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67 total results
Comments (62)
I usually have the yogurt or Kefir as an afternoon snack. No later than 3 pm...
I usually have the yogurt or Kefir as ... No later than 3 pm because I don’t want
Many cannot have dairy due to an intolerance or allergy (or preference). You really don't have...
makes a carbonated plain mineral water ... use organic, fermented dairy like kefir
From your list of foods you eat, there’s a lot of dairy and some high fat...
good suggestions include drinking Kefir ... Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated ... healthy ingredient - berries, yogurt or kefir ... butter like almond or cashew, add water
I can offer anecdotal evidence for drinking golden milk to lower blood pressure. Golden milk is...
turmeric roots, a bit of goat's milk kefir ... not limited to, coconut or oat milk, kefir ... About four months later, he returned
I looked up side effects of Miralax and had to quit it. I had headaches, nausea,...
prunes and prune juice with pulp and kefir ... My G/I motility specialist told me water
Fresh, organic, non gmo, non gluten foods: Very balanced between protein and vegetables (those containing both...
natural probiotics (e.g., sauerkraut, kefir ... A lot of Smart Water (it has a lot of ... electrolytes) and regular water.
@flib That's so scary! Do you have trouble making yourself eat? Are you on treatment for...
Then I had hemoptysis a month later ... protein, drank a smoothie made with kefir
Bcsbuddy- I am on a roll now and will order the book you recommended as I...
Pro-biotic yogurt, kefir allowed but ... looking at sugar does not make my mouth water
Hi @emstorm, I have an ileostomy and am prone to pretty dramatic water-dumping/dehydration events requiring hospitalization....
ileostomy and am prone to pretty dramatic water-dumping ... One office visit and then drinking Kefir
For anyone with nasty smelling urine, make sure you’re adequately hydrated. Plain water is probably best...
Plain water is probably best (with a ... Drinking Kefir is a good option.
Leaky gut is real. What I found helped after extensive testing from my doctor and the...
fermented foods to my diet that includes Kefir ... that are only made from the nuts and water
I had Bronchiectasis since2017, after I had a cold and prolonged coughing. At end of last...
ordered CT scan.lung function,a few days later ... adding rifampin, and another week later ... morning empty stomach with a glass of water ... ,1 hour later I take Arithromicin with ... intestinal bacteria imbalance I took yogurt,kefir
I have two, yes 2, rheumys. One is kind of OK and a long drive away....
info from having 2 rheumys, and then later ... I take my pills with 2 cups of kefir
Digest bitters. I take them from a company called Gaia. Betain HCL Pepsin gets put out...
now often eat only once a day, with kefir ... my first meal of the day at 12 or later ... kimchi, kefir (plain no sugar, sweeteners ... handle. i.e. magnesium from coconut water
Hi i am currently having troubles. I to have pmr and gca. Started actemra infusions in...
So I'm worse off a year later. ... inflammatory diet, just started drinking kefir
Well.... prebiotics, and probiotics. I drink kefir (liquid yogurt drink). I’m Russian, so I love pickled...
I drink kefir (liquid yogurt drink) ... Lots of water.
Thank you! There is a lot of info in your msg, and the similarities as well...
Water or Smart Water, but no milk, tho ... I might try kefir and miso next week
@musicinme2 - Kefir is a great choice. Milk allergy is an immune response to the protein...
@musicinme2 - Kefir is a great choice ... Some may later in life tolerate milk
@jfperrone Diet is the main thing that will help. There is no one-fit-all diet. We are...
Rich probiotic foods like yogurt and kefir ... I do, but not as watery as they used
Josita: I know after stared solid food I get sharp pain and.burning my lower pelvic side....
First when I weak up a warm water with ... Around 10am you blender papaya and Kefir
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