Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

Posted by kirstenk2003 @kirstenk2003, Mar 30, 2022

I contracted Covid in December 2021 and am currently dealing with persistent dizziness (off balance, sometimes feels like swaying, rocking, spinning, or a pull to one side). My other most bothersome symptoms are ear ringing, headaches (pressure in the head), feelings of pressure change in my ears, trouble multitasking or thinking, along with developing anxiety/ depression and some elevated heart rate and blood pressure.

Dizziness was not a symptom of my initial infection. I developed dizziness (not BPPV) around January 15th. I saw a physical therapist who determined I had Vestibular Hypofunction and I began vestibular therapy. It seemed to be working and I even returned to my office job for about 3 weeks, restricted hours. Two weeks ago I began feeling worse again. My physical therapist believes my initial issue has improved - so he doesn't know what's causing my current onset of symptoms. I started an antihistamine to combat any allergy related ear fluid, along with an anxiety medication to try and improve my blood pressure and heart rate.

I'm going to see an ENT next, and hope that I haven't waited too long to try other remedies (if there are any). Has anyone else experienced this overwhelming dizziness and had positive results with treatment or answers as to the cause? I'm scared that this is going to be how I feel forever.

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My LC lasted 8 mo (March thru October last year). It was mostly PEM, exercize induced fatigue, and a pounding heart. It may have reappeared this week, a week of high stress and 10-hour days in the shop training folk. Or, I might have gotten glutened eating out once 6 days ago. Some of my LC symptoms are like those of my autoimmune diseases. I'm 69 and don't have brain fog, but other celiac/LC symptoms are:
Balance issues from celiac and/or MGUS (I use a balance half dome and PT to help)
Tinnitus from an injury is worse with stress or getting glutened
Depression and fatigue are initiated with LC and by gluten as are...
Irregular and pounding heartbeats
LC did not screw up my GI tract because it was already fricasseed by celiac; I keep a food log and eat mostly FODMAP to control the GI inflammation. I can eat dairy, but not a few other things
I don't get dizzy, but my sister does due to Meniere's Disease. She avoids all dairy because it can trigger the inflammation. I think the link between covid and autoimmune diseases is underresearched and something few doctors know about.

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Oh absolutely. Need to push Rheumatologist or get one who will listen and research if needed and keep pushing. We are the first of their patients and they need to admit they don’t know and either want to or don’t.


I’ve been to all sorts of doctors and specialists over the past two years. Post Covid messed up my hearing, vision, and gut, leaving me dizzy and disoriented. I have severe tinnitus and hyperacusis. Now going to Integrative doctor who at least tries to deal with some of these things. (Vitamin infusion and Ozone therapy). So far (four months) no relief.
Hard to think this is how I will feel for the rest of my life. For me, it’s sort of like being drunk for two years, and trying to carry on as if I’m ok.
I am relatively pain free, and I do not have shortness of breath. I try to be grateful for those blessings. It’s hard most days.

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Hi @dloos do you mind if I ask what type of vision issues? Is it just your prescription or is it something like onset blurred vision like double vision as if you’re drunk and shouldn’t be driving? And your gut…I had a partial colectomy for Crohn’s Disease & Diverticulitis and never had issues since 2011. Not even since COVID in 2021/22. Now I’m just starting to have issues again and trying to gain insight into what other’s are going through. Ozone therapy is not FDA approved and if relief isn’t seen after 4 months I hope you’re not paying out of pocket. People pray on us all the time because we want to get better. ❤️‍🩹


Hi @dloos do you mind if I ask what type of vision issues? Is it just your prescription or is it something like onset blurred vision like double vision as if you’re drunk and shouldn’t be driving? And your gut…I had a partial colectomy for Crohn’s Disease & Diverticulitis and never had issues since 2011. Not even since COVID in 2021/22. Now I’m just starting to have issues again and trying to gain insight into what other’s are going through. Ozone therapy is not FDA approved and if relief isn’t seen after 4 months I hope you’re not paying out of pocket. People pray on us all the time because we want to get better. ❤️‍🩹

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My vision is cloudy, especially my left eye. My eyes have gotten drier since Covid. Perhaps that is the reason for impaired vision. I have been examined by Optometrist, Ophthalmologist and Retinologist. None of them see anything except dry eye.
As I mentioned, my combined issues make me feel drunk.

