I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis.

Posted by mmteach @mmteach, May 10, 2016

I was recently diagnosed with Bronchiectasis. No symptoms yet just starting different tests- another CAT scan, pulminary function test, and possible bronchoscopy. Any advice/suggestions would be greaty appreciated. Thank you!

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@kristiemlove ... just short of miraculous!! I am so happy for your mom and for you! I am also thrilled to hear that about the colloidal silver. I have nebulized a couple of times after getting a cold this year to insure i dont get bronchitis or pneumonia. So far so good. I have been hesitant to use for any extended period of time but your info is comforting. I have always used it internally with huge success for infection. Glad to hear of your mom’s results and So very happy that she is doing so well. I am gobsmacked! Kate


@kristiemlove Could you tell us what dosage your mom took of colloidal silver and how often. Thanks, Flib

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She is doing 1 tsp every OTHER day......and the vinegar. I have come up with my own cocktail of 1 TBSP Bragg's vinegar, 3 oz. water, and a heaping spoonful of stevia. It is delicious! @flib @alleycatkate @pfists


@alleycatkate likewise, she has always used it for infection with excellent results. She is not back to 100% but pretty close. We know this is a lifelong condition, but she went from being SO BAD we all felt it had to be more than "just" MAC and bronchiectasis to SO GOOD. I know it's not for everybody, and she has been using it on a trial basis, but when the doctors gave her the green light last week, we are feeling hopeful.


@kristiemlove ...Thanks a million for your information on this alternative approach. I was very thankful to read your posting. Please keep us up to date on your mom's progress. Does she plan to continue her routine for a period of time? Your mom is a brave and determined pioneer!! Kudos to her and her free spirit. Big pharma would not appreciate her 20 cent approach...but I sure do! What does she feel about Brag's apple cider vinegar? A cleanser? Kate


Thanks for your reply, I am not sure what to do at this point as I only have 1 small section on each side of my lung that they say is bronchiectasis. My lung function was almost normal, and I am doing another CAT scan. Besides trying to build up my immunity with garlic and tumeric pills, I was told to come back in 4-6 months. I am not coughing at all, never really did. Should I just maintain a healthy diet, exercise and building up my immunity? go to mayo clinic? wait till I get an actual infection? I am waiting for the results of my alpha-? blood test, too. Thanks for any help you can throw my way. Mary

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@mmteach Hello and welcome to our group! I agree with @lauralynn in checking with your Dr about lung clearance support. I was diagnosed with MAC and bronchiectasis last year. My Dr at Mayo seemed to think that my bronchiectasis could possibly date back to childhood. Both of my issues are mild so there is nothing to do but monitor them at this time. It sounds like you are at the initial point in diagnostics but also that you might have a mild case also with no symptoms. The things that my Dr wants me to do are to be sure my acid reflux is under control as it can aspirate into the lungs. (be sure that you do not have silent acid reflux and are not aware of it) Also to keep healthy (I keep a clean diet and do supplements to reinforce my immune system) I am to follow up yearly with an xray and sputum to stay on top of my situation and do airway clearance. (nebulize saline and usage of an acapella when I feel gunky) He suggests having an antibiotic on hand (one that is not one of the big 3) for any flare ups. And Excercise! So far, so good. Hope you stay healthy and your diagnosis does not present a problem for you. You sound like you have a concerned Doctor! Best wishes....Kate


@kristiemlove ...Thanks a million for your information on this alternative approach. I was very thankful to read your posting. Please keep us up to date on your mom's progress. Does she plan to continue her routine for a period of time? Your mom is a brave and determined pioneer!! Kudos to her and her free spirit. Big pharma would not appreciate her 20 cent approach...but I sure do! What does she feel about Brag's apple cider vinegar? A cleanser? Kate

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Since I was a child, she has always done apple cider vinegar. Especially if somebody was sick, she would double up on it, but she never could get me to drink it. Until now. With the stevia. ACV has always been her go-to for everything, and I never remember my mom ever really being sick. She never got colds or the flu....to which she gives vinegar full credit. There are lots of books and articles on the subject.


It's a shock really. I am 55 years old, and my mother died from this. I am having a hard time putting this into perspective, as I have seen the worst of this condition. It's hard not to look at this a death sentence. I am grateful that I don't have symptoms yet, but it's difficult trying to find a doctor that specializes in this that is also in my insurance network.

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@mmteach Hello. My mom died from lung disease at the age 58. How old was your mom when she passed? Can you share more about how the disease took her down? Do you think she may have had worse bugs than mac going on in her lungs?


Thanks for your reply, I am not sure what to do at this point as I only have 1 small section on each side of my lung that they say is bronchiectasis. My lung function was almost normal, and I am doing another CAT scan. Besides trying to build up my immunity with garlic and tumeric pills, I was told to come back in 4-6 months. I am not coughing at all, never really did. Should I just maintain a healthy diet, exercise and building up my immunity? go to mayo clinic? wait till I get an actual infection? I am waiting for the results of my alpha-? blood test, too. Thanks for any help you can throw my way. Mary

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@mtmteach, I am happy to hear that you are catching this disease in the early stages. Your dr is right, avoid ill people, and wash your hands immediately after being in public places to avoid picking up germs that cause colds and flues. AVOID hot tubs, and indoor swimming pools! They can be loaded with mac. Wish I had known that. We had a hot tub for years and were in it every night.....pretty sure that is where I got my mac infection. I wish my drs that diagnosed with bronchiectasis many years back had said "Don't get into hot tubs", but they didn't.


@windwalker same with me, they said nothing about hottubs, wish they had.

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