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  • Search by keywords or complete phrases.
  • To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
1,192 total results
Comments (1,089)
Hey there I went to the ER with mild chest pains, nausea and heartburn that came...
gastro Dr as I have been on meds for hiata ... hernia and acid reflux. ... endoscope was done and was told the hernia ... Several tests have been done and the hernia ... You might have a sliding hernia.
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Posted: Feb 10, 2019
I'm and 82 Y.O. male who was able to eat and drink most things during my...
stomach had grown up thru a hole in my hiatel ... hernia into my upper chest cavity between ... degree wrap to close the hole in the hernia ... so, they could have corrected the hiatel ... hernia issue and I would probably be
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Aug 14, 2022