Journaling - The Write Stuff For You?

Posted by Ginger, Volunteer Mentor @gingerw, Jun 19, 2020

Long ago –okay, for me, it was long ago!- it was common for a young person to keep a diary, a place to write down the heartaches and giggles of growing up, the trials and tribulations of school, friendships, sports and activities. Sometimes it was a locked book, so that we felt secure knowing our secret thought remained a secret.

How times have changed! While I no longer keep a classic diary, it is no less important for me to write down thoughts, ideas, and heaven-knows-what, on a regular basis. Nowadays, the common name is a “journal”, and seems to appeal to every segment of society. There are an abundance of ways to do this, and so many reasons why. Although I prefer longhand, many people use a computer, and there are any number of prompts/styles/methods.

Let’s explore this together!

Do you journal? What prompted you to start? What would you tell someone who wants to start?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Hello to all,

Well, the weekend is over and again Monday is rolling along…I finally was seen at the Mary Washington ER annex nearby and they were wonderful.. I was taken care of and the techs and nurses were very nice and cheerful..the ER doctor examined both of my legs, feet, knees lower back neck face shoulders and hips…she performed the routine physical exercise testa and concluded their were no fractures and did not feel imaging was necessary..that my symptoms were soft tissue related..but I have a slight swelling on the left knee, diagnosis contusion - and a sprain of right hip.. left side where THR was done and which I explained to her apparently was not damaged..they had all my records and surgeries done there on the MyChart.. I am very stiff and sore but able to ambulate without any pain..when I walk the soreness seems to subside…I’m to follow up with PCM and my orthopedic doctor surgeon for a visit…and return to ER if pain develops or soreness gets worse…

Meanwhile I’ve got to start a few area spot applications with flourouracil 5% over top area of eyebrow and top and sides of face…but not on this tiny lobe on my left forehead…I’m going to try for my walk at the mall today , slowly, carefully and deliberate..I want to shake this unsure feeling I have and just be careful…wish all here a good day and night 🙏 pvctom

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Be comfortable, warm, heart-centered.
Rest and heal.


Be comfortable, warm, heart-centered.
Rest and heal.

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Thanks Ed…appreciate the kind reply…🙏


Do you sometimes feel you need a little push, a little prompt to start words or thoughts flowing onto paper [or a computer screen]? Recently, I found a site that intrigued me. I signed up and waited to see what they might be all about. After all, if it is not to my liking, there is always the "unsubscribe" key.

What I found is their prompts help me. And often, there are expanded ideas that come to mind. It may not be for everyone, but take a look and let me know what your thoughts are!
or their Facebook page:

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Achei muito interessante essa dica de página... confesso que tenho tido mais vontade de registrar uns sentimentos confusos pois tenho me sentido mais sozinha, introvertida... não sei. Acredito que alguns processos são dessa natureza mais íntima e ao escrever lhes damos concretude. Vou arriscar iniciar um journal!


Achei muito interessante essa dica de página... confesso que tenho tido mais vontade de registrar uns sentimentos confusos pois tenho me sentido mais sozinha, introvertida... não sei. Acredito que alguns processos são dessa natureza mais íntima e ao escrever lhes damos concretude. Vou arriscar iniciar um journal!

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@thaish1978 Starting a journal simply takes one word. It can be on paper, on a computer screen, or any surface. As you read through the entries on this discussion, you will find there are many ways to proceed. Pick what fits you best that day. And have no fear to change how you do your journal! I look forward to hearing from you again!


@thaish1978 Starting a journal simply takes one word. It can be on paper, on a computer screen, or any surface. As you read through the entries on this discussion, you will find there are many ways to proceed. Pick what fits you best that day. And have no fear to change how you do your journal! I look forward to hearing from you again!

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I write poetry. I have for years. My first poem was when I was 16. I wrote to express. Then share. The to encourage, uplift and relate.

I’ve written a number of them, enjoying the process so much.

I enjoy the simplicity and complexity of Poetry.

I see a poem to be a lifetime of experience pictured with few words. It simplifies the otherwise complicated to be relatable and appreciated.

Have a wonderful night.


