Has anyone tried Umary Hialuronica Acidio from Mexico? WARNING

Posted by jixster @jixster, Feb 20 12:16pm

I bought a bottle of this UMARY Hialuronica Acidio from Amazon - I wanted something to help with my morning stiffness from PMR. I tried one pill mid- afternoon and the next morning I felt like new! No pain - no stiffness. BUT - after reading some negative reviews on Amazon I became aware of some possible issues, that because it works so well there must be an unlisted ingredient(s) - perhaps a NSAID OR A STEROID? One person mentioned after a couple months of using it started to mess up his liver enzymes. Since I am on 10mg of prednisone I decided to only take this supplement once every 4 days until I see my rheumatologist in April - I did not see any warning from the FDA for Umary - there are many more positive reviews than negative reviews on Amazon- I wish I could get it analyzed to be sure it’s safe but I don’t know where such can be done.


Note from the Community Director

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that some arthritis and pain management products contain hidden ingredients that could be dangerous. 

Umary contains hidden drug ingredients FDA

Tainted Arthritis | Pain Products FDA

Update from the FDA [6-14-2024]

"The Food and Drug Administration is advising consumers not to purchase or use Umary, a product promoted and sold for pain on various websites, including https://www.solovital.com and possibly in some retail stores.

FDA laboratory analysis confirmed that Umary contains diclofenac and omeprazole, which are not listed on the product label."

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


I too had the same good, great experience after just one pill!!
This stuff is great but I would bet it is dangerous.
Only info I can find is that a test in Canada indicated it had diclofenac and possibly a steroid in it?

I sure wish Mayo would analyze this supplement.
Maybe there is a way to take it safely?
If i can’t get better soon I will start taking it every two days!!!
I am eighty years old and am tired of constant pain so at least my time remaining will be without pain!!

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If you're 80 yrs old what are you gonna miss out on? I'm 82 & i'm now pain free, it must be selling good cuz the price almost doubled in the last few weeks! let me know if you can find it for 20$ or less a bottle!


I have had exactly the same experience and would love to know if it’s safe to continue. PMR for nearly 2 years, had trouble dressing 8 days ago, took a pill that lunch time and was 100% better the next morning. Magic! First time ever no pain or stiffness since 40mg initial dosage of prednisone on diagnosis. Currently on 5mg pred. Would really appreciate if you could let me know if you find anything out re Umary. Thanks

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I get back to Canada at the beginning of April- it’s a top priority for me to get this analysis done. I will post results if I can find a place to get it analyzed.


If you're 80 yrs old what are you gonna miss out on? I'm 82 & i'm now pain free, it must be selling good cuz the price almost doubled in the last few weeks! let me know if you can find it for 20$ or less a bottle!

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Will do, but might have to go to Mexico to find it at that price.



Hello @jixster, I think it's just hyaluronic acid which has shown to be beneficial for rheumatology disorders. Here's some 2023 research information that gives an explanation:
--- Hyaluronic Acid in Rheumatology: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10537104/.

There are a couple of related discussions:
--- Sjogerns and oral hyaluronic acid supplementation: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/sjogerns-and-oral-hyaluronic-acid-supplementation/
--- Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan) to treat COPD and Asthma: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/hyaluronic-acid-hyaluronan-to-treat-copd-and-asthma/

Are you able to ask your local pharmacist if you aren't able to talk to your doctor about using the supplement?

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I have been using a liquid form of high molecular Hyaluronic Acid for a few week now - I haven’t noticed any difference unfortunately.


Remember Umary is not a controlled drug.
What they put on the label can be anything they want!

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Yeah that’s the concern - it works too good to be true. There must be something in it. I wish I could get this stuff analyzed- then if there is a steroid in there - see if it’s more or less harmful than prednisone.
I am going to try to find a lab to analyze it once I am back in Canada. 👍🏼


I live in Mexico and just started a similar product called Kuka Flex Verde.
Started yesterday morning with first pill and last night before bed 12 hours later, no pain this morning from PMR. Will continue until I see my doctor on the 18th. I cannot take prednisone so this has been the only thing so far that has helped my pain. Not sure it is available in the USA. Will keep you updated as to what the doctor says but need to take something to keep moving.


I live in Mexico and just started a similar product called Kuka Flex Verde.
Started yesterday morning with first pill and last night before bed 12 hours later, no pain this morning from PMR. Will continue until I see my doctor on the 18th. I cannot take prednisone so this has been the only thing so far that has helped my pain. Not sure it is available in the USA. Will keep you updated as to what the doctor says but need to take something to keep moving.

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This site will not allow me to post comment that contains a link because I am new to the site!!

Anyhow I found that the FDA has warned about taking your product as they have analyzed it and it does contain DICLOFENAC which can be harmful to some folks!


This site will not allow me to post comment that contains a link because I am new to the site!!

Anyhow I found that the FDA has warned about taking your product as they have analyzed it and it does contain DICLOFENAC which can be harmful to some folks!

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Yes I agree, but this one is not the Forte (strong) so not sure. Anyway I will check with my internist in a couple of weeks. I am just wondering how much more harmful it can be than taking prednisone for two years! I cannot take the prednisone so everything seems to have a consequence ! I will let the group know what my doctor says after the 18th of this month.


This site will not allow me to post comment that contains a link because I am new to the site!!

Anyhow I found that the FDA has warned about taking your product as they have analyzed it and it does contain DICLOFENAC which can be harmful to some folks!

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Hi @jimbo44. While the temporary restriction on sharing links can be frustrating when trying to share valuable information, it is an important security measure to protect the community from malicious spammers. Allow me to share the FDA warning you were trying to share, https://www.fda.gov/drugs/medication-health-fraud/kuka-flex-forte-contains-hidden-drug-ingredient.


I get back to Canada at the beginning of April- it’s a top priority for me to get this analysis done. I will post results if I can find a place to get it analyzed.

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I share the same concerns as you. Word of this supplement and the incredible results people are having has spread like wildfire in my community. I’m getting texts from from clients ( I was a massage therapist before I retired) regularly asking if I have heard of this and sharing their success stories
I too noticed an almost immediate difference in my two year battle with ankle arthritis type pain as have several people close to me. Arthritic ankles, knees, back pain, hip pain, immobile thumbs, the stories of people I know directly are compelling but I too have concerns about unlisted ingredient’s.
I took the ingredient list to my pharmacist and he assured me that as a type 2 diabetic well controlled with
( metformin) with well controlled blood pressure and on Repatha for cholesterol and PPI’s for acid reflux there were no contraindications with the listed ingredients.

He also mentioned that he has had several other patients inquiring with him as well with their success stories but he was very concerned about unlisted ingredients.

I too saw the FDA warnings for a similar product with and the Amazon review claiming someone in BC had it drug tested at a street drug testing place and it contained diclofenac.
I would happily take this for the incredible relief I felt but I also want to know if it contains unlisted pain medication with known and serious side effect's, so that I can work with my Dr. and make an informed choice .
I look forward to any additional information you or the community mean find.
My husband took Arthrotec for a very short time a number of years ago and immediately had severe liver enzyme issues, he would love to have the relief I am seeing but the risk that this supplement it may contain diclofenac is too great.

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