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329 total results
Comments (307)
I appear to have the symptoms of LPR - throat mucus and burning, hoarseness and sometimes...
I appear to have the symptoms of LPR ... seen this symptom mentioned in any LPR ... whether bad stomach aches is common in LPR
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Mar 13, 2020
Could you have LPR, also known as respiratory reflux? If so, many people say the meds...
Could you have LPR, also known as respiratory ... Jamie Koufman, who have diets for GERD/LPR ..., which offers info on LPR
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Dec 26, 2023
My dr is not so sure that lpr is a real thing and if you go...
My dr is not so sure that lpr is a real ... you go on line some sites claim that lpr
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Sep 21, 2023
LPR can cause all the feelings that the OP suggested in his opening thread and LPR...
LPR can cause all the feelings that ... suggested in his opening thread and LPR ... For those with GERD, LPR, and reflux ... , especially LPR reflux meds are not ... LPR diets are also wildly successful
Support Group: Lung Health
Posted: Apr 16, 2020
Hello Sue, You make very good points here but I believe that Mycobacteria can also cause...
reflux called laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR ... If you do have Reflux and/or LPR and ... have personal experience with both LPR
Hi @melindanorman, as the patient, you are the CEO of your team and you have several...
Mayo for throat symptoms (most likely LPR ... considering-a-visit-to-mayo-for-throat-symptoms-most-likely-lpr ... Other laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR ... search=LPR
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Jan 4 12:47pm