Mentors: A critical ingredient for Mayo Clinic Connect

Jan 30, 2017 | Colleen Young, Connect Director | @colleenyoung | Comments (2)

It’s National Mentoring Month and time to celebrate our volunteer Mentors.


While traditionally National Mentoring Month focuses the mentorship of young people, we want to thank our volunteer Mentors, who help all Mayo Clinic Connect members. Mentors offer a helping hand at a time when people might be feeling scared, worried, or just unsure what to do next. They are hosts, advisors, sources of information and the best listeners.  

What is a Connect Mentor?

Connect Mentors are active members of the community who have first-hand experience with a health condition(s). They are patients, caregivers and family members who volunteer to participate regularly in the community, connect members and spread the word about Connect.

Mentors are knowledgeable, compassionate, helpful, and understanding. They ensure Connect is a safe, welcoming place for people to talk about their health experiences, ask questions, find support and share information.

Please meet your Connect Mentors and the groups you’re most likely to find them in:

  • @cynaburst: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HC), Heart & Blood Health, Brain Tumor
  • @dawn_giacabazi: Bones, Joints & Muscles, Diabetes/Endocrine System, Epilepsy & Seizures, Just Want to Talk
  • @hopeful33250: Cancer, Heart & Blood Health, Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs), Parkinson's Disease
  • @IndianaScott: Brain Tumor, Caregivers
  • @kariulrich: Brain Tumor, Brain & Nervous System, Heart & Blood Health
  • @katemn: Lung Health, MAC & Bronchiectasis, Visiting Mayo Clinic
  • @mlemieux: Skin Health, Heart & Blood Health, Mental Health
  • @predictable: Cancer, Heart & Blood, Kidney & Bladder
  • @rosemarya: Kidney & Bladder, Transplants, Visiting Mayo Clinic
  • @johnbishop: Autoimmune Diseases, Chronic Pain, Brain & Nervous System
  • @safetyshield: About Kids & Teens, Chronic Pain, Digestive Health
  • @sandytoes14: Bones, Joints & Muscles, Chronic Pain

Connect Volunteer Patient Mentors

What do Mentors do?

Mentors volunteer their time to

  • Welcome and support new members
  • Check in on members
  • Start discussions and keep them going
  • Tell people about Connect within their social networks (on- and offline)
  • Work with the community Moderators to improve the community

I think fellow member @llwortman expresses our collective gratitude best:
Aren't we fortunate to have mentors at Mayo Clinic Connect, I often ask, where do they get their non stop compassion? Thank you for these caring mentors at Connect!
Learn more about why and how we moderate Mayo Clinic Connect, the role of our Moderators and Mentors, and how you can join the Mentor team.

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I joined today to become a mentor and I am excited to get started. I am a Paramedic that has completed Nursing (RN) and I have 28 years of experience in the medical field. Currently, I am caring for my mother with advanced Alzheimers. I also work full-time, so I'm well acquainted with the demand this disease has on a caregivers life and time. I am currently single- I have time for me later- I only have one mother and it is my pleasure, (sometimes I am stressed out too), to care for her. Let me help you with ideas that have helped me care for my mother.


I joined today to become a mentor and I am excited to get started. I am a Paramedic that has completed Nursing (RN) and I have 28 years of experience in the medical field. Currently, I am caring for my mother with advanced Alzheimers. I also work full-time, so I'm well acquainted with the demand this disease has on a caregivers life and time. I am currently single- I have time for me later- I only have one mother and it is my pleasure, (sometimes I am stressed out too), to care for her. Let me help you with ideas that have helped me care for my mother.

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Welcome to Connect, @medicmaria.
We look forward to learning more about you in the Caregivers group and welcome your contributions.

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