Just want to talk…

Doctor says she needs to chill
To avoid stress without a pill

Cope with it best she can
To become a thing she could withstand

A mess she is, a mess indeed
The pain is madness that does not bleed

What you can’t perceive
Is endured, such agony

When it flares and when its worse
Yell and howl, moan and curse

It is not fair she wonders why
The curse that is, can’t be defied

So exist she does, to not live the same
Was a life extinct, that became so lame



Hello to all

Short day at the mall…we had to get tax package to PO and get it certified…I was on a mission to foot locker where I had my fall last Friday to return the shoes I had purchased.. they were not worn at all. I was in there yesterday briefly while on my walk and spoke to the nice young man who helped me the previous Friday after I fell and explained that I would like to return those shoes for the 990’sv6…he had my size and held them til today…all was bad fall, no creepy feeling , no Deja vu…today when I arrived with the return he
Smiled and said I’ve got them, and I exchanged pleasantries with him and the crew…then suddenly I felt an almost overwhelming swoosh swell up in my head and I felt like I might have to hold onto something…I was scared…and thinking 🤔 if I fall again, especially in this same store, it’s going to be not good..Jeffrey the salesman came over to me and asked me if I was okay.. I said I think so, and walked over to the
counter and made the exchange, thanked them and left…walked to my car and came home to do the errands with my wife…I told her about it and I have a telemed
with my PCM at 11:25 tomorrow..will fill him in on this incident as well as the fall last Friday.. I had a message in my Genesis profile chart that he wanted to arrange a telemed I guess to discuss my labs..
good night and day to all who come here..🙏pvctom


Hello to all,

It was a good day at the mall yesterday..I did the walk to get my step quota and my Telemed was ok.👍 labs normal A1C a little elevated..PCM ordered meclizine and advised to keep an eye out for it.. he ordered the chewable ones and said to chew one when I get an episode…

This morning @4:35 am I woke with cramps in my left lower leg and lower arm..of course I panicked as well I would having General Anxiety Disorder and just a worried personality…but managed to get back to sleep…I probably need to drink more water…dehydrated…before leaving for meds, labs, at Ft. Belvoir, I noticed a long bruise that looked like it was healing ❤️‍🩹 just behind the right hip and down the leg…now I’m not sure how I fell or how I landed…
right hip strain, left knee contusion….

But we picked up the meds, did the labs, stopped at Quantico exchange and then some food at McDonald’s…..yum..well traffic was pretty good on I 95 considering it was Friday rush hour…I am walking ok, but cautious and wide steps and just sore but not in any real pain…I do need to thank so many here for responding to my little journal posts…it’s good here…Wish all who come here a good weekend and stay healthy and safe 🙏 pvctom


Hello to all

Short day at the mall…we had to get tax package to PO and get it certified…I was on a mission to foot locker where I had my fall last Friday to return the shoes I had purchased.. they were not worn at all. I was in there yesterday briefly while on my walk and spoke to the nice young man who helped me the previous Friday after I fell and explained that I would like to return those shoes for the 990’sv6…he had my size and held them til today…all was bad fall, no creepy feeling , no Deja vu…today when I arrived with the return he
Smiled and said I’ve got them, and I exchanged pleasantries with him and the crew…then suddenly I felt an almost overwhelming swoosh swell up in my head and I felt like I might have to hold onto something…I was scared…and thinking 🤔 if I fall again, especially in this same store, it’s going to be not good..Jeffrey the salesman came over to me and asked me if I was okay.. I said I think so, and walked over to the
counter and made the exchange, thanked them and left…walked to my car and came home to do the errands with my wife…I told her about it and I have a telemed
with my PCM at 11:25 tomorrow..will fill him in on this incident as well as the fall last Friday.. I had a message in my Genesis profile chart that he wanted to arrange a telemed I guess to discuss my labs..
good night and day to all who come here..🙏pvctom

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Tom, would it be good to have a cane or staff when you go to places like the mall?
My wife has a light aluminum cane she uses in walks on hilly sidewalks, and I have a staff I use walking the dog and walking in the woods. It's not so much for support as it is to give a bit more information when navigating complex terrain.
I also have to remind myself to take off my reading glasses when leaving the house or when turning around to cook using multiple counters in the kitchen. It's much better to have a full range of vision at one focal length!


Tom, would it be good to have a cane or staff when you go to places like the mall?
My wife has a light aluminum cane she uses in walks on hilly sidewalks, and I have a staff I use walking the dog and walking in the woods. It's not so much for support as it is to give a bit more information when navigating complex terrain.
I also have to remind myself to take off my reading glasses when leaving the house or when turning around to cook using multiple counters in the kitchen. It's much better to have a full range of vision at one focal length!

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Thanks Ed for the nice advice….yes I take my trusty Cane with me now for security and the glasses are a very good idea…I find myself
Taking my glasses off more often now for typing on my PC or iPhone..🙏

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