Journaling - The Write Stuff For You?

Posted by Ginger, Volunteer Mentor @gingerw, Jun 19, 2020

Long ago –okay, for me, it was long ago!- it was common for a young person to keep a diary, a place to write down the heartaches and giggles of growing up, the trials and tribulations of school, friendships, sports and activities. Sometimes it was a locked book, so that we felt secure knowing our secret thought remained a secret.

How times have changed! While I no longer keep a classic diary, it is no less important for me to write down thoughts, ideas, and heaven-knows-what, on a regular basis. Nowadays, the common name is a “journal”, and seems to appeal to every segment of society. There are an abundance of ways to do this, and so many reasons why. Although I prefer longhand, many people use a computer, and there are any number of prompts/styles/methods.

Let’s explore this together!

Do you journal? What prompted you to start? What would you tell someone who wants to start?

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Thanks Ed for the nice advice….yes I take my trusty Cane with me now for security and the glasses are a very good idea…I find myself
Taking my glasses off more often now for typing on my PC or iPhone..🙏

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Thanks Ed for being thoughtful 🤔 enough to give me some very good advice… it’s nice to know that there’s a place where I can go…as the Beatles say in their song…👍🙏


I have been journaling for many years. I started writing during a very difficult and challenging period. I start out writing to God, but I end up writing about everything on my mind. I use a spiral notebook. They don’t take up a lot of space.


Hello to all,

Well it’s Sunday night 11:20 Daylight Savings Time, and another weekend comes to an end…I’ve never liked Sunday, it’s always given me the melancholy feeling…I think that’s just an awful feeling…I have been resting this knee and hip after I discovered the large bruise around the side and back of my hip and pelvic area…it appears to be getting better ❤️‍🩹… but I get this emptiness feeling at times, especially Sunday…some folks in AA recovery would call this a pity pot—but it’s more than that…I’ve been without drink or the desire for one for over 43 years now, and I know a pity pot when it happens…this is much more than that…it’s just a terrible feeling..hopefully tomorrow, I can return to my routine of going to the mall and walking..tomorrow night I can get together with some HAM radio fellas on our Monday 7:30 NET…it could also be the time change that throws me off…but I have to remain grateful for the things that I cherish…the ability to walk, drive and breath and still play an instrument …and the mentor who said that writing can be cathartic was so right…happy Monday and a good safe week to all that come here..🙏pvctom


Yes, I've never liked Sundays. For the very reason you mention, "hopefully tomorrow, I can return to my routine of going to the mall and walking.."
Saturdays I can run around, things are open, and everyone stays up late. I watch Saturday Night Live, once in a blue moon it is funny.
It took me a long time to get past the Sunday blues, of thinking of going back to work. melancholy.
I like knowing I can call the doctor if needed, my oncologist promptly closes the door at noon on Friday. I hope nothing too bad happens over the weekend.
I have started watching football when in season. It really can be exciting at times. But my team is struggling this off season with big questions about the QB.
Routine, that is the answer, something you look forward to. Maybe you HAM people could get together on Sundays?
Or maybe it is the TV show 60 minutes that is depressing? I prefer Jeopardy!
I live in PA and went to watch the snow geese a couple weeks ago. I felt awed.
I think the key is to make plans with people you enjoy! Hang in there for Monday, then you can breathe again.


Yes, I've never liked Sundays. For the very reason you mention, "hopefully tomorrow, I can return to my routine of going to the mall and walking.."
Saturdays I can run around, things are open, and everyone stays up late. I watch Saturday Night Live, once in a blue moon it is funny.
It took me a long time to get past the Sunday blues, of thinking of going back to work. melancholy.
I like knowing I can call the doctor if needed, my oncologist promptly closes the door at noon on Friday. I hope nothing too bad happens over the weekend.
I have started watching football when in season. It really can be exciting at times. But my team is struggling this off season with big questions about the QB.
Routine, that is the answer, something you look forward to. Maybe you HAM people could get together on Sundays?
Or maybe it is the TV show 60 minutes that is depressing? I prefer Jeopardy!
I live in PA and went to watch the snow geese a couple weeks ago. I felt awed.
I think the key is to make plans with people you enjoy! Hang in there for Monday, then you can breathe again.

