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275 total results
Comments (243)
Please, if at all possible, keep us posted on your treatments and findings. I know some...
scope into your nose right the the eustachian ... tube to view it. ... ballon dilation might be helpful for eustachian ... tube dysfunction, but no one has ever ... tubes.
I have no balance issues just mucous in my sinuses and blocked Eustachian tubes which I...
just mucous in my sinuses and blocked Eustachian ... tubes which I believe contributes to ... pain to wear all the time I have had tubes
Yes! I had one back in around 1993 and it resolved on its on. I then...
and doesn't back up into your eustachian ... tubes like the netti pot.
Discussion: Sinus cyst
Posted: May 10, 2023
ENT isn't good enough, you need an otologist, that's a specialty in ENT. Because the equipment...
camera into your nose to examine your eustachian ... tubes (or larynx, etc.), don't ... It sounds to me that you have a eustachian ... tube disorder.
I have MCTD, an overlap disease. I end up chasing the symptoms rather than the diagnosis....
cheeks to keep the salivary glands/eustachian ... tubes clear--lemon drops help keep
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Posted: Mar 12 12:45am
Hi, I have Widex aids..and they are 6 years old..and cost me $5,000 way back then....
the problem, but my doctor said my Eustachian ... tubes are collapsed and that is what ... gradually, got nerve damage and the eustachian ... tube problem..Has anyone ever seen
Support Group: Hearing Loss
Posted: Sep 18, 2021
@lacy2 It sounds like you have a number of health problems and your ear issue has...
imallears that can answer your regarding eustachian ... tube in a central location. ... Like you, I used to think eustachian ... tubes were only for children but I&
Posted: Feb 15, 2021