Weaning off zolpidem (Ambien)

Posted by lusia @lusia, Dec 9, 2017

taking 5mg ambian for 20 years can melatonin help to ween me off

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Why didn't you want to start mirtazapine? It sounds like you are taking it now so can you share whether or not it's helping you sleep?

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Mirtazapine is definitely helping me sleep after weaning from lorazepam.


cdesharn, your husband is one of these people who just doesn't get it.... some of us with anxiety and problems sleeping NEED to take medication that will HELP, I emphasize HELP US! Do not feel guilty or bad for having to take these meds to Help you.... your husband is one of the lucky ones who can fall asleep just like that.... unfortunately, not all of us are so lucky. Take the meds... and take care of yourself. Anxiety and Insomnia are NO FUN, and not good for your overall health.

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@cindysue you are so right! Until I get to the bottom of my chronic insomnia and medical issues, I need all the help I can get. I think he’s just frustrated that there’s been no resolution after all this time as am I. Trying to care for myself is my priority but feeling discouraged at lack of resolution and results is causing more anxiety. Drs don’t seem to take it seriously enough and it’s difficult running round for testing when you’re not feeling well.


I’m doing very well with 7.5 mg of mirtazapine. Although I feel groggy in the morning, it’s worth it because I’m sleeping through the night. I wanted to get off lorazepam because it wasn’t helping me sleep and I did not want to take a benzodiazepine. Plus my doctor no longer wanted me on it, as it’s not meant to take long term.
I’m finally sleeping and it makes a difference for me! I gained a little weight but really watch what I eat. Not a problem for me.

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Mirtazapine (7.5mg) has been helpful for me. In general due to toilet habits after colon removal and arthritic pain, I get up 2-3 times overnight. Where the mirtazapine helps is getting back to sleep quickly instead of lying there awake.

I had to experiment the best time to take it to reduce that morning grogginess. I'm now taking it ~ 90-120 minutes before going to bed. It has a half-life of 20-40 hours, so it hangs around in your system a while, so grogginess can hang on.


As I said previously, each of us is different in how we respond to medication. For someone to say “the only sleep med that truly works is a benzo” is not a fact. It may work for that person but not for you and me. You need to analyze your sleep behaviors…can you fall asleep and not stay asleep? Lie awake for hours then fall asleep for a few? Finding a reputable sleep medicine doctor and/or therapist to help analyze your issues and develop a plan with or without meds that works for you is invaluable. I tried cognitive behavior therapy but that didn’t work for me. Many people swear by it and I did develop better sleep hygiene habits; I did however need meds to finally tame the insomnia monster!

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Sorry....I should have said the only sleep medication that works for some people is a benzo sleep med..


Mirtazapine is definitely helping me sleep after weaning from lorazepam.

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What is your dose of Mirtazapine? Also, how soon before bed do you take it and how much sleep do you get a night with it? Also, does it make you feel groggy the next day? Thanks.


All prescription medications that address sleep issues have negative consequences on brain health. Everyone needs to understand that and be willing to live with the consequences. I have heard so many times people say "I didn't know that". Read the information supplied by the pharmacist. I encourage everyone to look at safe options for better sleep. My first suggestion is always exercise! Other suggestions include no eating after dinner, no TV two hours before bedtime, meditation, mindless practices, cool total dark room (eye mask if necessary) and a small glass of tart cherry juice for natural melatonin.


Have you seen a sleep medicine doctor and/or sleep therapist? I am finally sleeping due to a great care team who found something that works for me.

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What works for you now?


What is your dose of Mirtazapine? Also, how soon before bed do you take it and how much sleep do you get a night with it? Also, does it make you feel groggy the next day? Thanks.

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I take 7.5 mg of mirtazapine. I take it about a half hour before bedtime. I do feel groggy most mornings but am able to get through it, since I’m sleeping 7-8 hours a night! Has made a huge difference in my life. I could always fall asleep but not stay asleep.


I had a visit with a sleep medicine doctor last week after 7 months of terrible insomnia after tapering off Klonopin (slowly over 9 months). I tried CBT-I, all the behavioral hacks, Vistaril, mirtazapine, OTC Unisom, all to no avail. She affirmed how bad it is to not sleep - some of the side effects of chronic insomnia are the same as for sleep aides. She disagreed that I should have been taken off Klonopin by age 65, and would have written a script for it. I declined, simply because it was so difficult to get off of - miserable withdrawals for months. I am trying a low dose of Ambien and after 3 nights of good sleep, I'm a believer. I don't want to have to use a sleep aide, but it is so much better than being awake all night and a zombie the next day. Now, I just take it one night at a time, and continue my good sleep hygiene.


What works for you now?

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7.5 mg mirtazapine

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