetic makeup? It might determine which would be the safest or most effective one to take. I do yoga, walking many times a week and weights once a week and will try out the OsteoStrong exercises this Saturday. I would also recommend a full chiropractic analysis of your spine. I plan to work with my chiropractor to establish the right exercises to counteract the muscular skeletal changes and use the PEMF machine. It did give me instant relief in my spine the day I went. A book called Life Force recommended it 3x week for 20 min. to eliminate pain. Please let me know if you have any feedback or have tried these options.

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How was the osteostrong ? I have one in the area. Any info would be appreciated.


I've only gone for the first free visit. Apparently you can get one month free if you mention Life Force Book. I have no affiliation just passing on this information.
I was impressed so far and plan to commit to it for 6 months going 1x a week and then may further commit to a year if I see results. I believe it is worth trying before going onto medications. They mentioned many of their members had improved their T-scores. Also, I want to mention that you can always pay out of pocket if you want to get your own Dexa Scans without waiting on your doctor or insurance to cover it every 2 years. They can range from $70 to $175 depending on where you get them. I also plan to do PEMF therapy and take Calcium, D3, K2 and magnesium (all in one supplement) daily. Hope that helps I will keep you posted as I go through this.

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