Has anyone tried Umary Hialuronica Acidio from Mexico?

Posted by jixster @jixster, Feb 20 12:16pm

I bought a bottle of this UMARY Hialuronica Acidio from Amazon - I wanted something to help with my morning stiffness from PMR. I tried one pill mid- afternoon and the next morning I felt like new! No pain - no stiffness. BUT - after reading some negative reviews on Amazon I became aware of some possible issues, that because it works so well there must be an unlisted ingredient(s) - perhaps a NSAID OR A STEROID? One person mentioned after a couple months of using it started to mess up his liver enzymes. Since I am on 10mg of prednisone I decided to only take this supplement once every 4 days until I see my rheumatologist in April - I did not see any warning from the FDA for Umary - there are many more positive reviews than negative reviews on Amazon- I wish I could get it analyzed to be sure it’s safe but I don’t know where such can be done.


Note from the Community Director

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that some arthritis and pain management products contain hidden ingredients that could be dangerous. 

Tainted Arthritis | Pain Products FDA

According to the FDA, over-the-counter (OTC) arthritis and pain management products may have potentially harmful hidden ingredients. Use caution before using any OTC arthritis and pain management products. Umary may have hidden ingredients that are potentially harmful.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


I share the same concerns as you. Word of this supplement and the incredible results people are having has spread like wildfire in my community. I’m getting texts from from clients ( I was a massage therapist before I retired) regularly asking if I have heard of this and sharing their success stories
I too noticed an almost immediate difference in my two year battle with ankle arthritis type pain as have several people close to me. Arthritic ankles, knees, back pain, hip pain, immobile thumbs, the stories of people I know directly are compelling but I too have concerns about unlisted ingredient’s.
I took the ingredient list to my pharmacist and he assured me that as a type 2 diabetic well controlled with
( metformin) with well controlled blood pressure and on Repatha for cholesterol and PPI’s for acid reflux there were no contraindications with the listed ingredients.

He also mentioned that he has had several other patients inquiring with him as well with their success stories but he was very concerned about unlisted ingredients.

I too saw the FDA warnings for a similar product with and the Amazon review claiming someone in BC had it drug tested at a street drug testing place and it contained diclofenac.
I would happily take this for the incredible relief I felt but I also want to know if it contains unlisted pain medication with known and serious side effect's, so that I can work with my Dr. and make an informed choice .
I look forward to any additional information you or the community mean find.
My husband took Arthrotec for a very short time a number of years ago and immediately had severe liver enzyme issues, he would love to have the relief I am seeing but the risk that this supplement it may contain diclofenac is too great.

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Welcome @candislee, I think I might also be worried about the ingredients and want to know, especially if it's not from a country with more stringent controls. There are labs that will do the testing for you but I'm not sure of the cost involved or if anyone has done it. Here is just one of many I found available to test supplements to identify ingredients.

--- Chemical, Ingredient & Raw Material Verification Testing Services: https://www.eurofinsus.com/food-testing/services/testing-services/chemical-ingredient-verification/


There was a product recall of Kukaflex Forte in November, stating it contained undeclared diclofenac, with the following warning:
"Risk Statement: Consumption of undeclared diclofenac could result in serious adverse events that include cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, and anaphylaxis in patients taking concomitant NSAIDs and/or anticoagulants, such as Warfarin, in those who have allergies to diclofenac, or those with underlying cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic illnesses."


I get back to Canada at the beginning of April- it’s a top priority for me to get this analysis done. I will post results if I can find a place to get it analyzed.

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I’m definitely interested. I don’t know if it’s answered prayers or this product but after ten years of pain the doctors couldn’t explain one dose of this and I felt like a new woman. Please reply to this post results. I hear there’s talk of discontinuing it,


Hi @jimbo44. While the temporary restriction on sharing links can be frustrating when trying to share valuable information, it is an important security measure to protect the community from malicious spammers. Allow me to share the FDA warning you were trying to share, https://www.fda.gov/drugs/medication-health-fraud/kuka-flex-forte-contains-hidden-drug-ingredient.

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Thank you. The one I purchase is in a green bottle and not a red bottle, not roja (red) but verde (green) still has the potency of 4+ on the front of the label. I wonder if they just changed the label because people have been questioning the ingredients? One may never know? If anyone knows anything about Kuka Flex Verde it would be helpful, but I have a feeling they just changed the label for marketing purposes.


What is the opinion on medical marijuana for pain management, either tincture or pills.


In my review of Umary I came across two different references to some type of analysis which was done in Canada.
One indicated presence of 25-35 mg of Diclofenac . Another reference indicated presence of some type of steroid.
I cannot confirm the results as being accurate.
I will say and stress the immediate need for someone in the medical community to perform an analysis on Umary.
The stuff works there is no doubt, but why is the question.
I am trying to find out where and how to get it correctly analyzed.
I will foot the bill if reasonable!!

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If anyone gets it analyzed I would love to get results. My husband and I have experienced the same results. Relieved most all pain in neck and shoulders.
What test do ya'll recommend we take besides liver to make sure we are not causing undo harm to our bodies.
Thanks for any input.'