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply…I enjoyed reading it and the positive feedback…. I Will take your experience and suggestions and remember them…I love the part of your post when you mentioned the snow geese and how you felt awed…I down here in VA ,occasionally looked at the Mallard 🦆 Ducks and I too am awed at their lack of fear 😧 when crossing the busy blvd on my way to the Mall.. they just march single file across the road without any hesitation holding up traffic from their side of the pond to where the multiplex theater is, as if they were on their way to the movies…🙏pvctom


Yes, animals are a sure fire way to cheer yourself up. Kind of funny, we sit and watch the cats and they watch the birds and squirrels. It's a crime if the bird feeder goes empty. I have a squirrel proof feeder that really works. Plus it holds 15 pounds of sunflower 🌻 seeds. I love when the cardinals show up, they usually show up in pairs. Chickadees are also a favorite.
This weekend is hard because I had chemo and immunotherapy on Wednesday. Tomorrow or Wednesday I hope to turn the tide
I usually eat out once a day but I haven't left the house since 4 days ago.
I play Racko if I can. Also just bought Battleship, used to play a lot as a kid.
I'll make like a cat and snooze this afternoon.
The bottom line is that I feel pretty great 2 out of 3 weeks. Soon I'll be planting flowers 🌺🌹 again!!


Yes, animals are a sure fire way to cheer yourself up. Kind of funny, we sit and watch the cats and they watch the birds and squirrels. It's a crime if the bird feeder goes empty. I have a squirrel proof feeder that really works. Plus it holds 15 pounds of sunflower 🌻 seeds. I love when the cardinals show up, they usually show up in pairs. Chickadees are also a favorite.
This weekend is hard because I had chemo and immunotherapy on Wednesday. Tomorrow or Wednesday I hope to turn the tide
I usually eat out once a day but I haven't left the house since 4 days ago.
I play Racko if I can. Also just bought Battleship, used to play a lot as a kid.
I'll make like a cat and snooze this afternoon.
The bottom line is that I feel pretty great 2 out of 3 weeks. Soon I'll be planting flowers 🌺🌹 again!!

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Bless you and I admire your courage… this is a nice place to’s good here…🙏


I’m at the mall now
with my trusty cane and going inside to do my walk..hope you have a wonderful nap and a great day….🙏pvctom


Hello to all,

I just want to thank all of the nice reactions and replies that I’ve received from my posts…it makes me feel so good when I see an inbox reply left from someone…
I woke this morning with a rather intense morning fear…it must connect with General Anxiety Disorder GAD) and what I’ve read in senior’s especially is the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR)…I’ve been sore since my fall but am icing and taking it easier, and using a cane when walking at the mall…I again count my blessings , drink some coffee and be Grateful that my problems are not insurmountable…I feel like I’m in a good place when I leave a post here…wish all who come here a nice safe day and night…


Hello to all,

I just want to thank all of the nice reactions and replies that I’ve received from my posts…it makes me feel so good when I see an inbox reply left from someone…
I woke this morning with a rather intense morning fear…it must connect with General Anxiety Disorder GAD) and what I’ve read in senior’s especially is the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR)…I’ve been sore since my fall but am icing and taking it easier, and using a cane when walking at the mall…I again count my blessings , drink some coffee and be Grateful that my problems are not insurmountable…I feel like I’m in a good place when I leave a post here…wish all who come here a nice safe day and night…

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@pvctom2021 Each day we take as it comes. Some days seem to be more difficult than others. And, truly, that's okay! Writing out the concerns we face at that moment can help to ease the anxiety, and give us something to address in a positive manner.

Hoping your aches from the recent fall abate over time. The memory in your mind may take longer, and at some level you will be watching your foot placement and balance. I do that everyday, not trusting my balance anymore. That in itself can be anxiety-provoking!

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