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892 total results
Comments (811)
@lineage Now you know the reason that I make efforts to help patients like you. It...
paresthesia that gave me shooting electric ... not to move or I would get another shock
@wisfloj Your experience will be different depending on your pain tolerance, if you have or don't...
graph on the monitor that shows the electric ... move your muscles which receive the electric ... injection that caused off the charts electric ... shock pains and those went on for a
We just made a 1500 mile 3 day trip between our winter and summer homes. To...
- Stocked up on masks (reuseable ones ... We elected not to try takeout because
Hi, @rosemaria61 - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Your headaches indeed sound quite painful. One tool...
amberpep may have some thoughts on this electric ... shock-like pain with an MRI that showed
Dear Teresa, I am 59 and received 3 phase electric shock accidentally, up until then I...
I am 59 and received 3 phase electric ... shock accidentally, up until then I ... my first seizure 2 weeks after the shock ... After electric shock and prior to my
Hello @ew100, I haven't experienced what you have but definitely would not like it even if...
shooting pain that can be similar to an electric ... shock sensation.
@amywood20 You story is similar to my own. The symptoms and tender spots you've described are...
that caused intense burning stabbing electric ... shock pain in my dominant hand that
The VA is my only source for healthcare. After years of complaint about symptoms and many...
headaches, weird sensation in my throat, electric ... shock type pain when turning head,
I am a 24yr old female. I am looking for some help.. i feel no doctor...
the same feeling before my seizures (electric ... shock feeling in my right thumb)
@katie215 No surgeon can guarantee they can cure all your pain, but they can help the...
forward and down, I could send an electric ... shock down my body.
Years ago I used to have a horrid electric shock itch/tingle of my right shoulder. Unbearable....
Years ago I used to have a horrid electric ... shock itch/tingle of my right shoulder ... years I get a pain in my scalp like electric ... shock/tingle, it hurts.
I started with oxcarbazepine only when I felt the discomfort half in morning and half at...
After I had my first attack (electric ... shock,) that lasted for 15 minutes
Hi, @carmelo1morrone - that is great to hear that your electric shock feeling is gone after...
- that is great to hear that your electric ... shock feeling is gone after your microvascular
I just joined today. I’m really confused why I have 106.7 B6 and 1303 B12 levels...
that have helped me are compression socks ... step felt like someone playing a wild electrical
Good morning, I’m a 54 year old female and had a double knee replacement a year...
unconventional therapies in addition to my electric ... I’m in shock but this combination seems
@herbnj- A warm welcome to our wonderful group. I have PTSD and depression, and anxiety, among...
I would think that electro shock and
Brain zaps equals electrical types shock inside your head...mine were caused by eye movement alone. The...
Brain zaps equals electrical types shock ... The shocks got strong enough to make ... anything, usually in groups of 3-6 shocks
@Im so sorry your in so much lain I ditto last night Finally took a Advil...
you ever think of Shingles with that electric ... shock ?
Hi, Marilyn. I have the same electric shock. Mine usually goes from the back of my...
I have the same electric shock. ... The shock could be when wires get crossed
I do feel the electrical shock pain and also burning at the same time.
I do feel the electrical shock pain
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