Testosterone Therapy

Jan 10, 2019 | Tiffany Rindels | @tiffanyrindels | Comments (8)


Urologist Dr. Landon Trost shares the latest research on testosterone therapy for older men.  For most men, testosterone peaks during adolescence and early adulthood. Then, as men get older, testosterone levels gradually fall.  If testosterone drops below a certain level, it can cause symptoms.

In adult males, hypogonadism may alter certain masculine physical characteristics and impair normal reproductive function. Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • Decrease in beard and body hair growth
  • Decrease in muscle mass
  • Development of breast tissue (gynecomastia)
  • Loss of bone mass (osteoporosis)

To see if testosterone therapy may be right for you, make an appointment to see your doctor and assess your symptoms. He or she can do a thorough evaluation and help you decide what, if any, treatment you may need.

Helpful Links

More helpful discussion may be found at the Men's Health Group

Learn more about testosterone.

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effects of testosterone below 100 ngdl in a 59 year old male born with primary testicle failure with chronic scrotal content pain for over 20 years eau claire mayo urologists says your testicles never developed and you were born with this take 800 miligram ibuprophin and live with the pain its like they sweep you under the rug because they do not want to deal with you any help


effects of testosterone below 100 ngdl in a 59 year old male born with primary testicle failure with chronic scrotal content pain for over 20 years eau claire mayo urologists says your testicles never developed and you were born with this take 800 miligram ibuprophin and live with the pain its like they sweep you under the rug because they do not want to deal with you any help

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Hi @subarulegacy99, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Were you able to to ask about testosterone therapy? Is it a possibility for you?


Hi @subarulegacy99, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Were you able to to ask about testosterone therapy? Is it a possibility for you?

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yes getting bi weekly shots of testosterone but still have pain in inguinal canals testicles are less than 1ml in size and in prescrotal position when standing and upper scrotum when sitting,they were this size before getting testosterone injections.


my urologist sent me to to Mayo endocrinologist. he said he couldnt palpate any testicular flesh at all said my hypogonadism was because of testosterone injections what a asshole ,mayo urology diaggnosed primary testicle failure 20 years prior to seeing doctor he couldnt find the info with dr in my records and wouldnt listen to what i told him


my total testosterone is now at 66ng/dl and i now have type2 diabetes would testosterone injections help lower my a1c level as i have read at european journal of medical research that it can be beneficial but bloomer doctor says only what goes in your mouth controls your a1c


my urologist sent me to to Mayo endocrinologist. he said he couldnt palpate any testicular flesh at all said my hypogonadism was because of testosterone injections what a asshole ,mayo urology diaggnosed primary testicle failure 20 years prior to seeing doctor he couldnt find the info with dr in my records and wouldnt listen to what i told him

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@subarulegacy99, I recommend that you contact Mayo Clinic's Office of Patient Experience. They would want to know about this and to help rectify the situation with you and the care providers at Mayo.

Here is the contact information:
Office of Patient Experience
Phone: 844-544-0036 (toll free)
Email: opx@mayo.edu


Hi. I'm 75 and am having trouble keeping my PSA under 5.00 and my testosterone level above 200. I'm on testosterone gel therapy. The THT obviously doesn't elevate my testosterone level but it seems to raise my PSA. Any ideas how balance these two numbers? (My PCP just told me to stop with the gel treatment when my PSA number came back at 530.)


Hi. I'm 75 and am having trouble keeping my PSA under 5.00 and my testosterone level above 200. I'm on testosterone gel therapy. The THT obviously doesn't elevate my testosterone level but it seems to raise my PSA. Any ideas how balance these two numbers? (My PCP just told me to stop with the gel treatment when my PSA number came back at 530.)

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Did the Testosterone 1.62 gel help with your libido, and/or did it raise your free testosterone level? I know it raises the total testosterone level but I'm not sure about the Free
T. Really interested in which hormone(s) raise libido because mine does not exist. And or course that leads to persistent and total ED.

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