Mechanical heart valve noise: Do you and others hear it?

Posted by partyon @partyon, Mar 2, 2024

Two weeks post up with a mechanical valve and artoic sent replacement how can deal with the noise and vibration I can not live with this forever.

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I know this can be frustrating. I had my valve surgery 13 years ago. In time I got use to the sound. I found laying on my side helped some. Have you tried a sound machine? Maybe that would help.
Best wishes


Thank you in cardic rehab today was told by two different staff that was the loudest they have heard and was only being the same room


Can a mechanical valve be replaced with a tissue valve is that even possible


Can a mechanical valve be replaced with a tissue valve is that even possible

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As far as I’m concerned my choice was a “pig valve “ or a mechanical valve. My doctor said that a non mechanical valve has around a 10 year life expectancy where you have to replace it. My St Jude mechanical aortic valve has a life around 40 years. Oped for the 40, witch is coming up as I’ve had it for 12 years..

You need to ask your cardiologist for an answer. That’s my advice. I’m assuming putting a 10 year maximum over a 40 year maximum valve like you want to would make no sense. Ask a professional. We can’t make that call on the Mayo site. Is your mechanical valve failing? I’m just confused about why would you want a pig valve over your mechanical one.


I had mine now 17 year's after arotic valve replacement and repaired arotic artery at Mayo clinic Rochester. I hear mine but what the alternative. I had very healthy heart after having Mechanical valve since 1985. Good luck and stay positive!


I'd like to invite @davej to this conversation as well as they recently had a mechanical valve replacement as well. I also merged both of your Mechanical valve discussions into one so everyone could see your questions in one location.


As far as I’m concerned my choice was a “pig valve “ or a mechanical valve. My doctor said that a non mechanical valve has around a 10 year life expectancy where you have to replace it. My St Jude mechanical aortic valve has a life around 40 years. Oped for the 40, witch is coming up as I’ve had it for 12 years..

You need to ask your cardiologist for an answer. That’s my advice. I’m assuming putting a 10 year maximum over a 40 year maximum valve like you want to would make no sense. Ask a professional. We can’t make that call on the Mayo site. Is your mechanical valve failing? I’m just confused about why would you want a pig valve over your mechanical one.

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I think having to use bood thinners with a mechanical valve is something people don't like.


I think having to use bood thinners with a mechanical valve is something people don't like.

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First of all folks I got a mechanical St Jude aortic valve in 2012.
It makes absolutely no sound unless you put a stethoscope on it. My cardiovascular surgeon said that it clicks nice an crisp except there is a slight murmur starting to come from my heart but like I said. I only heard it through a stethoscope. Yes, I’m on Coumadin for life. The lab comes to my house every Wednesday morning and by 3:00 my INR level comes up on my phone and an order from the doctor comes in by 4:00 for determining if I should use a 2mg or 4mg. It does cause problems though.
I have surgery coming up and my cardiovascular doctor has to instruct the surgeons how much to give me or hold off. My dentist found a tooth that must be extracted (which causes me to bleed profusely.) they are waiting for his instructions. My esophagus needs to be stretched because food and liquids come up and aspirated into my lungs causing pneumonia. Not good. I need my surgeon to instruct my gastroenterologist. My right vocal cord is paralyzed so my cardiovascular surgeon needs to give approval. Colonoscopy also requires approval because I tend to have polyps. Cutting polyps causes bleeding. I’m still happy I stuck with a mechanical aortic valve though.


I'd like to invite @davej to this conversation as well as they recently had a mechanical valve replacement as well. I also merged both of your Mechanical valve discussions into one so everyone could see your questions in one location.

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This is dave I tried to reply to this comment section and for some reason I did something wrong. DR V at Mayo did my valve in june 2023 taking warafin daily not a big deal or getting INR checked regularly not a big deal. I am working out at the gym anybody have a specific question I will answer it to best of my knowledge Dave


I think having to use bood thinners with a mechanical valve is something people don't like.

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Blood thinners are a lot better than embalming fluid for me. Just kidding as it’s not a joke but I hear or feel my valve only through a stestacope. A doctor will ask if I want to listen to it and it’s clicking nice and sharp.

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