The product called Umary is available for purchase in the US at Walmart online, on Amazon and thru an online reseller I was able to find. I posed the question directly to the reseller inquiring about unlisted ingredients and received an answer which I have posted directly from the website in the attached photo. It was definitely not reassuring. Until this week this same reseller was offering for sale one of the named products” Kuka Flex” in the FDA list of warnings about products containing unlisted substances including diclofenac and dexamethasone. The group moderator here has posted a link to that warning. If one reads all the reviews on the Amazon listing of the product Umary there is several examples of reactions to the product, consistent with side effects named with the suspected unlisted ingredients in addition to the hundreds of rave reviews of the product. If we as consumers of supplements are being honest with ourselves can anyone say they have ever taken a “supplement” product with the rather benign appearing ingredients on the Umary label that has provided the almost immediate (within hours or days) that people are reporting they get from this product and others like it. ( search Tainted Arthritis on the US FDA website. Even among the many unsuspecting users of the product I know there is an uneasy “joking” about what kind of “drug” is in this product. If we as patients and consumers are well informed of risk vs benefit for the quality of life we all seek, we can make that choice only when we have all the information. In the case of untested, unregulated supplements, adequate information is clearly not what we have.


The product called Umary is available for purchase in the US at Walmart online, on Amazon and thru an online reseller I was able to find. I posed the question directly to the reseller inquiring about unlisted ingredients and received an answer which I have posted directly from the website in the attached photo. It was definitely not reassuring. Until this week this same reseller was offering for sale one of the named products” Kuka Flex” in the FDA list of warnings about products containing unlisted substances including diclofenac and dexamethasone. The group moderator here has posted a link to that warning. If one reads all the reviews on the Amazon listing of the product Umary there is several examples of reactions to the product, consistent with side effects named with the suspected unlisted ingredients in addition to the hundreds of rave reviews of the product. If we as consumers of supplements are being honest with ourselves can anyone say they have ever taken a “supplement” product with the rather benign appearing ingredients on the Umary label that has provided the almost immediate (within hours or days) that people are reporting they get from this product and others like it. ( search Tainted Arthritis on the US FDA website. Even among the many unsuspecting users of the product I know there is an uneasy “joking” about what kind of “drug” is in this product. If we as patients and consumers are well informed of risk vs benefit for the quality of life we all seek, we can make that choice only when we have all the information. In the case of untested, unregulated supplements, adequate information is clearly not what we have.

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I really hope there isn’t something horrible in it. Admittedly wonder how it works so well. Day and night difference in my pain. At about 8-9 days of use I started getting stabbing sporadic pain in liver area. Stopped for 3 days. At day 2 it went away. Woke up so stiff and in pain on third day I took one. I may try to just take every 3-4 days to keep the pain tolerable or around high activity stuff with my work schedule where I have to be able to move around more that day. Idk. It’s so disappointing as I finally felt hopeful and like my old self after ten years of debilitating symptoms and being dismissed by doctors.


I really hope there isn’t something horrible in it. Admittedly wonder how it works so well. Day and night difference in my pain. At about 8-9 days of use I started getting stabbing sporadic pain in liver area. Stopped for 3 days. At day 2 it went away. Woke up so stiff and in pain on third day I took one. I may try to just take every 3-4 days to keep the pain tolerable or around high activity stuff with my work schedule where I have to be able to move around more that day. Idk. It’s so disappointing as I finally felt hopeful and like my old self after ten years of debilitating symptoms and being dismissed by doctors.

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Perhaps the best question to your Dr’s might be around the potentially “suspect” ingredients and if there is any way or means to have those be a support to the pain you are having but with the appropriate monitoring of things like liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal health. I plan to take a bottle of the Umary with me to my next Dr. visit and discuss the incredible results I had in pain reduction and see if there isn’t a legitimate way to acheive that with her support and knowledge. I know it can be tough to find a provider willing to have those conversations which is why many of us are desperate enough to take the risk with products like these. I know the scare we had with my husband and the liver reactions he had to a prescription product containing diclofenac was terrifying. It took two years for his numbers to come to normal levels and that was all under Dr. supervision. I empathize with your pain and the lack of quality of life that goes with it. I understand the dilemma but the chance of things getting worse by adding more problems is scary too. I am grateful for a forum like this to be able to discuss the concerns and to the orginal poster for posing the question.


Sadly my doctor doesn’t care, and she’s the nicest one I’ve found. My last visit in September she hugged me so happy to see me in person for the first time since the pandemic. Then proceeded to write in the visit notes patient had a panic attack in my office, which never occurred, and that she discussed my anxiety and depression and that it’s cause by me being overweight and that needed to lose weight. I called her out on it and have since decided why am I wasting my time searching for a diagnosis and help. My mother has PMR and that took 17 years to get diagnosed. I’m going to assume that’s what I have and stop wasting my time with my doctor who clearly doesn’t see anything but my weight, which wasn’t the problem when this all started. Thank you for the very thoughtful reply though, it is very appreciated. Good idea taking to your doctor. I hope it works and they’re able to provide more info you can share with us. Have a good day. And thanks again.

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