Neuropathy Pain at Night: What helps?

Posted by Donald @donfeld, Jun 8, 2020

THC or marijuana for me relieves pain from neuropathy. It works every time takes a few minutes and a few puffs of smoke and it comes it down for some crazy reason that makes this drug so popular.

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try Lyrica it works

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I was bumped up to 150 mg 2x a day and it’s not keeping the flare or pains under control. It’s spreading and out of control. Hopefully it helps others more than myself.


Plain old simple grass or weed is the best Neuropathy Pain reliever period! And if you are lost in a world of pain and won’t try it then keep on hurting! Be sure and get the Indica dominate kind. Check website “Mood” for a better understanding of these products. The Medical world knows this is the best and fastest pain reliever. Lots of ways to ingest Mary Jane but smoking is fastest working, maybe 10 seconds. Doctors are prescribing pot more and more. It’s just took a little time for folks to understand that the stuff is natures pain reliever. Good Luck, Treetop


Nobody will believe this, but for me it works. I was having strong pain in my feet especially the right one.I also had a sore heel from a shoe rubbing. I put vaseline on the sore and noticed I wasn’t getting the pain anymore there. I decided what the heck and put the vaseline on the entire foot. Result no pain all night. Works on the left foot too. I have no idea how it works for me, and whether it will work for anyone else.


aspercreme helps quite a bit


try Lyrica it works

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Per4haps for some, but of the eight listed side-effects, In hadv three of them. Double visiio was the worst. Try driving withn it....................... NO DON'T!


Per4haps for some, but of the eight listed side-effects, In hadv three of them. Double visiio was the worst. Try driving withn it....................... NO DON'T!

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Here is my prior message, this time after spell-check.

Perhaps it works for some, but of the eight listed
side-effects, I had three of them. Double visiion was the worst. Try driving with it....................... NO DON'T!


When getting up in the middle of the night and then laying back down, my feet were on fire. For a long time the best answer I could find was Bio-Freezewhuch did help some.


I have tried many approaches to this problem. I found that if I get up, take one or two Tylenols (500 mg each) and wait for 1/2 hour or so then go back to bed is the only thing that helps me. Good luck!


When getting up in the middle of the night and then laying back down, my feet were on fire. For a long time the best answer I could find was Bio-Freezewhuch did help some.

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I use any high % methol rubs. Aliev has a new product with a 3 roller ball head.


I have been prescribed Pregabalin (generic Lyrica). Plus in my state we have had medical marjiuana program so I signed up and use flower or vape product a little at night before bed. Helps sleep and reduce pain. But as with anything human being use or eat, your biology determines how well medications work.

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