Has anyone had the 2023 updated Covid shot?

Posted by lovesgreys @lovesgreys, Oct 18, 2023

Does anyone have experience with the new booster shot? If so, what has been your experience? My intergrative doctor said the booster shot will be hard on my body right now. She also said getting sick would be the same. Her treatments are helping me, and I'm improving. I don't want a shot to set me back, but also don't want Covid, which would also set me back, plus - well, Covid. I'm trying to decide whether or not to get it. I'm up on all of my shots until now. I've had LC for a year. I would love to hear if anyone has gotten the shot, and how it's affected them.

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I wonder if I am dealing with LC from vaccine. I have never had covid, we mask everywhere and keep to ourselves as my husband has COPD. I have been trying to find out the source of my fatigue and whacky blood results since April 2023, the symptoms started before that but I attributed it to a trip to high altitude, I live at sea level. I have been to three specialists and my family practitioner. The last comment from my doc was "I'm stumped." I have brought up the vaccine but the conversation ends there.

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My best friend developed long Covid symptoms beginning the day she got the vaccine. She's not an anti-vaxer, but she is convinced the vaccine was the initiating factor for her long Covid.


I shared I had a good friend with LC which appeared to be vaccine-induced, but I wanted to add that my decisions about vaccination are based on peer reviewed research. The latest research out on long covid vaccines in LC patients concludes the chance of improving symptoms is greater than the chance of symptoms worsening. Researchers found "decreased levels of several pro-inflammatory plasma cytokines/chemokines after COVID-19 vaccination," but that "SARS-CoV-2 S1 antigen persisted in the blood of PCC (post-Covid condition) participants." In other words, symptoms improved, but viral persistence remained after vaccination in more patients than not.

I've been struggling with this decision. I think I'm going to roll the dice and get the shot. I had very little reaction to the first three.

On a similar topic, who has received a flu shot since they developed long Covid?


I think I have LPCVS after 5 covid vaccinations. I will not be getting any more mRNA vaccines. I'm so weak I can hardly walk.


I’ve never had the mRNA vax, but did have one shot of J&J’s Covid vax. I’ve had Covid twice, last in Nov/Dec 2021, the Delta variant which almost killed me, had pneumonia with it. Didn’t go in hosp as I was afraid to, no matter what. I had oxygen at home already, antibiotics for the pneumonia, and some other treatments. Then I had have LC ever since. I research all the time. I would take the Novavax Covid vax as it’s not a mRNA vax, but I can’t find it locally. That where I stand at present, while I try to treat the damaged and destroyed mitochondria with certain supplements as I’m exhausted all the time. I only go out of house for medical appts and always mask up with N95 mask and glove up with clean white cotton gloves, when I go to appts.


Yes, I got the latest Covid booster in November. Slight reaction for one and then AOK. It is surging in my area and I am grateful that I have the latest vaccine.


Yes, I got the latest Covid booster in November. Slight reaction for one and then AOK. It is surging in my area and I am grateful that I have the latest vaccine.

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I, too, had the Covid booster in November. I had no problems at all.


I also had the covid vaccine in October and didn’t have any symptoms..it didn’t aggravate my long covid symptoms either which was my first concern. I heard that they developed yet another covid vaccine for the spring but I don’t know why, perhaps they found another variant that the current vaccine is not helping. I never had any issues taking the numerous covid vaccines because I trusted them and I still do but it’s very apparent that covid is constantly changing, in fact I read that covid can change even when it’s inside us which leaves me wondering if they will ever have a vaccine that covers everything.


After getting long COVID, I took my next booster in November 2023 and by then they had come out with the Novavax vaccine, which is non-MRNA and seems to elicit a milder reaction from your immune system. I understand that it uses the same technology as they use for the flu shots (i.e., not having your body's cells produce proteins, etc.) so there is less chance of your body producing another protein in error and having your immune system react to it. I know I'm not explaining it in the most precise terms, but there was a recent article about the Pfizer vaccine (MRNA) stating that it had caused some of these erroneous proteins (I think proteins, but at any rate, pieces of proteins) to be synthesized by some people, but they said that it was harmless but that they would be working in the future to improve the vaccine to eliminate that from happening. I myself had taken all of the Moderna MRNA boosters before now, but since I have long COVID and wanted to be cautious, I took the Novavax vaccine this time and recommend the Novavax version for anyone who wants a milder COVID vaccine. I didn't feel any reaction from it at all, vs. the day of fever that I felt with each of the Moderna MRNA boosters.

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I’ve never had a mRNA vax, just 1 J&J non-mRNA one. I’ve had Covid twice, LC since Nov 2021. I tried to get the new Novavax but couldn’t find it anywhere in my location. When I took the J&J in summer 2022 I had to go out of town to find one and I live in a metro cities of about 250,000 people. They make it super hard for anyone who doesn’t want the mRNA. I had to go out of town a little later to get Evusheld, a monoclonal antibody, set of 2 injections, to actually prevent one from getting Covid in first place, supposed to last 6 months and was only available for people with compromised immune systems. Then government took that off the market, had excuse that Covid has once again mutated. Of course it had but they weren’t even giving the Evusheld a chance to see if it worked or not.
Anyway I haven’t had Covid again, that I know of, since the Evusheld. But I only leave house for medical appts, and I always N95 up and white cotton glove up.


I also had the covid vaccine in October and didn’t have any symptoms..it didn’t aggravate my long covid symptoms either which was my first concern. I heard that they developed yet another covid vaccine for the spring but I don’t know why, perhaps they found another variant that the current vaccine is not helping. I never had any issues taking the numerous covid vaccines because I trusted them and I still do but it’s very apparent that covid is constantly changing, in fact I read that covid can change even when it’s inside us which leaves me wondering if they will ever have a vaccine that covers everything.

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Sorry, but the mRNA vaccines aren’t really vaccines. They don’t prevent you from getting Covid, nor prevent you from getting sick and even dying from Covid. That’s what real vaccines are supposed to do to be called “vaccines”. These mRNA shots are experimental genetic engineering profit-making experiments.


That’s very frightening to hear this, I have never had any reason to distrust vaccines, we have been getting them since birth and we have gotten rid of many diseases in doing this. Today we are facing a new disease and it’s causing chaos in our lives, it’s going to take some time to get this under control. Statistics show that our vaccines have gotten some good results with controlling covid. I have heard many theories and I’m sure most of the people have also heard them …it’s entirely up to yourself what you choose to do, thank God we still have some freedom of choice.

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