My digestion is completely different. My bowel very sluggish, almost shut down. Each bowel movement is like giving birth.

I have just started Ozone. Yes, most treatments I’m doing now are considered experimental as all conventional treatments have been exhausted, and were of no help. What other choice do we have? My newer doctors are Osteopaths. They are much more open to trying different therapies.
Most treatments are covered by insurance, some not.
Everybody seems to have a somewhat different experience. So far nothing has helped me.
Good luck to all.


I am suffering from exactly the same thing, i didn't find a solution 😔

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Oh I’m a persistent individual. I don’t take no for an answer. Even if it’s 6 months and no vertigo I’ll take it but there’s always a solution to the “wrong” in our bodies. It’s telling us something. I’m happy to Dr. shop in this situation bc so many easily don’t want to get involved with the long covid issue however the ones who have taken one in their careers are the ones I will find no matter the search. I’m in the NYC area but I’ll tell you it doesn’t make the search easier it makes a lot harder with finding that needle in a haystack. Will keep you posted but it’s nice to know you’re not alone and neither am I. I just thought I was crazy at this juncture.


I had a similar feeling of my body swaying like I was on a boat at times. What has helped me with that is drinking LMNT, a powdered hydration packet, which I order through Amazon. I also lost my taste/smell with Covid in 2022 and still don’t have that back. The hydration packets really do seem to help. Good luck!


I had a similar feeling of my body swaying like I was on a boat at times. What has helped me with that is drinking LMNT, a powdered hydration packet, which I order through Amazon. I also lost my taste/smell with Covid in 2022 and still don’t have that back. The hydration packets really do seem to help. Good luck!

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I use the hydration packets from Amazon and I think they have helped me also.


Has anyone had trouble with their vision ? Some days worse than others also eye pain. On anti inflammatory eye drops which seems to help. Some days better than others. Had Covid shot in Oct. Has been a journey. Many symptoms since then. I think the fatigue is improving as long as I pace myself. Dizziness still a problem


My vision now needs prescription eye drops upon awakening and at bedtime. My vision has many “floaters “ that are aggravating me. My eyes seem permanently in and out of focus and it’s very difficult to even type this on my phone.
I’ve had cataracts removed a couple of years ago and that only helped for 6 months. My vision goes in and out. I have to blink for temporary focus and my eyes burn, even with the prescribed eye drops. I have a hard time focusing and it drives me crazy. I also have dry eye syndrome. I have the foggy brain and a non stop headache I wake up with and it stays all day varying in intensity.
I need a cane not because my legs need one but for balance. Dizzy spells since my new diagnosis of vertigo that I never had. I haven’t smoked in 30 years but I now have COPD. I’ve also developed sleep apnea which requires a c-pap machine.
My right vocal cord is jammed to the point that I have a gravel type weak voice . My throat hurts all the time especially near the end of the day. I have to gasp for air in the middle of a sentence. They found that my esophagus (near my navel in my abdomen) is slowly closing and squeezing shut which causes me to choke as food swallowed just sits there before it goes down. The pulmonologist found a spot on my lung. I’m waiting for the results of a ct scan today. I barely eat , I’ve lost 3 lbs in a week.
These may not be part of covid but it’s been since my second bout with it. I’ve had covid twice in one year despite the injections, 2 boosters, and now an RSV injection taken yesterday. Runny nose is common , I now double sneeze at any time. Breathing had become difficult since my vocal cord closed. Don’t forget, you breathe through your vocal cords. My ENT says that it’s a good thing my left vocal cord is working or I would suffocate!!
My muscles are weak throughout my body. I don’t know if these symptoms means I have long covid but it sucks enough that I don’t want to get out of bed because my depression got worse and my anxiety too. I don’t know what it is.


Has anyone had trouble with their vision ? Some days worse than others also eye pain. On anti inflammatory eye drops which seems to help. Some days better than others. Had Covid shot in Oct. Has been a journey. Many symptoms since then. I think the fatigue is improving as long as I pace myself. Dizziness still a problem

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I have a lot of eye pain in my sleep mostly. Sometimes pressure, or sharper like a tearing/cutting feeling. They sometimes go real dry and I have to wake middle of night to apply drops. Issues all started post vax Apt 2022 for me.


I had eye pain the first year of my long COVID with blurred vision and dry eyes.

The pain is gone and the blurred vision only happens when I have PEM

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